Mercy's state is just... (+Heal nerf)

Hello. I know everyone is gonna say “Oh, another mercy rant, bruh, go kill your thread in the megathread”. What I wanna say is, this is not gonna be rant-like, I have put a bit of time trying to think of the perfect way of me showing why the current mercy is bad. I’m not using OWL/ GM/ T500 statistics as all of those 3 combined are probably less than 10% of the community.

Let’s start.
First lets discuss why I think Mercy is bad in her current state (her 50 hps state).
First of all Mercy always was and will always be this mostly single targeted healer who put out good amounts of healing every match. Of course the compensation for having such strong heals is her being single targeted. That was until Valkyrie came along. The appearence of this ultimate was the first sign of the incoming Mercy meta. Why you may ask? Remember Mercy 2.0, she could res about the same amount of people she could res with Mass Ress, but she could also go into unkillable moth form with the ability to heal/dmg boost her whole team. At first the rework seemed fine, but here we are today having mercy eaten 12 nerfs and as far as I know blizzard is discussing the 13th nerf, something again to her ressurect (which is finally gonna address the issue with mercy.)

Question is, why did Mercy eat so much nerfs in a row. It’s because of valk. Lets admit is Valkyrie removed all of Mercy’s weaknesses. Before the rework she couldn’t tempo res 1 target every 30 seconds, or if she did so she potentially wasted an ult she could save a fight with. Before the rework she couldnt AOE heal and she was almost never safe from genji’s tracing her. This was no more a weakness of her ever sicne the arrival of Valkyrie. This ultimate… istg. This ultimate made Mercy O P A F. She could heal or dmg boost her whole team, she could res 4 people while Valk active (1 before valk + 1 reseted by valk + 1 after 10 sec + 1 after 10 more sec). This ultimate was one of the most broken ults to be used in overtimes OR 2cp maps as it denied picks for 20 seconds straight. People would say “Just kill the mercy first” but valkyrie made her hitbox look bigger, gave her free flight as well as SUPERSONIC speed within GA.

Soon enough the first nerf arrived, and Valk no longer resseted or reduced res’s CD, Res outside of valk also had a cast time. Valk just gave mercy 2 charges of insta res and thats it. It seemed like a pretty solid but needed nerf to Mercy. She still had her strong heals on Valk and still could res 2 people so it was still pretty good ult.

1-2 months after that we get another nerf. The valk duration was decreased, no longer buffed GA’s movespeed and didnt grant res extra charge, nor did it grant it and insta cast. This nerf is what I call the “breaking point”. This nerf just showed how the rework has taken the form of a complete failure. She still had her chain healing in valk but with nothing else to do in her ultimate, it felt like she was going pure spectator camera, healing her team while hitting the skybox. Even if she dove for a res it would mean that she will be stunned for 2 seconds and will stop her healing (which’s potential is 4x60x1.75 = 420 hp) was that worth? No. You would much rather have res before or after valk so that you dont waste your heal.

This just took the fun away from mercy. Her res was still O P A F, but most of the times it was a death wish as allies usually die in the most random places without any walls around (oh guess what “hide and res was dumb” people, SHE NEEDS TO HIDE TO RES NOW). Her valkyrie didnt feel like an ultimate, it was feeling underwhelming, as it comes fast and doesnt “turn around a teamfight” it just “helps close up a teamfight u have already won”. She has an ultimate on E with a 30 s CD and an E ability as her ult, which also came like every 40-50 sec.

30th of January was the last time she got nerfs so I thought “They are done with mercy, right?” Nope. I heard she got nerfed and I hoped it was her ressurect so that the mercy meta would stop and I wouldnt have to be forced into mercy anymore. She was still the msot boring character to play so I really wanted a res nerf. But nope, they nerfed her healing. HER HEALING. This will do nothing but bring up moira/zen/mercy nerfs as zen and moira will provide dmg and healing at both close and long range, while mercy will provide that utility from dmg boost and the ressurect. Which is also a big buff to winston as FIRST winston will outdmg mercy’s beam and SECOND having 2 out of 3 supports on the neemy being dive-able is just heaven for any dive tank… right?

