Is this really worth the hard work

Did not say that.

Yes i would. I would not break the rules also or cause discomfort to the rest of the forums, because i understand that the forums are for everyone and not just me and the people that play a specific character.

You can appeal a lock on the support page. If it was false flagged then the ban will be instantly lifted and the post limitation revoked. It happened at least 5-6
times since the games release on different mega threads.

I know, but i would prefer if my top posts popping up were not 9/10 mercy related. Also titles do not give away that this a Mercy post, neither does the summary and this happens to a lot of posts too.
Also i would also prefer if people did not break forum rules.

Guys if the mercy threads bother you so much just ignore them…Scroll past them lol

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I was not talking about this “click E for valk, click Q for res”. Actually it opens up a lot of versatility plays and what not but devs appearently dont like double ults (symm). What I was saying you were spamming statistics. Which in fact didn’t match to the topic (when we asked for mass res without invulnerability, you brought the invulnerability stats and vice versa)

Also I don’t really consider that

as spam. Cuz every post has something unique. New abilities/passives and such. I mean hell, even if they all talk about mass res coming back they want it in different ways. I can show you at least 6 different version of mass res which were given by fellow mercy players. And I can give you even more E abilities suggested by them…

They won’t listen. They mindset is
“I hate mercy, so Imma get into this thread and talk trash”


Just because you didn’t say it, doesn’t mean others like you haven’t.

But if you were to just give up and sit down when your hero got unnecessarily changed, you would never be able to play. Because you would likely move on to another hero and they would get nerfed, so you’d move on to another and you see the pattern?

Also, there’s plenty of posts about other heroes that repeat one another and yet most don’t complain about them.

Well, the Mercy posts wouldn’t keep getting repeated if there was more of an answer than the supposed one we got, how long ago now?

As for the appeal, I’m sure some have attempted, but the mods/devs/whoever’s in control doesn’t seem too keen on keeping it open. Because everytime it’s been opened, people started mass flagging it again and again it would be locked. Some of the posters started making bets on how long it would stay open after being unlocked. That’s kinda sad on the ones in charges side.

Well a thousand apologies, but I guess we can’t always get what we want. I’d like for people to stop being idiots all around the world. When that happens, I promise you that you’ll never see another Mercy post about her current state ever again. Until then, see you around I suppose.

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No you wouldn’t. You just speak like you would because it has not happened to you.

Then don’t go into mercy posts. Nobody wants some tilted people around hating on them.

Again with the same tag. Do you know me and you speak of me in such a way? Plus why you so angry?

Yet none of them are hundreds and in the front page all the time for a week now.

Repeating them will land you a ban and not a reply. Maybe that is the reason they locked up the megathread? Do not know cause i never been in the megathread as far as i recall. But it was a place to voice all your concerns and give ideas on how to fix something. This (the hundreds of posts) do not do that. At all.

Well there must be a reason to do that. Also you cannot mass flag. You can do 3 flags per day per account on 3 different posts. So either you tell me hundreds of people all somehow got together and started mass flagging or there was a problem with some replies breaking the rules.

I play just fine. I have switched heroes multiple times. Actually i am a flex player so i do not care at all about any of the nerfs ever. Also i gave up hope of this game ever being balanced to the point where every character will be viable for most situations and not just have 6 characters viable per season. I mean if you look the history of all the games this company has released, they never achieved balance in any of them. Only flavor of the month type of balance. Also they refuse to change that approach to balancing, since it keeps people coming back with each update.

Me too.

Bad correlation you drew there.

When I say “people like you” in this case, it means people that come to Mercy threads with one goal; to complain purely about seeing something they could easily gloss over but choose not to.

I’d disagree, from what I understand, D.Va threads and Sombra threads were just as common in the near past.

Ignoring the problem does not solve it. If you break a bone, do you ignore it or get it put in a cast and try to heal it? Banning people for wanting an answer kills popularity.

When I say ‘mass flagging’ I don’t mean one person keeps flagging, I mean groups of people. Most likely those dedicated to hating Mercy and by extension, her players. Seeing as most posts were put into the megathread and not just as normal posts (though those did pop up) I doubt it was a breaking the rules thing.

