Hitscan is still too good

If hitscan counters projectiles, what counters hitscan?

More hitscan?


hitscan doesnt counter projectile


Thatā€™s pretty much it. I mean depending on the particular hitscan and the map you might be able to find some luck with heroes like Dva, but if itā€™s like Havana and the enemy has a Widow you pretty much have to have a better Widow or you just insta-lose, thereā€™s no two ways about it.

I wouldnā€™t even say hitscan counters projectiles, itā€™s simply just that hitscans make projectile heroes niche at best and redundant at worst.


Hitscan isnā€™t a hero. Itā€™s the way a particular heros bullets work. Why should something ā€œcounterā€ hitscan or projectiles?


Yes it does.

Virtually all projectile characters struggle against hitscan.

What hitscan character struggles against a projectile character?


Originally, shields and things like Dva DM countered hitscans. They still can, but not as effectively as they did.

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I was going to bring up that most hitscans struggle against Hanzo, but heā€™s practically hitscan with how fast his arrows are nowadays.

In general though, none lol


Hitscan and projectile counter each other.

Hitscan if you have better reflexes.

Projectile if you have better aim.

Hanzo kinda does whatever he wants.

Heā€™s a sniper that breaks barriers and canā€™t be dived.

Depends on what you mean by counter.
To have a slight advantage but still need to outplay your opponent.
Delete or make a hero useless by just excising.

The major problem i see from people that make these threads is that they want to have an option/answer to an enemy Widow (for example) without themselves being good or able to play Widow.

So they want to just be able to switch to a hero that can click a button or ability and make the Widow useless or that just deletes her will little to no effort.

Same goes for any of the other hitscans they hate.

To have a low effort, low skill option to get rid of high skilled enemy threats. To even the playing field without actually being even because the counters you want to the heroes you hate, you wouldnā€™t want them to require the same effort to play them.
Because if you did youll be playing Widow yourself or any of the other hitscans.


Yeah itā€™s pretty clear theyā€™re the dominating DPS. I would love to see some variety.

I actually miss fighting other heroes. Heck I fought doom yesterday and realized he actually feels 100x more fair to fight than some hitscan spamming you from 100m away.


If you have no bullet travel time and have the advantage at range, you should probably really suck at close range battles.

At least, that would be what most reasonable balance principles would say.

The problem is hitscan is too good at everything. There is literally zero reason to ever pick a projectile over a hitscan.

Take for example release Brig.
She made Tracer useless. And it wasnā€™t even fair as in Tracer could win sometimes if she was better. No, even if it was a God Tracer, she still was at a big disadvantage even to a mediocre Brig. With very little effort.

That is exactly the kind of counter yourself and other want to have against the hitscans.
Not specifically Brig but a hero that has such a large advantage as release Brig had over Tracer. With little effort.
Of coarse no one will straight out admit it, but that it what hitscan complainers want.

Either that or to nerf Hitscans till they are no longer picked in games.
Which all of this is just ridiculous to even talk about in its self.

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not really, Ashe and widow are examples of balanced hitscans

The only broken ones right now are Soldier and Cassidy

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I donā€™t want paper rock scissors type counters.

I want an entire type of DPS to stop invalidating the other.

There needs to be a bigger drawback to no bullet travel time. Damage falloff isnā€™t cutting it.

I wish I could live in a world where Hanzo was unplayable.

Depends on what hitscan you are talking about. Mid to long-range hitscans got countered by pharmercy, pocket your hitscan, dva, ball, tracer, flankers, and mobility in general, double shield all of that divide enemy hitscans value by zero.

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ā€œIn a world where Hanzo is unplayableā€¦ā€

Isnā€™t that just cassidy vs flankers right now


Cassidy vs flankers, brawlers, fliers, etcā€¦

The only thing that really counters him is long range hitscan.