Why I hate Mercy’s state?
Because she is the msot boring, unengaging hero that could literally be played by a drunk 3 year old and still be effective. Her ressurect is powerful, yet it feels like a self punishment since it stops your healing, stuns you and if you fail to pull off the ress, guess what… It doesnt matter you have another one in 30 seconds. Her Valkyrie has gotten a HUGE nerf with this heals nerf. It will come more rare, its effect will get completely denied by a winston just holding LMB. Her ult still feels underwhelming, even more so than usual, her ressurect is still OP. Low bronze player and a high master player can res about the same amount not because they are both participating in the fights and healing actively, its because its a CD ability and this nerf addressed NONE OF HER PROBLEMS. It just made mercy mains feel like devs dont listen to our feedback (which is not what they claim to be doing). She will change the meta around her ressurect yet again and the devs will do nothing about it.

Changes I’d like to see made to Mercy:

  • Ressurect - Ultimate ability.

    • Has LoS check.

    • Cast time decreased from 1.75 sec to 0.7 sec

    • Cost increased by 20% (So it goes from around 2200 to around 2640)

    • Doesn’t grant invulnerability, but rather 20% dmg reduction during cast

  • Valkyrie - Removed.

  • Guardian Angel - Normal Ability 1

    • Remains as it is, save the BHop.
  • New Ability Overdrive - Normal Ability 2 (on E)

    • Mercy enters an Overdrive state, lasting 7 seconds, upgrading her Caduceus Blaster and Staff. CD 15 sec, starting after the ability ends.

    • Staff:

      • Mercy’s staff upgrades after 0.5s cast time (in which she cant heal but can use GA and Ult). Her staff goes ham and recieves a ramp going from 60 to 70 to 90. Ramp goes as following:
        60 to 70 - takes 1.5 sec of healing
        70 to 90 - takes 2.5 sec of healing
        People that PASS thru the beam get healed for 20% of the healing done to the beam target (60 to 12, 70 to 14, 90 to 18).
        While this may seem powerful, changing beam target OR switching to pistol will reset the ramp, but not the duration of the ability. Damage Boost is not available to mercy while this ability is active. After overdrive ends mercy gets a debuff decreasing her healing to 45hp/s for 3 seconds.
    • Blaster

      • Mercy’s Caduceus Blaster gets upgraded, she gets her ammo increased from 20 to 30, fire rate increased by 25%, reloading takes 0.5 sec more. The debuff after overdrive affects the blaster by decreasing its dmg from 20 to 10 for 3 seconds.

While these changes may increase the numbers of battle mercys, the pistol buffs can be numbed, thus suggesting players to swoosh thru the battlefield keeping them being active in the teamfight so that they heal their teammates and try their best to not let them die. If they do however they have the chance of bringing them back in the fight without the fear of getting instakilled by widow/hanzo but still being able to die when casting the ultimate.

TL;DR - sorry for typos and such, if you have other changes I’d love to hear them ^^


Who the hell knows what to do with her anymore.

some want her reverted
some want her nerfed
Some want another rework

Some people from all sides agree she’s currently a trainwreck :man_shrugging:

Very interesting ideas! You must’ve put a lot of time into making this!

We know.


I think a lot of Mercy mains/players want Mass Rez to return in some way, shape or form tbh

I just want it replaced with a better ability, don’t care if it goes back to being an ultimate or gets deleted :man_shrugging:

I want her rereworked basically. Reverting means no E ability and thats kinda dumb

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You can have one or the other, but not both.

As a Mercy main, I don’t really mind the healing nerf. It doesn’t affect how she plays, and if the change will help other supports get into the spotlight, that’s fine. I’d be much more devastated if they reduced her mobility or increased the cooldown on Resurrect, which are part of the fun elements of playing her.

