It’s probably time for a Hanzo nerf

Making Hanzo not able to headshot with Storm arrow would be a good start. If FtH can’t do that, Storm arrow certainly should be able to do that.

Afterwards, either make his lunge or storm arrows weaker. One or the other, not both. Then Hanzo prob be fine.


You just need to think about it:

Hanzo is considered a sniper but actually spreads more terror when in close combat. That just cant be right. I myself am a Genji player but when I play a different hero I fear Hanzo a lot more than Genji. He could potentially one shot me from any distance and spam me down when he comes close. He currently is the way stronger brother with more damage potential than any other dps.

In the current healing and tanking meta normal bit by bit damage abilitys are just nullified by healing so quickly its mostly burst or one shot that is required to be successful. Hanzo currently has both plus escape. Therefore on paper he might be in line with other dps but paper doesnt consider healing can prevent death by 3*70 dmg shots but not from 250 dmg headshot.

Furthermore picking counters against him has lost every effect with him just spamming them down while jumping back. Its not a problem with him escaping, the problem is with him actually overpowering counters.

I’d much rather have Hanzo being a hitscan who does instakills with aiming instead of having this absurd arrow hitboxes which allow him to headshot by spamming arrows…

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If it WAS instant RNG death, yes.

But 9/10 the Hanzo had to aim the arrow to kill me.

i have no fun playing against anyone i just want them dead so i can move the payload or capture a point or better yet…keep them from stalling and causing a overtime to happen…that is all…can it just be that simple?

Well that’s easy.

  1. You can call E spam if you want but at the end of the day it has to be aimed to get crits. And it has a fraction of the hitbox that scatter and hook do.

  2. Storm doesn’t lock me in place for two seconds as Im pulled across the map.

  3. Getting one shot “on accident” doesnt really happen. Maybe 1% of cases.

Most deaths to Hanzo are him aiming at someone else and coincidentally headshotting a different target.

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i have accidently ran into alot of his arrows…the random ones and have been killed in one shot so yeah his dmg does need a nerf…plus its a dang arrow.The bullets in this game do less damage 95% of the time.

Don’t talk sense on these forums.

Tanks and Healers are untouchable, and every DPS has to be F tier, if one comes close to being viable, they need nerfing. Thems the rules.

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If that’s the case for you, you should probably work on countering him.

It’s amazing that some people actually have this mindset.


Majority of the forum it seems.

Any time a DPS dares to not be a trash pick, it’s time for a nerf :laughing:

Have you encountered the people that worship tanks and healers?

So is Widow but of course people will complain about him.

I don’t agree with a nerf, but I DO agree that this is an issue.

You can use rhetoric like this to argue against any long-range hero.

A level 58 with a private profile. My guess is… 0 zero hours on Hanzo

I’m going to stop you there… it’s been stated time and and and time again that Hanzos projectiles are among the smallest in the game. This argument is null and void.

His projectile length may be really long, but that doesn’t serve your analogy at all.

Hanzo loses to Winston in 1v1

If you’re dying to Hanzo as Winston, you’re either not prioritizing Hanzo like you should, or you’re already low health.


So does Hanzo… obviously you haven’t played him. You should go do that before you have an opinion about him.

Gonna stop you there… if what you are saying is true, then his pick-rate & win-rate are different in Diamond+, right? But it isn’t… it’s the same across the board. In fact, in Masters+, due to GOATS, his pick-rate plummets.


We seriously need a megathread to explain to all that don’t know that ALL HITBOXES ARE THE SAME FOR ALL HEROES AND HANZOS PROJECTILES ARE THE SMALLEST IN THE GAME.

No, they’re not… you just feel that way because :salt:


If Hanzo’s statistics are anything to go by, he is far from having too much. A sub 50% W/L is indicative of a weaker hero, not an overpowered one.

Which leads into my question, what OP hero has ever had a straight even or negative W/L? Cause last time I checked, a hero being OP means they are an objectively better pick than their peers. Not a worse or average one.

A Hero doesn’t have to be broken to need a nerf. Hanzo isn’t unkillable or super overpowered, he’s just overtuned. 125/250 with very minimal aim skill needed, extremely forgiving projectile hitreg and interpolation, better mobility than any DPS bar Genji, one of the best AOE/denial ults in the game that charges super quickly, a wallhack arrow that for some reason does full damage, and a burst skill that’s basically original Fan the Hammer but even more powerful. With Hanzo’s buffs and especially the introduction of Ashe there’s no reason to ever pick McCree or Soldier 76 anymore for example, as anything they can do Hanzo and Ashe can do far better. Hanzo’s only real solutions are Widow, Tracer, and Genji, but Widow is extremely weak at close range while Hanzo is extremely strong - at all ranges - and Tracer/Genji only need one flick shot and they’re dead.

In short, Hanzo is a highly mobile flanker but also a sniper but also a supporter but also a >250 HP CQC shredder but also a tankbuster but also a crowd clearer. There is no situation in which Hanzo is at a disadvantage aside from a long-range Widow duel, but given the leniency of his projectiles it’s less of him being disadvantaged and more of just having no clear advantage.

In every scenario and matchup Hanzo is evenly-matched at worst, which can’t be said of any other Hero in the game. Is he game-breakingly overpowered? No. Does he need nerfed? Yes. He stands above every other DPS in the game for the simple fact that there is no solution, counter, or matchup that he’s vulnerable to, and despite being classed as a sniper he is optimal at all ranges.

It’s a situation very similar to old Brig where he plays like several Heroes in one.

Statistics are not the sole indicator of how a kit is performing as that is more related to how a PLAYER is performing then anything else.

A hero can be overtuned but poorly utilized.

Which Hanzo is actually one of the most stable and better picks in the game.

High damage, high mobility, can be used at any range. Has no definitive weakness (he can kite being dived and out duel at mid to long range), offers a utility for peeking corners without risking oneself.

Storm Arrow is at the same skill level as Fan the Hammer, except it does more damage, has no falloff, and can headshot. Hanzo should not be a close-combat Terminator. It’s like if you gave Widow an automatic combat shotgun as her secondary. “Taking away a skill ceiling”? No, taking away the one vulnerability Hanzo should have as a sniper is what Storm Arrow currently does.

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