Isn't hitscan somewhat required for the game to function?

Where? By who?

“Some rando on the forums said this somewhere” is about as notable as saying "There’s people who say Reinhardt should be deleted. Unless somebody here is saying it, it’s not important.

If this is true, you are definitely the exception rather than the rule. In the lower ranks, if Pharah stays alive for more than 15 secs, the complaining about her starts.

Games in the Tribes series were mostly projectile weapons. The sniper rifle was the only hitscan. The game was fast paced and it rocked! Projectile does make you adjust your timing based on your lag. And that lag could vary by server or region played in.

Arena shooters like Overwatch usually have three main weapon traits:

  1. Accuracy
  2. Damage per second
  3. Range

You get to pick two.

You might have a shotgun that does good burst damage up-close, but has damage fall-off. You might have a hitscan pistol with a high rate of fire and medium range, but each shot only does a little bit of damage. You might have a rocket launcher with splash damage, a reasonably quick rate of fire, good burst damage but with damage falloff and slow projectiles. Or you might have a sniper rifle with no falloff, 100% accuracy and the ability to one-shot, but a super long time between shots.

Overwatch doesn’t implement these trade-offs properly. Some heroes have all 3 of these traits in their base kits and some heroes have abilities that negate what should be their weaknesses.

Hitscan in Overwatch tends to do too much damage per shot, fires too quickly or is too effective at range. Exactly which of those three varies from hero to hero.

Several projectile heroes in Overwatch could stand to do with faster fire-rates but lower damage per projectile (Genji, Hanzo) and some could benefit from the addition of damage fall-off (Pharah, Junkrat) to compensate for their high-damage projectiles with splash damage.

I’ll take nerfs to both plz

The reason utility doesn’t matter is due to the effective range of precisom hitscan. Utility is worthless of you can’t get close enough to use it

Okay one, We don’t see the same posts all the time, two:

Same person complained twice lol

Admittedly this one is quite old


You can find a few. I will also mention, yes many people do agree that hitscan are either overrated or fine currently (in fact most posts addressing hitscan seem to say this recently) and I would agree with this, I’m just saying, why are people complaining since mostly hitscan are either pretty needed or fine anyways?

Guess I’m lucky. Usually people just complain that the DPS aren’t killing her fast enough, but not complain directly about Pharah and just mop it up to “DPS are trash and I can’t do anything about this situation cause I only know 1 way to counter Pharah and that’s with DPS heroes”

For this remark, then nobody here might as well say anything. People all have experiences they can’t record in game. So no. That’s not how that works.

Hitscan simple, honest and skill. For the skill factor, how less lucky/unintended hit happens is far more important than how much skillful or rare shots possible.

Sadly, there are nothing that can replace hitscan. Melee too much bonded to mobility and projectiles too much spray-and-pray.

I actually think the devs should simply make hitscan as a default weapon type and they should more focus on the abilities.

‘‘skill’’ there is mcmeme that press stun + right click… not much bit skills when you have the stun with hitbox of jupiter

If hitscan doesn’t exist honestly there won’t be too much of an aim requirement for anything cuz aim can only get you to the point right before people start ad strafing and mobility spamming that any projectile’s reliability is questionable.

There’s a reason why this game’s accuracy stats is much lower than most other fps games, rng is already a part of the game cuz noone has movement acceleration when not above 100% movement speed

I mean if everyone has an acceleration period for their movement then projectile will be much better than just spray’n’pray.

His stun is not even hitscan and such a big hitbox is the property of explosive projectiles.

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dude EVERY hero require skill, even junkrat with his explosions, symm with her beam, torb with his turret,

stop this reasoning that skill= aim

I never say a hero doesn’t require skill. It’s you that mccree doesn’t require skill cause his stun has huge hitbox.

gotta search that video THAT IS OLD but still ACTUAL about his stun hitbox, one min.

I mean, Tribes was a thing. When the newest one came out, it was a whole little controversy that it had hitscan weapons at all. But in any case, most players were sliding around with projectile weapons.
I suppose it was a bit of a niche game, but it was well loved.

Not needed, I already know that. Also, almost all projectiles have bigger hitbox than hitscan.

Try to aim with Torb primary fire. It’s harder than mcmeme

What’s wrong with you? Again, I never said someone doesn’t require skill.

I have this video saved in my bookmarks.

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You said that people “have even said this” in response to “no one said hitscan should be removed”.

None of those posts stated that hitscan should be removed.

Yeah, you’re lucky then. The complaints about hitscan not killing Pharah is usually coupled with complaints that Pharah herself is broken.

That IS how it works. If someone isn’t making an argument, then you can’t put words in their mouths just because somebody, somewhere, said a more extreme statement. That is the literal definition of a strawman.