Isn't it time Winston got some sort of Buff?

I agree. I wouldn’t be opposed to this actually.

I was mainly pointing out how, currently, Winston is pretty much dead in the water since a single character creates an almost unwinnable situation for him. She isn’t the only one, but, since I main her it’s the situation I am most familiar with.

Yup, I got a whole list of changes.

Experimental Mode – Hero Balance January 2021 - #5 by GreyFalcon-11737

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Oh yea I was looking over your post actually. lol

What’s that you said? Buff Reinhardt EVEN MORE?

If you think he’s hard countered, you’re playing him poorly

Only Bastion is a “hard counter” to Winston

He needs an alternate ultimate like Symmetra used to have

instead of primal rage he pulls out his…

:zap: :zap: :zap:
:zap: :zap: :zap:

(featuring 100 damage per second and double the range)



how embarassing!


he needs a right click long damage shot that he can only do every 12 seconds or so but its powerful and a skill shot

Like he should… fling… something at people?
Top ten things a giant gorilla would hurl at random pedestrians

  1. :oil_drum:
  2. :banana:
  3. :coconut:
  4. :poop:
  5. :turtle:
  6. :hammer:
  7. :princess:
  8. :bomb:
  9. :oncoming_automobile:
  10. :bone:

they should go full tf2 and let him have all those things

One thing I always think about with winston are the global ult charge nerfs the game has had. Winstons base kit makes more sense when it was like half his gameplay with primal rage being the other half. Now his base kit needs to carry his gameplay but it doesn’t really seem to be working out particularly well, especially with all the other changes & hero additions the game has had.

Simply cutting down his ult charge requirement may not be enough due to the increase of ways to shut down and/or avoid him nowadays like coach gun, hanzo leap, brig, bap boots & lamp, fade, accretion, etc.

I wonder how lowering his ult charge requirement + having a lil bit of boop+cc resist during primal rage would fair?

I mean I just think it’s the tanks around him that need balancing. Overall he’s fine. But I guess I wouldn’t mind if they made it so that you get less ult charge from a primal raging Winston since that makes Jim’s walking ult charge battery. Maybe you could also give him a passive where he deals more damage to constructs like turrets, lamp, etc.

Buffing winston is treating the symptoms, actually nerfing hitscan with more than slaps on the wrist would be curing the disease

If people still think Winston is decent, they might wanna watch this: Overwatch: Which Power Creep DPS is Best? - Competitive Season 26 BEST & WORST Hero Tier List - YouTube

Makes a lot of good points.
Winston needs some buffs, please Blizzard, something meaningful.

Halve his health and the damage he does… That’d be rough :grimacing:

I wouldn’t mind a right click to make him a bit more challenging/effective. Like being able to throw his shield like he does in the animation that explodes after a couple seconds or something :thinking:

As a Zen i absolutely LOVE when my opponent has a Winston… He’s SO BIG, he’s literally walking, diving sustainance of Ult Charge. Even when he dives at you, if you’re anywhere near a teammate you can’t die as he does so little damage.

They should rename the Monkey to “FreeUltChargeForOpposingTeam”

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