It Is Literally Impossible To Climb

That’s a misconception. You only get about 50% win/loss once your at or at least near your skill rating. If you play on a rank below where you are skill wise it’s very easy to hard-carry no matter what role with a percentage much higher than 50%.


What about positioning, awareness, cooldown management, ult usage, ult track, comms, movements

Down the drain? Are u equal to a bronze moira?


It doesn’t want you to have a 50/50 win rate, that’s just the win rate you have when you’re at the rank you belong. 40% of games are free wins, 40% are definite losses, and 20% come down to your individual plays. If you only win half of that 20%, it’s because you belong there.

I recently did bronze to 3000 only losing 2 games on the way and my main is high diamond to high masters depending on what’s meta and how motivated I am to play it. If you are hard stuck at 2000 I guarantee you’re playing some off meta stuff or consistently making mistakes that are costing you wins or you don’t have the mechanics to secure kills fast enough.



I didn’t want to get bogged down in nitpicking my choices and stats because that’s the road to Troll Town, but I feel it’s worth explaining some important Moira points for the bystanders.

I’ve already explained how the quality of the other 11 people (but DPS in particular) determines Moira’s stat variance in low ELO.


  1. My losses almost always have higher healing than my wins. I pore over the stats after every match to figure out what I could have done differently. These days, the answer is either “Do more damage” or “Nothing, it was out of my control.”
  2. A really good team doesn’t need a ton of healing.
  3. Stomps are inherently low-HPS matches.
  4. I’m not letting people die so that I can do damage. This is not a “DPS Moira” situation.

One of the hallmarks of a good Moira is making good value decisions. This is one thing I’ve improved quite a bit on since I was in high Plat, despite the freefall into Gold. (Much of that SR loss comes from leaving a few matches out of frustration with role lock and bad DPS, and not always being able to lock Moira.)

Coalescence healing/damage is an excellent example of the importance of value decisions. First of all, I primarily use Coalescence offensively to push (when no one needs healing), not defensively to save a wipe. I’m healing the main tank while damaging 2-3 enemies at once. This is excellent value, and it’s often how we finally get past a choke or repel a push on defense. I’ll start by throwing a yellow orb at a good angle for the majority of the team, then hit Q offensively and push or force the other team into cover. This breaks stalemates and wins matches.

Secondly, in Gold, the DPS are often all over the place, sometimes out of LOS. It is a massively negative value decision to turn around and solo beam heal Widowmaker when I could be getting more value with multiple targets somewhere else. If it comes down to defensive healing with Coalescence, then we’re already on our heels and things are going badly, so I’m focusing the main tank and trying to get an angle to include the maximum number of targets on either team. We’re probably going to wipe anyway, and sometimes I feel I should have saved my ult for the next push rather than trying to salvage a downward-trending (but not definitively “lost”) fight.

Third, Moira is best played closer to the tank, so backline DPS aren’t even in my LOS. I’ll turn and spray them, but it is usually a poor value decision to waste an orb or precious beam time on one out-of-position DPS. Chances are, we’re having problems because they’re not using cover and not doing damage or getting picks anyway, and a healed potato is negative value.

Fourth, most of my VODs show that picks are consistently the highest-value action I can take (if I can get them). You don’t have to heal as much when you’ve killed the enemy DPS. The quicker they die, the longer your team lives, and the beam melts squishies really quickly. It’s a calculated risk, and sometimes I lose out, but I have never had a match where I felt that I should have healed more. I healed enough, or it was not possible to heal enough (bad tanks, bad DPS, bad co-healer), or I should have stopped healing the potato DPS sooner and did more damage to make up for their sandbagging. Since the start of role queue, the “bad DPS” problem in low ELO has been backbreaking. It’s an absolute plague.

Lastly, I get closer to 30 SR for a win (and less than -20 for a loss) the more beam kills I have. So it’s not just a good way to push chokes and maintain a positive winrate, it’s also what the game rewards me for doing.


Moira doesn’t require a lot of mechanics at all. It’s all about position, resource uses, watching ult usage and understanding how the enemy reacts to you. Moira masks problems in other areas because of her escape as well. Plus, she’s not meta anymore so she doesn’t provide as much value. Especially if your team goes dive, she’s really not needed.

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your wall of text contradicts this.

just got another win on moira, contradicting almost everything you said as that is what the situation called for. now up to 83.3% win rate and i don’t even want to play her.

have fun banging your head against the wall.

What is your win rate? My rate is around 60% but I still lost many games. The system wants you to grind for a long time. I think it has something to do with maintaining overwatch players. I have spent a half month, literally a half month, 8 hours a day to climb from low masters to GM.

its a real s*** show in competitive I don’t think blizzard is capable of fixing it either

Trolls have always been in every online game. Overwatch isn’t some exception, and it certainly isn’t a recent development.

The thing is, you’re not getting those trolls every single game. Blaming your inability to climb on them is just making excuses.


