It’s probably time for a Hanzo nerf

She has to charge more because she does more damage and has hitscan which really is clik4head and kill.

I don’t think I’ll ever like Hanzo, lol. Something about a projectile sniper just always feels cheap when you get killed.

The only real “unfun” part of his kit to play against is getting randomly headshot from an arrow turning a corner or eating one that was intended for an entirely different person. However, that’s literally his primary fire… not much to do about it without completely removing him for another hero essentially.

You say that a sniper that can spam his shots, have an insta kill above every range, better movment skills than the dive tanks AND a short to long range burst skill is balanced?

I give you credit that Hanzo may be balanced for everything under dia. But when you know HOW and WHERE you should play this hero he is broken. And don’t tell me now “But he have counters.”
Yes he have counters like every other hero have in this game. But when Hanzo can burst down one of his counters in less than Reaper could, have an skill on no cooldown which he can switch between high and low ground AND have a dash to get out of the effectiv range of his “counters” that not balanced. Not to mention that he is the most unfun hero to play against atm (in my opinion he was more unfun than Brigitte ever was).

Blizzard gave Hanzo the ability for a pick, shild breaker and tank buster hero. Everything in just one kit. And he isn’t like Bastion, who must be static, to deal an unnormal amount of damage.

I can understand that you don’t want to nerf Hanzo, because you think he is “balanced”. Thats ok.
But he is like old Hog, a hero that need almost no skill, because his kit is so spammy and don’t get punished for mistakes.
Buff his kit, that ok, but get ride of this spammy character of his kit OR make him weaker against his counters.
Give him revert drop off damage so he still CAN do something against medium to long range, but in close combat he shouldn’t be able to counter his “counters.”
I don’t care what happen to him, Blizzard can buff him even more, but get ride of that spam poop.

No DPS, including Hanzo, is in need of a nerf currently. Some of the DPS do need buffs, however.

It is certainly not the time to nerf Hanzo. His performance is average to other DPS currently, and all DPS are non factors in the meta.

It’s better that the developers invest the time into considering how to rebalance the tanks and supports at the moment.


I don’t really see how someone pressing E and spamming me out is more fun than getting hooked… or getting one shot on accident… or watching him jump away from anything I try to do to him…

That’s the most awful idea I’ve ever heard.
You’re literally removing the high skill ceiling of the ability.


Storm arrow’s a dumb ability. I hate it almost as much as other people hate scatter.

Also the air-dash is silly. Why was he given that again?


Well Hanzo is ALMOST viable…clearly he needs to be nerfed

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Hanzo killed something. Let’s nerf him.

After his nerf: Hanzo managed to kill something. Better nerf him again.

It’ll never end tbh.


Lunge cooldown should be 8 seconds. Only nerf he needs.

Why do you have a problem with Storm arrows? It doesn’t do anything extremely frustrating, it is just a rapid fire ability, big whoop!

Compare it to Zen, he is also a quick-firing projectile hero with no drop-off damage. 2.5 shots per second and 60 damage per projectile with discord, honestly it isn’t that much different from Storm arrows.

I feel like whatever Hanzo got people would complain, they don’t hate the ability, they hate Hanzo.


There’s a few reasons behind why I hate it, a lot of it is personal bias, bare that in mind.

  • It’s terribly uncreative, oh cool he can shoot more arrows faster, how exciting.
  • Spam abilities are always annoying. It creates a truckload of Hanzos who’ll just storm arrow every tank they see every time it’s off CD, Rein dropped his shield? Better storm arrow him for the 40th time this match. (Also missing his shots is less punishing now because he can fling more of them at you).
  • The damage output still feels gross.

Like… why didn’t they just rework scatter arrow? There’s so many ways to make it not broken and they tried zero of them.

Again, might be personal salt/bias here, but still. I hate storm arrow. Annoying.


I swear, the people that always want to nerf Hanzo:

  • have little to no time on him
  • are terrible at him

Oh, but they’ll sit there and tell you about how it’s soooo easy to kill targets with him. How he can snipe you across the map then turn around and 1v5 a team of Reapers. Even though they personally are not even close to capable of killing anything with him.


Hours spent on a hero is irrelevant. One can understand the impact and spot and over-tuned hero without playing the hero themselves or even playing them well.

Over-tuned/overpowered does not mean “easy” it simply means they have to much.


OG Hanzo didn’t get nerfed, he was buffed, because he was bad and considered a throw pick before (how quickly we forget the memes). They changed scatter from a one shot ability to a multi-shot ability because even though he was bad, players were frustrated about it (and at the size of his arrows but those got overnerfed then slightly buffed).

Just take away one storm arrow. 5 is enough.

Hanzo is fine, he was a problem when he got damage boosted with his arrows and ultimate but both got nerfed

He hasn’t been meta ever since and his winrate is pretty average


Zen don’t have an escape skill that allow him to get away from his foe. Hanzo can dash out of the Winston bubble, out of D.Vas effective range or can just change to high ground (drop from high ground to low ground, force the dive hero to follow him and just climb back to high ground).

Like I said the mobility is the problem (and the RNG headshots, because the fav the shooter system) that make Hanzo unfun to play against. If you would remove dash, Hanzo would be more of a “balanced” sniper because he can’t just dash to the next wall (or from high ground).
If Blizzard don’t want to nerf this the duration from storm arrow is on the chop. Because it last way to long and don’t get interrupt by stuns like every other skill in this game. At least every other offensiv skill.

Like OP said, Hanzo have the same problem as old Hog had, because his kit allow him to make mistakes that don’t get punished. His primar fire can be spammed, make the same damage as a Widow bodyshot , have better defens mobility as both dive tanks (Hammond not included because thats just a hamster) and on top of that a burst skill that have no limit range restrection.
With that I mean for a skill that is effectiv on EVERY range Hanzo can use it way too often. Old scatter was a defensiv skill that was a hit or die skill. Storm arrow on the other hand can just be spammed, without any draw backs, you have your dash now to get away from heroes that should “counter” him.

Anyone here play hanzo or are you going to all complain about him and make wild claims until they have to rework him again and make him stronger once more