Is this game REALLY dying?

How do you know this?

Legitimately curious.

But the real question is this. If Overwatch has entered into the stage of “Try to bring new players in fast to compensate for the players that are perm leaving” Then what does that tell us? Is that a healthy game to you?

I know they are trying hard to keep players interested and to come back. Sometimes it works. But only in short bursts until the players realize nothing much has changed. They lose hope.

So if they enter into that new stage, then that shows a drowning man trying to stay above water.


Fortnite hit 125M, LoL has 100M players. Blizzard is banging their chest on 40M. It’s slowing down considerably. But is it dying? No, it’s not dying.

But it might be stagnating. Nothing really changes in this game, and the developers have yet to address issues with QP and Competitive that players have raised a concern about. 2 years, and only now are they pumping out “social features”. Why so late, on something as important as social features? Shouldn’t they be in the game from release?

Overwatch is technically a good game, but from a social perspective it’s terrible. And the developers aren’t doing anything about those issues until now. I for once wouldn’t recommend Overwatch to someone in its current state, and that’s also what I’ve written on critique sites like Metacritics. So it might be stagnating, I don’t know. I only know that I’m not enjoying the game as much as I used to.

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He doesn’t. He is making it up. Blizzard has never released anything about player population to my knowledge (they released something about hitting 40 million accounts or so, but that is not enough to really draw any conclusions)

Any talk about the game dying is pure speculation, mostly colored by that person’s disenfranchisement with the game itself. After all if I am unhappy with the game, everyone else must be right?

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overbuff has 835k users and thats only those who have logged on it?

the game is very healthy


Oh, Ive got two more points to bring to the table:

  1. Some other user on this forum told me that Blizzard had another competetive team-tactical FPS shooter in the foundry since 2016. So theres that. It could be possible that they stopped caring and now just try to make as much money as possible in as little time as possible before shutting down the game actively.

  2. I have an almost full friendslist. Out of them, Im lucky if I see 5 online. ONLINE! Not in game, just ONLINE. Ingame there are like… idk,. 2? 3 if I play with my buddy I play everyday with. We are like: “Hey, time for some Overwatch!” - “YEAH FAM! Lets do this!” and then after around 3 games getting steamrolled, steamrolling and having a lvl10 guys (sometimes 3 of em, against a team on our lvl, so 200 to 400), we usually go for the “Man, fck this sht.” - “Ye… Wanna play some GTA V or watch some YT vids?” - “Sure thing, anythings better than OW at the moment <.<”

So theres that.

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I always look at the forums to get a gauge of whether a game is dying or not. Forum users make up less than 25% of the population and many who play the game will not once even look at the forums.
That being said with how many new post there are the game is nowhere near dying.
It still takes less than 1 minute for me to find a match solo.

Wow bold statement there, you got any facts to back this up?

Saying a game is dying, usually indicates an intense disdain and ill-wishes for the game as one is parting with it. Almost as if cursing the game and hoping those words will become true.

Also means you invested way too much into the game most likely.

Take a look at your friendlist (if you made friends ingame), take a look every now and then and count how many people are online every day, every week and every month. See a pattern? Its most likely 4 to 5 people in a full friendlist.

You can say thats not true and that you play with your trusty 6stack everyday. Just keep in mind: “Player has been offline for 8 months”

Thats a real thing. Maybe you dont care about the quitters aswell, I do. I like the guys I made friends with, they are funny dudes and girls, but sadly, only 2 of them come online from time to time.

Overwatch was released in 2016. You’re telling me Blizz planned on their game dying the same year it was released? And had a back up plan of the same genre of game already in the works? C’mon now. Talk about bad business.

Point 2 isn’t a good indicator of the game’s state. When I log on WoW, I rarely have any friends online. But my server is still booming. Get some new friends.


Sorry but judging whether a game is dying or not on a friendslist is not a good thing to do. YOU may have less friends on but that doesn’t mean someone else experiences the same thing.
I could also say when fortnite came out I had over 20 friends on it at any given time. Now maybe 2-5 at most during peak times. But is Fortnite dying? Not likely.

i don’t think this is universal

i have about 150 people in my friends list, at least 70 are on bnet at any given moment and at least 25 are on OW at any given moment

that said, a lot of us are playing less these days because the game is just not healthy. a lot of my usual queue group are killing time on vermintide instead because we all get tilted after playing 1-2 games these days

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Games don’t really die but it’s pretty clear Overwatch is a spent force now. It has peaked and there’s no way it’s going to become the top e-sport. Love it for what it is, or leave it.

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Its dead on the inside. lol!

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Thats exactly what I am telling you. Its not my info, it could be some bs some other user made up, I still believe it to be true. That would explain why the updates are so slow. 2nd priority is usually worked on slower than 1st.

Well, you do realize I got these friends because I liked their, well, personality and stuff, not because they were available at the time. I didnt make friends with them because they played the game, I made friends with them because I liked them.
You are the kind of guy who gets new friends ASAP when one of your current ones says something you dislike or acts up because you did something that hurt them, right?

Takes forever to lore progression plus fixing a few heroes at once to unintentionally force metas.

but you are aware that there is ‘appear offline’?

I still play it sometimes, but TBH the devs aren’t really helping fixing the lingering issues and are even making the balance worse. The recent Moira “bugfix” which nerfs her to oblivion making mercy / zen the only viable combo at high level is an example of bad decisions that make people leave the game.
Hanzo’s / grav combo is also extremely boring and needs to get rid of or nerfed.
Also, if every ULT charges could be divided by 2 I wouldn’t mind either.

Because, yeah, who want’s stale battles at all times?

Well… Yeah. Same with me. My Bro and me play everyday together, only a few matches since we get tilted as well… But what is vermintide? And can you recommend it to someone who has never heard of it?