Is this really worth the hard work

just for a few examples

Just wait and see. Her pickrate/win rate drops more and more with every day

Then stop posting over and over the same threads so they stop popping on the top page. All of the “mercy main” threads say exactly the same things. This is spam and is against the rules of the forum. I am not breaking any rules here. Other people are and will get reported and banned if they continue.

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Then leave the forum? You’re literally asking people to stop using the forums for what they were made for because of the particular topic displeasing you.

Also, no one said Mercy mains were victims of anything other than unfair mechanic changes. The same could be said about any hero, not just Mercy.

I’m beginning to suspect you’re trying to tote a victim card.


Yes. A few examples. But where have I talked in THIS thread about mercy (other than that mercy threads are not getting any attention from blizz)
And I made that thread from my expirience from the other threads.

just because she doesn’t have 80% pick rate doesn’t mean she’s in a “bad spot”

What? So i should leave the forums? The forums are for everyone to use, not mercy mains only. Sorry to break it to you, last time i checked this was democracy and everyone can use the forums as long as they abide by the rules of said forums.
Creating similar posts over and over again is not abiding to the rules of the forum. It’s the exact opposite.
So no sir/madam i will not leave the forums. People will have to comply to the rules.

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If all you’re going to do is go to forums you don’t like the topic of to complain about them and talk crap to the ones it revolves around when they pop up, then yes. It’s not healthy to do such a thing and it makes me worry about people like you.

At what point can you justify going into a post to complain about it instead of skipping over it? Also, don’t bring politics into a video game forum, seriously.

And that means you too. The rules don’t bend to please anyone.

I mean, are we really going to say most pro-Mercy posts aren’t the same idea (or similar) over and over again?

Do I really need to think of a new reason every time I post a reply to one of those?

Excuse you? People like me? What exactly do you mean?

I don’t talk bad about anyone. I stated that what is going on is against the rules and is a ban-able offense. I also stated that it annoys me having to read the same things worded differently in hundreds of different posts and since i do not have a way to stop that or even avoid what i read (yet still like reading the forums) it would be better to avoid doing that for the shake of everyone that does not care about Mercy.
You could also make 1 megathread and talk there all you want about mercy. Megathreads are not against CoC or forums rules and regulations. Spamming is though.

OK. Here are official stats another mercy player provided me with.
Mercy Pick rate prepatch: 12.03%
Mercy Pick rate after patch: 9.3% (fell down by ~3%)
Win rates for Mercy after patch:
Bronze: -4,8% from 48,77% (result: 43.93%)
Silver: -1,27% from 48,67% (result: 47.4%)
Gold: -2,26% from 50,47% (result: 48.21%)
Platinum: -2,13% from 51,29% (result: 49.16%)
Diamond: -2,3% from 53,37% (result: 51.07%)
Master: -2,53% from 50,65% (result: 48.12%)
Grandmaster: -7,2% from 54,66% (result: 47.46%)
(Brawl, thanks for the stats)
As we can clearly see her winrates have all been negative (besides diamond ones) ever since the patch. Ana’s pickrate/wr is drastically rising. I don’t think the statistics (you love so much) are showing she is in “a good place”

Well you keep posting the same outdated statistics followed by “lock res behind valk, same restrictions, done. Fun and balanced”. Might as well start flagging such replies as spam (?)

ok so some other heroes get the spot light and mercy is still ok at the very least = MERCY IS UP

She has negative winrates. Wasn’t the idea of “toning her down” to get her around 50% stable, not under…

Oh, He’s here now.

What do I mean? I mean the kinds of people who seem to have nothing better to do but come into posts telling us to shut up and get over it. Would you accept it if after your favored hero got nerfed into Oblivion everyone told you to basically sit down and shut up? Over and over and over again?

Mercy HAD a Megathread. Guess what happened to it? A bunch of people kept false flagging it and got it locked. Also, you didn’t exactly come in here with the most positive attitude, so there’s that.

As a final note; you literally do not have to read every post that pops up. There’s a reason that the summary pop up text box exists when hovering over a title. So you can SKIP what you don’t care to read.

Fixed htat for you, Starlight <3

most of the ranks are between 47-51% thats pretty stable, I’m sorry she doesn’t get 80% win rate but other heroes deserve the spot light and not just mercy and mercy and more mercy. I’m so sick and tired of mercy mains whining that mercy is UP and unplayable despite still having the 2nd highest pcik rate

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Hey Falcon. How are you doing today? It’s been a while since I saw you on the forums. Also, I haven’t been on much.

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Nobody wants her with 80% win rate. Not even us, mercy players. We just want to feel enjoyment of playing her. Right now her heal is sluggish, her valk even more so (cuz of the heal nerf) and the res, don’t even get me started of that. I already see DPS players going all like “nerf ga and her regen”…
When will this madness stop so we can rework mercy and have her engaging AND balanced. I want to play the hero I love, not the hero I am forced to since my favorite one had the fun sucked out of her

Would you say every time someone asks for a Revert, move Valk to a weak E ability, or multiple instant rez to be spam?

Besides which, I gave you guys perhaps the most likely chance to get Mass Rez back, but most are turning up their nose at it because something equivalent to old Mercy would be too boring during the midfight.

Go figure.

What about Valkyrie AND Mass Rez