It’s probably time for a Hanzo nerf

His awful design has plagued the game since his rework. OG Hog was nerfed because he wasn’t fun to play against. Hanzo’s is the same.


“Fun to play against” is subjective. Hog was nerfed because landing hook was almost always a guarenteed pick even through walls occasionally.

Hanzo is fine in his current state.


Well, how would you nerf him?

Statistically is he balanced. He has a healthy pickrate and his average damage is on par with other DPS’ers.

How would you nerf him without making him F-tier or by making him weaker than other DPS’ers?


My definition of fun isn’t “If this hero looks at you, you’re dead”, which is what Hanzo is right now.


Take away Storm Arrow’s ability to headshot, and greatly reduce the damage of his Sonic (tracking) arrow, maybe to half.

What needs nerfed is the fact that he’s a sniper that excels at all ranges, rather than medium-long. If you get the drop on him, he should be dead or forced to escape.

Instead, he can just pop Storm Arrow and burst you for 400-600 damage in under two seconds. It’s Fan the Hammer on steroids. Even if you somehow survive, he can then just double jump and climb away, because his mobility is absurdly good and greater than any other DPS.


Being with your team would probably help with that.


Can you be more specific? What about his design is awful?

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No other DPS has that sort of impact. Even Widowmaker is only effective at range.

Close, near, far, wherever you are, Hanzo looks at you and you’re dead. The only DPS counters are Widow - and only then at long range, because she too is dead if she gets anywhere near him - and another Hanzo.

Maybe Genji, who also desperately needs a nerf.


I would just lower the damage output of his primary fire and increase his fire rate.

This way should he theoretically be able to keep the same average damage as now, but can he no longer oneshot the majority of the character roster. I don’t think he’s being played like a sniper but more like a generic DPS’er. Well, why not make him a full one and tone down the sniper part of him?

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I’d like him to be a midrange marksman, something along the lines of what McCree was supposed to be. Drop his arrow damage down to 75/150, slightly increase his fire rate, remove Storm Arrow headshots, drop his Sonic Arrow damage to half, and he’s mostly fixed.

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Instant RNG death you can’t do anything about. Is fun to you?


Yeah lets make Tanks and Support even better LUL

I would just make his arrows do less (I can’t seem to figure out what though) with a faster fire rate.

I’d say 75/150. A whole lot more fair than the current 125/250 with magnetized headshots.

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The issue is that a number like that is borderline worthless.

Heck, I would be fine if they just decreased the arrow hitbox. 4


Why must every single character have their game design flattened?

Hanzo was a sniper whose scatter shot was removed for obvious reasons, but the replacement wasn’t thought out at all. Storm Arrows is not an ability Hanzo should ever have had, as its incongruent with the rest of his design and completely changed his playstyle to make his entire kit worse to play against. The tradeoff for his high damage per shot was the projectile speed, which allowed enemies to dodge at long range.

Now that he’s a close combat specialist though, that’s completely gone.

Hanzo should’ve become a zoning specialist, with storm arrow being a deployable AoE with damage over time. Depending on the size of the zone, this could punish chokes or keep him safe against close combat encounters, and it would help define him as something better than ‘yet another McCree style hero’.


I would rather us not worry about nerfing DPS, like as a general rule, until there is at least one in the meta but That’s Just Me


Isn’t it literally the worst time to nerf Hanzo?

He is far from meta and there are several other dps above him in terms on pick-rate and win-rate (not as it matters as not a single dps is meta atm).

Maybe we should wait until the next meta before considering to nerf him or not. Currently we are just going on your opinion because you don’t like him.


one thing i want

is a nerf to the quiet arrows,they should make more noise during a loud fight

Hanzo can whiff +10 shots but you dont notice it until he hits you. And then you’re dead because he almost always intakills without trying

a widow and ashe you can actually hear and feels less bad to die to then hanzo


Close, near, far, wherever you are, Hanzo looks at you and you’re dead.

lmao 4head amarite?