I saw you gold, a hard rank for a new player as you get many smurf and new players. All matches will be cancer like. Stomp or get stomped.

However the more you learn, the more positive you are about climbing, then the more you will get. If you were a GM coaching yourself you would say wtf I did that when I was gold.

Sometimes is better to stay alive, sometimes is better to kill the enemy, another could be better to die and kill 2, to kill genji before he blades and so on. The more important is being positive, you will see more opportunities and correct more your mistakes.

However, I won’t deny to you: I hate MMR and its lack to identy boosted player, thrower player and smurf, due to that you are getting cancer and it will continue until the top. Now you might be crying for smurf, later you will be crying for boosted players who like you thing is imposible to get out of the rank. It is hard and like a waste of time, but it is due to players being so bad and cheated, not about mmr and yes you can climb, if you play like plat you will stay there.

Most players who reaches plat by themselves: they learn to play smart, and that will make them stay, they will abusse some better mechanics and playing smart.


You’re objectively not a good Moira player for Gold or Plat, and you will sink if you keep playing like that.

I hope you keep playing like that. :slight_smile: Low ELO needs more fodder.

LOL. I think you’ve more than paid your tithe to The Cult of Overwatch Rank Shame. You’re free to go.

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says the hard stuck gold moira main.

Not hard stuck. You just keep making things up and pretending I said them. Scroll up, read up, smarten up. You’re free to go. Enjoy your evening.

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Fair enough.

If you want to blame your own lack of skill on others and completely ignore all the games where things conveniently go right for you, there’s only so much I can do to point out how wrong you are.

Have fun my dude.

I stopped reading, after you threw out the group option. If you want consistant teammates you HAVE to premake. Unless you outskill your bracket, you will platau without good teammates. And, when not premaking, you are not owed a good team.

I’ve already shown that I don’t lack skill, and I’ve previously climbed a lot higher than I am right now. That doesn’t mean I want to keep suffering through the troll-driven grind of Gold again. There are legitimate problems with people manipulating the matchmaker – throwing, smurfing, cheating, boosting.

No one is asking you to do anything to help me or anyone else. No one wants your help with anything. We were discussing the problems with climbing through the morass of Gold, and you turned it into a cultist “you are bad” crusade by making things up and reacting as though they were true.

And I’m not your dude. You’ll have to go fishing for dudes elsewhere.

You’re free to go. Have a good evening.

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You keep saying I’m free to go, but then you keep finding the need to call back to me with replies. Ironic.

How so? With your stats? I already addressed this, which you seemed to have conveniently ignored in favor of personal attacks.

In other words, go against tougher opponents, preferably GM level, then come back and compare your new stats to other GM’s.

As have I.

The game isn’t static. Things change, meta’s shift, the community gets better, SR gets more accurate, etc. Just because you were like me and hit Diamond years ago doesn’t suddenly mean you don’t belong in Gold nowadays.

I’m not saying there isn’t.

I’m just saying that it’s not happening every single game, and therefore can’t be the thing holding you down. How you take that very obvious observation is up to you.

Does it honestly seem like I care?

You reply with an obvious hole for me to point out, and I’ll point it out. If you don’t like me doing that, then just don’t be wrong in the first place.

Your “discussion” was nothing more than you whining about everything around you being out of your control, that you’re getting nothing but trolls and smurfs in your games, followed by other people pointing out how wrong that is. I was not alone in this. I wasn’t even the one calling you “bad” or anything like that (honestly I wouldn’t say Gold is “bad”, it’s just… average, which isn’t necessarily an insult), you just got offended and put those words in on your own accord. I was just pointing out that there’s a much more consistent factor to climbing than the occasional troll.

Much appreciated. You too buddy.

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So you’re consistently climbing? Then what’s the problem then if you’re not hard stuck?

Moira isn’t the catch all she once was. Further I think she actually encourages bad play by dps and tanks as they still think she can singlehandedly negate damage like she used to.

Play zen more … actually looking at your various support stats maybe zen isn’t a good option. Your bap stats are pretty good, you’ll get more total value from him in more situations than Moira atm. However there is a general trend with all your support stats … your healing sucks across the board on all supports including Moira.

Believe it or not healing and deaths are the most important support stats. Disagree all you like idc. Unlike others I’m actually not trying to rank shame but you’re so sensitive over your supposed perfect stats you don’t see that. Go back and read, I clearly wrote “if valour has a problem” earlier. After looking at all your support stats I’m fairly certain you bias dealing damage far too highly in your decision making when playing support.

Having skill only gets you to around gold rating. What’s holding you back is your outlook. You blame, instead of figuring out how to make it work.

Are you leading your team, with positivity? Note: leading isn’t the same as demanding or giving orders.

Are you telling your team good job, when they do something good?

Are you saying nice try, in a non-condesending tone, when someone fails or you lose?

Attitude is a huge part of climbing.


The competition is harder in higher ranks

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