It Hurts To Admit, But

True, but there’s a lot more to think about when it comes to positioning and gamesense as Winston than there is with Widowmaker. What you’re suggesting is changing all the tanks so they dont rely on their teams, which would mean completely reworking pretty much the entire game.

Well, you can see, that whole idea of team-reliance isn’t working very well. Especially when you can’t turn your average player into carrying player, using only buffs you can provide them.

Making all the tanks DPS, would be hard. Not only would the shields have to be changed or removed. Most of the Ults, and they’d have to shrink in scale. Because their size is there weakness too. And since they can’t be tanks. Than they can’t have high HP. So rescaling them would be the only option.

Other idea would be giving them team-oriented buffs, so their team-reliance doesn’t get in the way. Basically, if you buff team good enough, it comes down to which side buffed their teammates better, as that side would win.

Or, if you want to put it in simpler form: good tank + bad team should be able to beat good team with worse tank. As tanks/supports serve as equalizers of power, making gap between good and bad DPS smaller.

I get where you’re coming from - that’s one solution, but it would be a REALLY expensive and game changing one that would upset people like me (i like tanks and healers as they are).

The first thing that would have to be change with Reinhardt. Is his Hammer would be like Torb’s. It be a secondary item for close range only. He’d have to use a gun. His Ultimate has to be something completely different. Zarya would be the most change. She’d need a full model rework. Removing the power indicator. Her gun would need a lot of buffs to lose the shield system. Like say her beam acts like Mei’s freezer etc. Her Ult has to be something like a wide beam attack.

No doubt, but question was “how to make those roles attractive”. And so far Blizzard seem to like this solution, as they usually adjust damage of tanks/supports, without altering their role-specific capabilities.

Personally, I enjoy tank or support, that could allow me to make someone into carry, without having to do carrying myself. But it’s clearly not what most players would enjoy.

They can stop them in terms of movement, because that is their job. They are good at that job.

I don’t really know how I can respond to what is essentially “nuh uh!” Your view and preferences on this just isn’t how devs always approach this problem and what is being done here is a pretty normal approach.

No. They are OP at that.

Tanks are still an objectively stronger class than dps. They didn’t solve that.

I’m not just speaking for myself here. My friends more than agree with me on that, considering 5 of them either main healers or have a healer as a secondary main, and 2 of those people have a tank either as a primary or secondary main. I main Rein and Lucio btw.

You said that 2-2-2 was not introduced to make a better game or better games but you also say that it made the game/games better.
Then you say that it was a necessary step for them towards making overall better games.
Nobody said that it made ow a good game or that the improvment could be quantified .
So i still don’t understand how you could say that it wasn’t about making qp or comp better and then again in your last answer that it is a needed step toward making overall better games.
Do you think that the devs made it with no purpose without caring if it helps the game or not?

That right there is your problem, as well as many who are against RQ. It always comes down to others being “terrible” particularly DPS players, it couldn’t be that maybe YOU aren’t performing as well in your role which is EQUALLY as impactful than any of the others, no of course that can’t be it.

If you want 4+ DPS in your games again all you have to do is go to QPC, they didn’t even take that away from you it’s right there for you to play all you want.

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The goal of 2-2-2 was to make balancing better, if say this is going to make people like 2-2-2 play more (by more balance), then I guess you could say it makes it “better”. The thing is, that was not the first thought in mind by the devs as In “2-2-2” itself will make the game better, it was what to do to balance the game. That’s my point.

Ive only seen 4+ dps in my qpc games about 1 in 12 times, personally

Lots of supports and tanks are playing qpc


Its fixed and its amazing, its just a tiny minority of people (like you) who can’t adapt within a role.

Here ill help you understand something. Being a complete shill as you are makes you look like a sad pathetic little human. Idk what you have to lose by saying it but besides devs and a few blizzard nut huggers everyone can see role lock sucks noone is having better quality matches. And everyone is seeing now more than ever blizzard cant and doesnt know how to rank people or make a mm system

Lol. 20 characters…

If that is the sum of your argument then truly you are beneath my consideration, and thank you for the personal attacks Jesse, you have shown an intelligence and level of character that has to resort to attacks over reason.

Polling we have shows a minimum, minimum of support for 2-2-2 at 60%. And fwiw, I have been in plenty of games that were very good under 2-2-2, and while some games are off as the MMR system is sorting through folks in all these new role rankings, that’s not a reason to declare it bad.

I posted this on another thread not long ago… but you right OP. QP is just… ugh… at least in groups. (Just gonna copy-paste this)

Its not just Competitive. Quickplay is just as bad. Somehow, if you have a team member leave at the start of a Quickplay match, and you guys grouped up before, thats it, you won’t be getting someone else. QUICKPLAY OF ALL PLACES. This was never a problem before. Like, I understand that people hate when you get placed on a started match that is like 4 seconds from ending, but for the most part, you always got backup… but nope… Im talking about being a 5v6 for the whole match, from the moment your characters appear on spawn.

This is terrible. And its worse when its the other support player who leaves in quickplay because Im stuck solo healing, and no one can change, even if they are willing to do so.

Had this thing happen 5 times today. Just today. LFG and 2-2-2 are screwing each other over.

Quickplay isn’t even fun anymore with the forced 2-2-2 (sure, I can play the Classic version, but no one really makes LFG Classic groups, and when I make mine, not many people join either, takes forever.)

If they can fix this issue with groups and stuff, then maybe it will get better.