It’s probably time for a Hanzo nerf

funny you think that this is my main :slight_smile: also hanzo usually wins the 1v1 with Winston because his leap is on a shorter CD then winstons and he has storm arrow as well as wall climb. also just because they have not played hanzo means their input is invalid because look at pro players coaches like jayne he is not a TOP500 player yet coaches and teaches them

Insert Ron Burgundy “I don’t believe you” GIF

Unlike yours, someone can look at my profile and see that I have 2nd most hours on Hanzo

“You don’t say”
(20 chr)

Yeah hanzo need nerf.
Doomfist need buffs too after blizzard decided to kill him with those nerfs.

only in QP you barely touch him in Comp

btw here is my main :slight_smile:

That’s because I don’t play comp. I tried it a few times… still didn’t like it. I only play QP.

then in QP you cant get a feel of how balanced a hero is because of how QP is


I can’t get a feel for what’s meta, yes, but that does not = not getting a feel for balance at all.

the comps are usually 5 dps and a roadhog, people don’t get much healing people are of drasticly differing skill levels, etc you can hardly get a feel for how balanced a hero is in QP just look at brig she didn’t get any nerfs till AFTER she was in comp because you cant get much of an idea of how a hero will perform until people are trying to win on both sides instead of just QP

It takes 1 match to be good at prime Hog 1.0 but it takes forever to be good at Hanzo.

One reason why he should stay OP because he’s a high skilled hero and only a minority are good at him. Nerfing him will make him go back to his troll days.

I thought it was because of whiny dps mains and healers alike that were out of position and the nerf was completely a kneejerk reaction

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Why Im wrong?

Blanced don’t mean that the hero have a good pickrate in this elo. Would this be true, neither Doomfist or Brigitte had to be nerfed last patch, because both of them where not the top of there class?

Pickrate don’t mean that the hero is OP or something. The pickrate show us how good this hero is to enable other heroes that are meta with them. Or would you say that both Ana and Reinhardt are now OP, because the have a chance to be in 60% of the time in your team? (The 60% are the pickrate * the hero slots you have).

Edit: If you go the way, that the winrate should show, how good balanced a hero is, I would disagree with you there too. Take Sombra, she have in every elo a winrate under 50%. Do you think that Sombra is underpowered and need a hard (unfair) Buff like Hanzo?
No, I don’t think that she need a buff or something like that. It is again there potenzial to enable other heroes that held her statistic back.

Hanzo’s projectiles aren’t the smallest in the game, actually. They’re tied for second smallest.


Lol what.
Storm arrows fires in the general direction, meaning it has the same skill ceiling as his normal bow, it just fires faster, and his bow is really hard to hit. FTH fires in random directions. You cannot compare the two.