I am a flex player as well, I switch heroes often as the need arises. However, needlessly changing a hero in such a way that they have is, well, unnecessary and ruins the playstyle those who enjoy playing her the most. I don’t deny that there are people who like current Mercy, that’s their opinion; but from what I have seen, they’re kind of the minority. So that begs to question: why did the dev’s make such a huge change for such a small amount of people? All voices matter when making opinions known, but usually the practice is to focus on the masses not the minority. Yet the dev’s have seen to completely done a 180 on that practice.

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Yes, 1000% it does. They should involve the community more in all their decisions. Sadly they do not do that.

They can try and get you for a technicality if they do not like what you post. Take it from a person that has been silenced multiple times for posts false flagged as spamming. Generally if you don’t kiss their *** they ban you.
Especially if you keep banging on the same door.

That is why the game is in a such bad place right now. I agree 1005 with what you say. First of all i don’t understand why they keep balancing for OWL that is literally 1% of the game’s population. yesterday i posted an article that had an interview from the director of balance team of LoL, where he said, they have never nerfed or buffed a character based on pros opinions of said character. They just gather data and do proper data analysis and indetify problematic patterns and nerf/buff based on those. He also said that they want to buff/nerf more heavily around the majority of the game’s populous and not the top 3 brackets because that proved to be problematic for them.
Every single other game listens to the majority. Here we have the opposite. But i believe this comes from much deeper problems within the company. They never once admitted they were wrong. The intial Mercy rework (they make her ultimate a regular ability) broke her beyond repair.

If anything they should revert to old Mercy and either remove invulnerability when the targets are ressed or make her ultimate charge slower. Back in S1-S4 she was not a must pick (she was not trash tier either) but she was both fun to play and counter able. Then power creep and bad balance decisions overtuned her to the point of Godhood. Then of course she became super popular as an “ez” climb character (i’m referring to the SR bug that lasted for a whole season). And the rest is known history.

So, what do you expect from a company that does not admit their own mistakes ever? Was DVa such a huge problem that they had to reduce her to DM bot for 1 season and then completely changed her with rockets, shorter DM, tire protector and other weird stuff? Back then people were once again saying all you need to do is make her hitbox smaller and you do not need to buff her any other way… Yet, they never listened. I can go on and on with those changes.

Thing is, everybody wonders why the game is losing popularity and why it is toxic. It’s because they designed it that way and since they are incapable of admitting their mistakes the game will remain like this and continue to whither.
All the top games right now, (in sales and viewership numbers on twitch) have 1 thing in common. They involve the community in their decision making process.

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What the point is of continuing to post, I do not know.
you’re right, they don’t (seem to) care.

But you care.

So I suppose that is the point, to let yourself be heard, to let out frustration in order to come to terms with your character being hollowed out slowly by a nerf spoon.

The problem with mercy for me at least is not mercy gameplay related, it’s just that she spoils dps and tanks.
they don’t really need to worry about her, she can erase a mistake of theirs, you don’t need to adjust your playstyle when she is around.

Other healers require you to adapt your playstyle at least a little, and in some cases a lot.

That leads to people flaming other healers for daring to not go mercy, instead of realizing that they could make YOU more useful with just a small change in playstyle.

I like Ana, I don’t like getting flamed every 3d or 4th game because I will not play mercy.


looks at bastion are you sure about that


lmao you’re absolutely right

We are in agreement there; they are catering to OWL a bit too much in the attempts to keep it ‘interesting’ but all they’re really doing is destroying the core game. Sure, it might not seem like it now, but give it time.

When you balance a game based on how those who have to play a certain way and practice, practice, practice so much to basically make the same plays every time they get on stage; you lose a lot. 99.9% of players don’t play this way, they play between casual and competitive, but never pro.

I think the balance teams need to be changed, clearly whoever’s on OW’s balance team right now just isn’t the right fit. The game started out casual, as strict as it should ever get is whatever happens in competitive. Never pro.

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Eh, I wouldn’t respond to them if those threads weren’t so prevalent. I also think that ideas need to be challenged to be proven whether or not they’re solid.

Also if the responses are similar to one another, that isn’t spam. By your logic the Mercy threads would be spam as well, as most boil down to the same thing.

They are quite the same, not similar. That’s why it’s spam. I’m referencing GreyFalcon’s replies.
Usually they are:
outdated statistics

Lock res behind valk, same restrictions.

“would that be more fun”.

No matter how mnay people tell him his stats are outdated or that his idea is bad solely because Blizz has stated res shouldnt be dependant on Valk, yet he continues posting the same reply over and over on all mercy threads