Isn't it time Winston got some sort of Buff?

From my own experience Winston seems like one of the worst tanks in the game right now. Granted I’m not sure how he’s doing in the upper levels or how the community see’s Winston right now. It just seems like he drops in, does little damage, and gets shredded. I dunno maybe reduce the cooldown of jump pack by a second.

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I don’t like the idea of reducing his cooldowns because those are supposed to be commitements from the Winston player, however I do like the idea of Primal being 500 HP with 50% damage reduction instead of 1000 HP.

Seems like same-y but it feeds less ult charge and gets more effective healing.


OG dive tanks just need buffs.

Waiting for Winston and D.Va buffs like…

:studio_microphone: :cricket:

How about reducing his Ult charge by a third, making him able to cast his Ult while stunned to break out of the stun, and making him immune to stuns during his Ult.


I’d prefer 750HP with 25% damage reduction.

Too much damage reduction feels pretty terrible.

Buff Jump Pack’s damage a bit and you don’t need to touch on anything else IMO

I don’t mean to offend you, but do you play Winston yourself? This suggestion sounds really, really bad.

  1. His hitbox is giant during primal rage. A 500 HP target with that hitbox would be melted in fractions of seconds given how much damage there is in this game

  2. Killing things with Primal already takes forever, IF you kill. The damage he deals during Primal can already be healed very easily. Do we need to make the ult even more unreliable when it comes to killing squishies (which is something it should do)?

Yeah that ain’t gonna fly. Cast to break is fine, immune for duration, not so much.

25% doesn’t seem like it would have a lot of impact but I’ll take what I can get.

I’ll admit out of those 3 changes, that third of was the weakest.

Would be interesting to try the 33% less Ult cost, and Ult can break out of stun though.

Although probably would want to swap in Ult charge feeding immunity to the Ult.

I don’t think winston needs a buff personally. I’m an off tank player at high plat low Diamond, and I think that winston is balanced The problem is his counters are really good. As a tank player I feel like we get the short end of the stick sometimes, ex this most recent patch tanks were the only nerfs ashe is just as good and Hanzo is broken, Winston’s problem is not him it’s that Briggite shuts you down, there is so much stronge aoe healing and high burst that winston gets melted while he can’t deal enough damage to kill anyone since brig keeps them up or bap who is just a better ana will keep then alive.

Huh… 500 HP with 50% damage reduction means 1000 HP effectively… Exactly the same as Winston has now, just with less ult charge fed and more effective healing received… It’s a flat buff…

You’re very dumbfoundingly confused.

What in the world are you talking about?


Well either Dive needs buffs, or the AntiDive on heroes that aren’t offtanks needs nerfs.

Oh sorry. I thought you were talking about “damage reduction” as in, not damage reduction to the damage he receives but damage reduction to the damage he deals.

In this case, I think what you suggest is a fair buff but not nearly enough to bring him to “decent” level. I insist on the Jump Pack buff (without cooldown reductions).

I think Winston is fine, and personally I don’t want him to get on the change train

Im less concerned with him being buffed and more concerned about things like Storm Arrow being made better.

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Exactly what I’m saying, dive isn’t good because supports do allot of damage and dps do allot of damage, torb is actually super good he gets his ult really quick and does allot of damage echo melts everyone and needs to be nerfed, tracer needs some sort of nerf even though she’s dive just because she does so much damage and doesn’t die. Brig needs a rework not a nerf, bap needs damage/healing nerfs zen Discord needs to be reverted to 25% these are all the reasons were in such a poke heavy meta, this is one of the few meta types that tanks don’t dictate because this is the meta you get when tanks suck, like they do now.

He is straight up the worst tank right now, hard countered by nearly half the roster. Most supports don’t even fear him and easily go toe-to-toe with him.

But imagine Blizzard buffing Winston. :upside_down_face:

I wasn’t really focused on the damage.

I’m more focused on how heroes that aren’t offtanks shouldn’t have strong AntiDive Peeling.
While possibly buffing the Peeling on OffTanks.
Experimental Mode – Hero Balance January 2021 - #5 by GreyFalcon-11737

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Brig alone basically forces the opposing Winston to switch. If he doesn’t it’s pretty much a 5v6 since he can’t really do anything while Brig exists.

So just make Brig into a brawler, that’s bad at Peeling.