It’s probably time for a Hanzo nerf

Goats is meta, better nerf dps heroes.


Yeah, I guess you’re right.

First need the meta be addressed before they address DPS heroes.

Truly amazing.

You know all of those GOATS comps you see in Quick Play or low tier competitive?

Oh wait…

(Ignoring the sass, I agree on a certain level. Though, discussing GOATS always turns into a Tank Main and Support Main war against each other.)

Not saying it is, but looking at Hanzos stats, he is not even dominating in any tier.

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At every rank of the game (Bronze to GM), there are several dps that have both a higher pick-rate and win-rate that Hanzo.

There is no evidence that Hanzo needs a nerf just a lot of forum complainers, nothing new.

Also the devs have given zero indication that they will be nerfing Hanzo, so it is obvious that they don’t have a problem with him either. The funny thing is most of the complaints about Hanzo is about his design, not balance but people want him nerfed anyway because I guess they don’t care for balance or just hate Hanzo.


Wrong. Hog was not nerfed for “fun”. Hog was nerfed and buffed elsewhere for overshadowing Reaper in every way and being even more of an ult battery than he is now.

None of his changes had anything to do with “fun”.


Getting one-shot killed by Hanzos spamming “A GIFT A GIFT A GIFT A GIFT” is not safe for nervous system.

But dps balance wise, Hanzo is a bit weak if you know how to deal with him. Genji completely owns him for instance (If you know how). He cant escape both Diva or Winston nor can kill them in 1v1
I never have problems with Hanzos when playing any heroes.

The true cancer are Ashe and Tracer

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That sounds more like Widow to me. You can peek a Hanzo and get back to cover before the arrow reaches you unless he prefires you, or depending on the range and your hero, you can dodge it. Widow can kill you any time she has LoS to your head hitbox at any range and it’s impossible to dodge. Personally I despise playing against Widow as anything but a tank or another sniper, but I’m not calling for nerfs because I know she has weaknesses.

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Nah, none of the DPS roster need nerfs right now. If anything, they’re the heroes in need of the most buffs. The game revolves around a team structure which invalidates the existence of DPS heroes. Nerfing DPS more at this point is nonsensical.

Once GOATS isn’t the go-to option for an easy win, and our metas actually start featuring DPS again, then we can talk about it.

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I have said this a long time ago and people didn’t want to listen
HE IS A SNIPER WITHOUT THE WEAKNESSES OF A SNIPER, he should be weak close range yet is very strong
should be weak to being dived yet isn’t due to all his movement and HIS strong close range
and yet he has the OHK potential and HIGH burst damage of a sniper

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You do know that there’s two types of ways in using hanzo using primary that most people don’t realize.

The first way is hanzo always do a full charge on his arrow, usually when peeking or initializing the fight. The other reason is if they have leeway. This is when he does full damage but is a slug moving target.

The second way is when hanzo only shoot at 60% to 80% charge so that he doesn’t slow down. This is how hanzo stay very mobile mid fight when target is too close and both his lunge and storm arrow is on cd. It is very important for hanzo player to master this. Hanzo also need to learn to shoot at 20% charge to finish off his target.

So when people keep saying nerf his primary arrow damage when target are close is a joke because hanzo players are already doing that by not shooting at full charge to stay mobile. It also increases the difficulty because the projectile speed slow down too.

Widowmaker is not the only hero to not shoot at full charge.

Or even use the WASD keys, but they’ll be satisfied only when Hanzo instantly dies when he enters their view field.


Real talk: Can we stop taking people seriously who say “This hero isn’t fun to play against.” Invariably it’s because you’re losing to that hero, which is nothing to do with them and everything to do with your own actions in-game. If you stand out in the open Widow is going to blow your head off, that’s not “unfun”.

Hog was nerfed because he could drag you in from halfway across the map and instakill you with no real counterplay other than not getting caught. Even Doomfist’s main punch has options for the target. All Hanzo does is shoot you. Stand behind a barrier.


Tighten his hitbox and hes back up to 3 star difficulty. He lobs a freight train down a big hall way and gets a headshot on someone that cant see him right now. If your team isnt running hanzo right now theyre not trying to win.

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I hate hanzo because he can shred tanks like winston and winston is suppose to counter snipers any ways. why is hanzo a “sniper” but excels at close range

All character has the same projectile hitboxes, which is bigger than hitscan hitboxes, to compensate for the travel speed.



Its a one shot kill, it needs to be tighter. I got no complaints about any other projectile, not even torb. Hanzo is ridiculous right now.

That is counter balanced by having a slow fire rate and being an arcing projectile.

Widow is a hitscan and does more damage than Hanzo.

She also has to charge up her shots. He has storm bow widow has a wimpy smg shes right where she needs to be. Hanzo just needs to get tightened up.

Like how junkrat was nerfed when he was statistically balanced and then further nerfed the same patch the hanzo rework came out in which hanzo became objectively better than junkrat in almost every way?