Is this game REALLY dying?

First, what is the definition of a “dying game”, so far everyone accept that it have some sort of elements: low activity from players, decay on devs updates, eternal unbalance problems and decay on players “interest”.

Now, do we have all statistics to presume that the overall player base is quiting the game? or not playing it regularly as before? The answer is NO, we don’t have the proper stats to determinate that. Even if we feel that people are not playing anymore, well stays in that, since Blizz hide this global stats. So stop beign so damn paranoic about it.

Devs are really not doing their work? Obviously they are. They are trying their best to keep this game alive and kicking, constantly answering our questions on this forums, updating the game and fixing a huge numbers of bugs and glitches. AND providing feedback. YES, the game have a lot of problems right now, but you guys need to understand that Overwatch its a really complex and revolutionary game, so have some patience and stop with that “OMG JEFF STOP BUFFING/NERFING X HERO GG OW IM GOING TO FORNITE”

Well, im gonna finish this little post saying that yes, maybe Overwatch its loosing popularity, but its normal, every game go through that. Especially since the battle royale its the thing in this days.

This game have a lot of potential, give it a chance.


yes. its trash right now


ecks dee


No, the game is not dying. People throw that out constantly because it may be losing their interest, or some parts may become frustrating to them. The idea of the game itself “dying” is a projection thereof, and is almost entirely egocentric.

Just like how Starcraft 2 has been “dying” for the last 8 years, but somehow it’s still chugging along just fine.


Does Overawatch look anything like Evolve? no? Then its not dead.

Goth’s not dead either ;p

The definition of a dying game depends on who is saying it apparently. If the person is quitting the game, then in their mind it is dying.


Not dying but I think that quite a few people have lost faith in the balance team due to how many heroes they have broken and how long it takes for them to address these issues in a public statement.
Folks tend to go and come back when it’s better. That’s what I did during quad tank and what I am doing now cause of the Brigette/Hanzo meta.

We’re losing players more rapidly then we are gaining players, yes, it’s dying.


no, people are just overdramatic. one twitch streamer quitting doesn’t mean the game is dying lma o



To some extend the game actually is dying.

Now hear me out:

Its the CC. Its always the CC. Many games had a pretty good start, much like Overwatch, but then they added CC and more CC and then some CC more. Mobility characters were useless and thus, the game was just “Ima stun you first, that means: You lost this match since you cant get out of stun until youre dead”

Now I dont say Overwatch is completely dead. I say, its dying faster the moment another CC hero joins the ranks. The updates from the devs are like… four times a year, if you say thats often, I would recommend checking in on the mental-health-doc more often. Changes only come very slow to the game. I mean sure, you cant push out a change and push out another one next week, but two months inbetween seems a little bit too much. New content and lore is added slow as well, lore updates come as frequent as every 6 months! Now thats fast, isn’t it?!

So yeah. To my eye, the game is dying and becoming less and less relevant every day. There are metas (metas shouldnt exist at all btw, but thats a problem you cannot solve in anytime soon) that just s u c k. Dive was way more enjoyable (at least for me) for the time I played the game. Because the feeling if you countered a dive good was nice. Now with the shield and stun meta I feel like the game is dumped down. CC and AoE heroes reign supreme in the matches. Good aim does not get rewarded anymore. Sure, some say its the double sniper meta. But how far do you came if theres a brig, a rein and a winston or a Orisa on the enemy team? Exactly.

Thats why I think the game is dying. Its because there isnt enough content and the heroes that reign supreme in fights are low-skill/high-reward heroes.


I stopped playing. So did my friends, and so did many others.

Unless Blizzard is somehow bringing in new players as fast as theya re leaving, then yes, this game is dying.

The proof is also in the pudding. They say 40 million players, we know thats a trick lie when it’s 40 million accounts and most of that # is inactive accounts and smurfs. But they love playing that game to make us think there are 40 million people playing.

But Twitch streamers have abandoned this game. A lot of streamers have moved on. Some would argue they will come back later, but this seems to be a big jump this time.

Overall, the game is not fun anymore. I like the gameplay, I do not like the lack of;

  1. Lore
  2. Bug fixes
  3. Dev Communication
  4. Dev responsibility
  5. Game Changes
  6. Questing / Goals

I also do not like constantly living through heavy meta influenced fps games. Either get close to balance or dont bother at all.

