Isn't hitscan somewhat required for the game to function?

The problem lies heavily in the issue of balance not the existence of Hitscan. Nearly every advantage of Projectile weapons has been removed while HS has been continuously buffed while it’s counters like shields have been nerfed.

Mean while Projectile counters like high mobility and flight seems to only get stronger and stronger in the game. HS being in OW isn’t really the problem.

HS being the only viable form of DPS however is. Consistent, accurate and large clip size weapons that work at all ranges able to kill people in 2 seconds or less is an issue.

HS clip sizes have been improved, spread lowered or removed entirely. Dmg fall off reduced or removed. Reload time sped up and as I said anything that previously stopped HS from being effective like shields utterly destroyed.

Well TF2 also took a lot of inspiration from those arena shooters, but OW as a game plays more like TF2 than it does Quake or UT so I don’t know what your point was. I can’t pick Zarya and go find a railgun somewhere on the map, I have to play with the weapons and abilities assigned by the devs - weapons and abilities assigned based on a particular role the devs expected that hero to fill. It’s TF2 through and through.

I think the original Torb was heavily based on TF2, idk about other characters. (My credibility is crap on this since I haven’t played TF2)

Or alternatively, you could just like… Play battlefield?