I wouldn’t mind the healing nerf if she kept the 60hps in Valkyrie. I’m worried that she won’t be able to keep anyone alive through considerable damage anymore.

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TBH, that’s the other players fault if they’re just gonna eat damage. More mercy nerfs = more punishment for playing like a potato

she already can’t keep people alive tho, imagine how worse it’s gonna be with the nerf lol

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I think she is in a good place for the general game play right now. Her healing amount is still very high. With that said, I will say it’s completely BS that mercy can out heal Winston’s damage. and with a good mercy, a team can completely shut down a Winston as no one will die. However, I would like to see a slight increase in healing amount in Valkyrie, just to make it feel a little bit useful than it already is.
Her Res is in a decent place, as the ability remains deniable (since it’s so powerful)(even though people don’t seem to deny it) , and it’s healed target won’t die instantly. I think Valkyrie is way better than Overdrive, as people can do more with it, and it’s a lot more easier to use. Speaking of which, i would like to see a bit of nerf to Reaper’s damage as the amount of damage he dish out is full of crap

Why tho? Overdrive comes with its pluses and minuses. I think its pretty balanced as doesnt have strong AOE heals (just a little, 20% is not a lot), but it has strong single target heals, which was what mercy was before valk appeared. A strong solo healer. And not being able to ramp dmg + the “tiring” debuff after the ability is, what I think, balancing out the strenght of this ability.

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  1. Because even on a 15 second cooldown, the 90 Hps is too much. Combine that with Rez, GA, self heal and damage boost, she’ll just do too much. I could see Overdrive as a low cost ult, WITHOUT rez, or put Rez back on Ult but without all the stuff you added.

  2. The whole point of nerfing Mercy was to open up opportunities for other main supports. Overloaded kits like this one (and her current one) make her too good not to play over other supports.

  3. Mercy is meant to have mid range but consistent healing with high mobility.


There is nothing wrong with AOE heal. I think it’s great in fact. You can maintain your team in a group fight a lot easier to help making it swing into your flavor, as an ult should be, but still very much counterable.

What I really like about your ideas:

  1. Mercy would be single target heal again - weakness: AOE heal. Making Ana/Moira more viable.
  2. Ressurect Ult - has cast time and LOS, so no more hide and rez.
  3. Overdrive gives her a chance to save a single team mate from focus fire or heal up tanks a little faster - BUT it also has weaknesses. Makes her role of a single target healer a little more prominent, and you´d have to really think about when to use that ability because of the drawbacks. On the other hand, she has a chance to do 1vs1 and protect herself a little more - but with the drawbacks of the ability, a Mercy player really has to think carefully if it´s worth trying 1vs1 or flying to a team mate and let them protect you.

AOE healing was Mercy´s weakness before the rework, she was meant to be a strongt single target healer and let Ana/Moira/Lucio be an AOE healer. Removing that weakness is why people say she´s OP and I understand that. I´d rather have no AOE healing back and let her be a pure single target healer again than seeing her HPS nerfed…

Valkyrie is an ult. she doesn’t have it 24/7. I don’t think a lot of people say Valkyrie is OP. i certainly don’t. Overdrive looks more like an alternate Nanoboost than a seperate ultimate. speaking of Nanoboost, with the update on Ana’s ult, the target will be unkillable as it also offers 50% damage reduction. I think Valkyrie is in a great place right now, even though i feel that it should have a +10 HP/s buff and a slight buff the damage boost during Valk.

Ye but thats the problem with valk. It comes often FOR AN ULT, and is not impactful on teamfights. Ye sure you can heal people for 60 hps but can that save people from grav-dragon- no. And you cant just stay dmg boosted as people just cry about it afterwards… Other support (like zen) have really impactful ults. I dare saying even ana’s nano buff is gonna bring back the triple tank (+triple supp cuz mercy still has res on cd) as a meta.

I got off topic. What I meant is valk is the least impactful support ultimate. I stated it in the post but you can never turn a tide of battle with it, u can jsut help close up a fight u have already won faster