When I look at Overwatch these days. I see a man drowning in the lake asking for help. He is trying very hard to keep above water.

But Jeff and the team are nice devs. But thats a corporation for you anyway. They would never be angry or serious or truthful. Always Pr stunts, illusions, word play, ect. So Cant expect much.

I used to work for customer support for a major corporation. It’s all about the illusions and making money.


I read you fam! I completely agree on every point you mentioned!

there’s no standard of what “Dying” is, so you will always have people saying that because there are people still playing and queue times are finite, the game is not dying

that said, i think you’d have to be in denial to not agree with the idea that the game is in a worse state than it’s been

i personally play a lot less than i used to even a couple of months ago, which is a shame because when this game is good it’s damn good… just seems to be rarer and rarer these days for a multitude of reasons.

I dont think the game is dying, but something has to change asap before it will die… Specially with games coming up for free like battle royale’s etc…

The grass isnt always greener at the other side… But grass needs water :slight_smile:


Firstly, the hero changes in the game are making it HORRIBLE. The only succesful rework we had was Symmetra 2.0, because she became a little bit more viable; all of the other ones broke the character, or they ended in a worse spot than before. Bastion, Mercy, Sombra, Hanzo, and I can see Sym entering this list soon.
Second, the developers are trying to make OW more competitive, OWL is the example. And this wasn’t OW’s proposal. Overwatch attracted a casual fanbase in the beginning, because of the mix of FPS and MOBA elements the game offered. But now this is changing. There are people who came from pure FPS thinking this was a game like the others they played, but that’s not the idea. And now, relating with the hero changes, they are changing heroes to make it more viable in competitive scene. Overwatch deslocating from its initial idea is a topic of why the game may be dying as well.
I prefer the game of 1-2 year(s) ago with no doubts. It was actually fun. And now, I think I haven’t quit it because of 1 or 2 characters that I really love.
This is my POV of course. But I think the path Overwatch is following is scary and it may lost more and more players.


I think one of the most frustrating things I fell into on accident was the following.

I one day decided to pick up a new hero. I wanted to try and master Reinhardt. At first, it was hard. Very hard. Lots of learning, lots of mistakes. Now, I mastered him. I fight Masters/ Gms like candy in Qp. It’s fun.

But then Brigitte came out. I had to learn how to adapt. But thats the problem. There is no adapting to her. Even when you adapt, you find yourself being cced by 4 heroes non-stop until you just say f-it and switch off or log off.,

I wanted to enjoy reinhardt because he is a high risk fun and difficult hero. But then you get Brig who can do easy things and get rewarded majorly for it.

So at the end, I felt like I just spent nearly 350 -400 hrs on a hero that I barely want to play now when there is a brig, df, mei, ect ect almost every game. Fighting around them is a nightmare.

So then I want to play Winston. oh wait… So tanks just get shafted hard this meta? I am bored now when my gameplay is 500% harder then people who do not play tanks.

Hanzo destroys reinhardt even more than before? Great. Nice change Guys. I rather be scattered and take my chances. At least then I could close the gap on Hanzo and kill him. Now he just back peddles and kills tanks with ease. Mobility with high burst is whats killing this game. CC with Low CD is whats killing this game. The allowing of CC chaining is what’s causing players to not play tanks.


Just took it out of my system if i play another game with a mercy that don’t heal a widow that can’t shoot and a team that does not stand behind me if I’m Reinhardt i’ll blow my frackin brains out so will check back in during August summer games event but until then this game can rot with it current base of morons good luck brave souls in the toxic wasteland if you do not want to turn sour you need a break from this game.

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The problem is that mercy players dont know that you gotta focus Reinhardt and everyone else comes 2nd. Let the other healer focus the rest of the team and reinhardt 2nd.

Despite what people say (trying to defend it) ,Yes it is dying. Devs are too slow, and lately they done more harm to the game than good. Its like they stopped caring, they look at the numbers and dont like what they see.
I dont have many friends in my list(16), but only like 3 of them play this game anymore.

YES EXACTLY! This. This is great. And this is so pure an honest. And I feel you. As a tank you get rekt left and right. As a healer you get rekt easily by a half decent Hanzbow or someone else. If you go full moira-mode, brig reks you if you are too close to the frontline. I know, Im plat, Im bad at this game, cut the sh*t. But there are some mistakes even I cant make and some gameplay wise stuff even I cant be too bad at. So theres that

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