Hitscan TTK is a problem

Flat out, hitscan kills too quickly and too consistently.

I’m so sick and tired of playing a game where if a hitscan even looks at you and you don’t have shield or cover, you’re likely dead.

And the only way you have a chance is if you’re hitscan too.

If TTK was normalized between hitscan and non-hitscan characters, it would require massive buffs to projectiles or massive nerfs to hitscan.

No bullet travel time is such an insane advantage, especially when combined with the ability to crit.

In a game where mobility is king, point and click is the way to go. But it leaves many heroes feeling as if they have no place and no purpose.


Most cree’s and soldiers have around 7-10% crit, and average ashes and widows have around 15% crit. So, around 1 out of 8 or so shots is 1 headshot doing double damage (fall-off affects this dramatically as well)…

On average, projectile heroes have a lower ttk. Hanzo one shots, can three shot with storm arrow in like 1 second. Junkrat can mine combo in half a second, doom one shots amongst other ttks that are like 1 second, pharah can kill in like 1 second and a half.

Like… dps is pretty even across the board, with projectiles actually having faster ttk on average.


Nerfing Hitscans isn’t just going to solve the issue plus damage increase abilities/ults being another key issue.

Mercy main complaining about TTK when there’s too much sustain in this game. Your hero is already the easiest hero in the game.

In a game where mobility is king??? GA every 1.5 seconds hard to track with projectiles. Yeah lets just make Mercy even easier for you…


You are gonna looovvvee OW2. :slightly_smiling_face:



Of course a Mercy main is complaining about this haha.

Hey, just like support mains like to always say to DPS mains “get good” when we complain about stuff in the game I’m gonna say get good and position better :wink:


Hey, can we not whine about the messenger versus what is being said?

TTK is insanely low, it’s much worse with consistent crits available to hitscans, and any tank can tell you that.

‘Burst’ sustain does not outweigh burst damage in this game unless you’re low gold and under.


Consistent crits avaible to hitscans… meanwhile crit rates by people who do this for a full time job sitting at a chill 8-10 percent.

HUGE brain argument.

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im a hitscan main through and through (usually play widow/ashe the most) but i do agree that they are sometimes overbearing. especially soldier and mccree in low and mid ranks but man if they nerf ashe one more time ill get pissed … hehe

ill just main sombra i guess :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is pretty misleading if we don’t also mention how massively it varies depending on range.


I think one thing you’re failing to note is the size of some of those projectiles. I’ve seen them kill people behind cover, simply because the Hanzo arrow detected someone standing near the edge. That never happens with hit-scan.
So if they do what you’re asking for there would be a lot of re-balancing that would basically gut the entire game.

Actually, eliminations per character tends to be fairly even amongst all heroes within their respective roles. Heroes that have one-shots, however, or combination one-shots, tend to have lower average eliminations that the rest of the rosters. Widowmaker and Hanzo being amongst the two lowest in their respective roles.

Overall TTK is about the same for all heroes within their respective roles. Tanks tend to have the lowest TTK per elimination while Supports tend to have one of the highest, or longest TTK per elimination with a few exceptions. Damage sits somewhere in the middle, but they also tend to compete with Tanks in eliminations per game averages.

This is an important factor, and perhaps one of the reasons why there is a perception that hitscans tend so strong. Overwatch maps are very small, filled chokes or objects, and usually one or two ways to the next point or region. Hitscan heroes, despite their falloff are rarely ever put in a position where they can’t achieve maximum damage from their shots, or are forced to deal minimum damage. There’s just too much hard or contained space that makes it easy enough for them to maximize their damage.

This is also true for why Tanks can continue to dominate. Though many of them have short overall ranges, most maps are typically small enough for them to maximize their advantages.

Most projectiles are smaller than the hitscan boxes in Overwatch. Again, as pointed out repeatedly, Hanzo has one of the smallest projectiles in the game, tied with Genji’s projectiles, and both are still smaller than Widowmaker’s own scoped shot hitscan. It is true that there are some larger projectiles, but these are most found on Support heroes. Lucio has one of the largest projectiles in the game, as does Zarya.

The difference being that those heroes have to get close to combo a hitscan, who is at the inherent range advantage by existing.

Says mercy while damage boosting hitscan


TTK in general is just wildly low, and that’s not all due to hitscans. There are projectile heroes, even a “tank” hero that has incredibly low TTK.

I just kinda wish they didn’t undo the damage creep and healing creep. I liked the game when we were toning down damage overall and we were reducing healing and barriers a smidge. We’ve undone it all.


mercy is not easy at all. She requires really good positioning, superjump knowledge and target priority. Her healing isnt too good, she basically deal 0 damage the entire game and relies a lot on other people.
just because a hero doesnt require aim doesnt mean its an easy hero

Pfft… but pointing at something, clicking a button and having the shot instantly register takes hard core SkiLLz.

That is a lie had plenty of times where hitscan killed me behind a wall…

Update: Hitscans can no longer crit.

Good idea? Probably not, but it solves your problem.

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First, your argument is disingenuous regardless of its accuracy.

Second, the accuracy is also probably poor at best:

Third, your attempt at being demeaning both displays how you think and a bit of who you are. I suggest you improve on all fronts, or at the very least show a bit of restraint in a public setting. Best of luck.

Some of us have been suggesting for years that the hitscan crit % be lowered, but I suppose the game has to play an important balance between TTK, armor, healing, and shields. It also doesn’t help at all that we play with the same balance from bronze to OWL.