It Hurts To Admit, But

If you get into any game , QP or not with a loser mentality, get out of OW. You are a failure.

Yea polling that can easily be manipulated you think blizzard wouldnt do something like that. Turn the community on each other rather than admit fault. Lol until their data not altered by them id say from looking at the forums its actually a minority who like it. And its not an attack on you its just observation how you cant be objective because in your eyes blizzard is some infallible company when in reality last few years everytjing they do is tanking.

Just look at Hots they acted and told their pro players weeks before hey HGC is going good we are going into next year stronger we are killing it. Then around christmas they can the whole thing and fire everyone sorry to burst your bubble but blizzard makes alot of its moneh through deception and manipulating things. Here ill leave this here for you its a good read aHR0cHM6Ly9wYXRlbnRzLmdvb2dsZS5jb20vcGF0ZW50L1VTMjAxNjAwMDUyNzBBMS9lbg== copy that and google base decoder 64 to get the link. Its a patent made by activision in there it shows multiple ways they have come up with manipulating everything from matchmaking to microtransaction

Eveb stating how that if a player plays bad they give good teammayes and vise verca even though alot of shills on here say stuff like thay isn’t true its right there line 15 or 16 in their own words on their patent. Id advise reading through that its a ton of stuff but just goes to show blizzard manipulates everything . Theyve become shall i say mastet manipulaters so much to the point they have consumers believing they are the problem lol

To be fair, it’s nothing new. Many MMO games use similar ways to make players continue grinding. And “elf lv 80” became a meme for a reason.

Perhaps South Park using WoW as example of game, which leaves players with “no life”, wasn’t simply a coincidence.

All I am going to say is a fool thinks the forums don’t support 2-2-2, the difference is that the naysayers camp here repeatedly.

HOTS was not the property OW is; they have bulked up development 20% and every analyst under the sun can see its Blizzards best property right now to move forward on.

The polls by the way are done by private people. Reasoning with you is like talking to a flat-Earther, no amount of evidence could ever sway your analysis.

Don’t you think that a better balanced game is a better game?
And that this way,the devs wanted the game to be better?
What would be the point of balancing a game if it is not for it to be better?
Btw,maybe you should read this again? Role Queue Update


Again google base 64 decoder copy paste this decode it and get the link since forums wont let links. Read some of it then call me and others tin foilers when all the proof is right there in a legal document . Who cares who hosts it you believe they are above voting themselves these people spend millions on figuring out ways to manipulate its consumers come on bro the koolaid isnt that strong is it

And see the difference is the earth can be proved it isn’t flat by actual scientific data. Some straw poll is not proof or factual in anyway its an opinion meter and again like i said to believe a company especially Activisionblizz wouldnt make sure its a possitive one well buddy youre really naive. Im giving you proof of what people " tinfoil hat wearers" are saying all along and you wont even go read the document i actually have proof on a legal patent made by them to prove it.

Better to watch, or to play? You can balance for either.

I understand “better” as “makes us more money and costs us less work hours to maintain”. In other words, they balance cost and expenses, not game balance.

Game simpler to balance = less devs can work on it = less money spent. It will be same rare updates from time to time, like before, just with more bugs and lower cost.

Are we still on this question?

2-2-2 as a format was not about in and of itself an idea that automatically meant good games; it was about creating a regular structure to reduce down balance issues which DO make better games. Are you really incapable of making this distinction?

If the balance problem was limited to a fixed roster, we wouldn’t need a system like 2-2-2. no one ever said 2-2-2 itself as a format was “better for play”, it was about constraining the problem of balancing for every 6-stack which results in better games. This is the point a lot of people are conflating.

“Forums” are not a single entity dude, stop spreading misinformation and making claims in the name of others with absolutely ZERO solid evidence to make that claim.

Reality is that making a search about 222 and most threads you get now are NOT from the supporters.


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So guess youre going to be that guy huh. The one who tells everyone they are wrong hes right but when proof is giving stick your fingers in your ears and say nana cant hear you. Well lmk how that works for you ill be living in reality

Dude, look. I am not discussing the potential or past history of “manipulation”, all companies do it. The polls however were taken in several places, and even in game people are saying its better. Literally, for every person who didn’t like I would say at least 3 on average say they like it. You just cannot accept its here, people generally support it, there are some frustrations as to be expected with the shakeout of the MMR/SR with it and some people trying new roles. Its not the disaster you have conjured in your mind, or the thing hated by all, that’s just not the case.

FWIW, so far you have shown zero hard evidence that the majority doesn’t support 2-2-2, the best data we have says its majority supported.

Let’s stop this discussion:

https ://
.com/patent. /US20160005270A1/en

There i made it easy just take out the spaces

I do believe, that majority was tricked into supporting it. By most ancient trick in the book - showing all positive sides and staying quiet about negatives.

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I will continue on. The goal of 2-2-2 is better matches, but 2-2-2 -itself_ is not the reason ,its what it allows for balancing. You might go reference all the points of discussion on this, and not one if you want to wade into the pool on this.

What “negatives” did they not indicate before oh wise one? Of course, considering people who played it on PTR came back for the most part raving positively about it, I guess they were just tricked into it… riiight… and still are… you people are so far out on this its kind of scary…

Thats what i mean again blizzard pays million researching how to manipulate its consumers to do whatever i do believe they found a way to basically brainwash alarge handful of people to just be their undying lackies its weird