" šŸ isn't ran in the lower ranks."

how about you buy a rank that belongs in the rank you should be

or buy a fresh account from blizzard, get to 25 and do placement matches like everyone else did

instead you choose to ruin the game for 11 other people multiple times

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I have a feeling the OP might have gotten a temporary ban.


Pickrates aside, in my journeys through Gold, Plat, and low Diamond, I have found it incredibly rare to solo Q into a team willing to run 3 tank and 3 support. There will almost always be at least 1 that doesnt want to.

Granted havent played this season and with OWL running maybe its changed a bit.

I have a feeling you are right.

This comment has been flagged by the community? Wot.


You donā€™t have to play meta to be affected by meta. You can loose just because enemy team have meta characters and you have people 1 tricking non meta characters.

How is it that both:

1.GOATS is ran 80% of the time in lower ranks
2.Reaper is dominating the lower ranks

It just doesnā€™t make sense for the two to be both correct at the same time.

Lower ranks donā€™t run GOATS the same way they didnā€™t run dive.

Theyā€™re just imitating what they see, play 3 tank dudes without any synergy and teamwork, and hope something dies before they do. Bastion or Reaper would just bulldozer over any uncoordinated low rank GOATS.

  1. GOATS require proper communication and teamwork to work; those things donā€™t exist is sub plat; theyā€™re not running GOATS, theyā€™re running fat dudes.
  2. Reaper doesnā€™t need any communication nor teamwork, it exploits the lack of those to run circle over tanks who donā€™t protect each other, have no target focus calling, and no synergy whatsoever. Reaper works in sub plat.

So no.2 is definitely the more plausible clause.

There is a distinction between goats and goats heroes. Lower ranks do not play goats, they play goats heroes.

You cannot tell me with a straight face that the 6 gold players who just met each other are playing goats properly.

If you have actually played in gold, youā€™ll see the rein charging off for no reason, Zarya getting little charge, lucio trying and failing to be DPstanky and Iā€™m 90% sure the D. Va is high.

your whole post and statement is also 100% false

yeah, key word if and it isnā€™t

goats isnā€™t run consistently until you hit gm+, end of story

and just to play along with this story, if the people in lower ranks pick heroes in goats, it still isnā€™t goats unless they coordinate well (and if they did they wouldnā€™t be in the low ranks)

also wrong, she has the 9th highest throughout a normal game, 9th of all with 100% accuracy, and 26th with 100% critical accuracy, so

no, it needs no nerfs

that would ruin him in general

no, he is balanced


ok lol so youā€™re saying that we need to nerf heroes who are balanced on their own (rein zarya meta, dive, etc) just because they synergize well together? lul no thanks. rein had no buffs since dive but apparently now heā€™s op? same with ask the other tanks

stop nerfing balanced heroes and buff counters

no, do you actually play Lucio? because that doesnt happen

no, rein is an anchor tank along with Orisa only
yes they are all main tanks, but Winston is not an anchor tank, thus why there was no meta where the tank pair is Winston and rein
and Orisa is hot garbage rn, so donā€™t day rein is op compared to Orisa who is the least picked tank

besides, oh, I donā€™t know, staggering yourself hugely and going 1v6 into a team (thus why rein barely charges in owl)

anyways, Iā€™m done responding to this thread rn, everything about it is wrong so

when you get your ideas and facts straight, call me

I think theres a clear difference between throwing ingredients in a pot and actually calling it a stew.
You cant take pick rates and say that GOATS is played in all ranks, correlation doesnt equal causation.


Since OWL started Iā€™m seeing more silver/gold goats for sure.

Aparently we are the odd ones in the normal curve of the game, because I never seen GOATS used in gold/plat matches either.

Power creep is not something that is directly observable and only visible in hindsight, nor is it something that should be feared.

Buffing everyone to the point where everyone needs to be knocked down a peg, and then consequently nerfing everyone equally is a tried and true better balance approach than sterilizing the game by nerfing something every time something becomes prevalent in the meta.

Weā€™ve seen this in CSGO, SFV, LoL, DOTA, SC2, Smash (Brawl vs Project M / 4 / Ultimate), and even Hearthstone.

Overwatch has only ever had kneejerk patches. Widow/McCree damage reduction, Widowā€™s grappling hook cooldown, Ana damage reduction, Bastion rework, Genji Dragonblade, Mercy rework, Hog damage and hook changes, Soldier damage/spread, Doomfistā€™s wall damage threshold changes, DVaā€™s spread and health pool, Brigā€™s kit, Sombraā€™s kitā€¦

Instead of organic developments around strong heroes, theyā€™ve been struck by hammers and chisels each time they start to form.

Everyone would much rather play a theoretically max power creep version Overwatch where none of the above nerfs were implemented, than they would the current version.

Stop trying to scare everyone about power creep.

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And how many of the other 2 shield tanks can do what he does? None.

Winston has pretty much an all or nothing playstyle, due to his mobility having a cooldown, Orisa is based around moving as little as possible. Reinhardt is the middle ground, gaining ground while walking, with the opportunity to go all in (Charge). He has no real opposition in the shield tank slot, because the other 2 benefit from either a hyper aggressive or hyper defensive playstyle.

expect your reply in a week. I think OP has a temp ban.


Depends on the amount of reports, it can be only 2 days.

and here i am in gold, praying to not get 3-4 dps like every match

GOATS is more than just a team compositionā€¦ You realise that right?

Because when people say ā€œGOATS isnā€™t ran in the lower ranksā€ thatā€™s what they mean.