Is Sombra Bad (For Overwatch)?

I’ve been having too much fun with Hammond to not play that tank. It helps that his gun makes it easy to interrupt Sombra and that he’s fast enough to break LOS before they try to hack me.

I think Sombra is perfectly fine, every time I get hacked I just walk up and shoot her in the face and I’ve probably already done enough by the time it goes through anyway.

…Which is because I never play tanks. That’s probably the real problem here.

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Then make your own group, problem solved :wink: :smiley:

Well yea but still isnt fair I like to play Solo but just because I’m a Sombra player im not allowed?

Sombra can work when played in a good team but she only works she is not strong in any way nomatter what you do.

And she still is the most bugged hero in the game this makes her even more inconsistand then her 1dmg break.

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I’m not a Sombra main, and she’s the last character to ruin this game. There are a BUTT-TON of LoS bugs that occur because of hack- making her inconsistent. Go watch Fitzy’s streams (He’s T500, so saying that he doesn’t have his crosshair on the enemy is about as pointless as saying a Bronze sucks at the game).
And before you go shooting down others’ opinions, please go reevaluate yourself, as it’s incredibly childish and demeans your opinion because of how ‘stupid’ you make yourself look by doing that- instead of oh, I don’t know, giving something constructive and true than the clearly biased and subjective.


Yeah, but that’s what most people are saying.

She’s fairly easy to deal with by most heroes, but some like tanks are especially susceptible.

I guess it’s called a “hard counter.”

I started playing as Orisa, and find her to be a lot of fun!
But sometimes I want to block a wide choke point and that’s what Rein is built for!
If I can’t rely on my shield, then I can’t do my job.

I think is is a much bigger issue on console than PC because I can’t quickly turn around to stop her hack.

Also, I can not play tank, but it’s my presence. In most games I play I’m the only tank, and having a tank can be as important as having a healer.

Sombra uses teamwork, her abilities, and her ultimate to win, but apparently this argument only works for everyone else. Just like her being unable to do consistent damage or damage out of stealth. One hit kills and super burst damage is okay, unless it’s Sombra!

Bunch of stupid double standards around here.


Well thats a teamplay problem I said this already Sombra hardcounters Doomfist, Lucio and Reinhard so its up for the rest of your team to block Sombras hack if they don’t do that well you’re about as usefull as a pharah when counterd by a Widow.

Orisa is probably the best tank do deal with Sombra because she just can activate her anti-cc gold thiny to not get hacked.
Besided that Sombra always was good against tanks be she “hard counters” only one of them.

here a tip against Sombra as Reinhard on Console:

  • If she hacks you from behind and you cant turn around quickly drop the shield and instandly bring it up again sometimes thanks to LoS bugs hack gets cancled this is random so it will not work always.

Note this is for Console not PC. Calm down everyone.

ok, if you have no argument just repeat the usuals. got it.

Im saying that it is not fair to get flamed by a playing a Hero you like if you want to play Solo or duo. What argument should I make?

“No ur just dumb u not no how game wurks” or what?

You gave me nothing to argument about.

you said “sombras get kicked out of LFG… so silly”… i told you “make your own LFG then”… “its still unfair”…

the point is you complain about getting thrown out of LFG but don’t want to make your own, you just keep repeating what you write in all the other topics. you are trying to run in circles :wink:

People leave if I create my own as soon as they know im a Sombra player what I understood from your reply was making a group woth friends.

I can sympathize with that…

Lots of people believe she’s weak, because on her own, she kinda is.
She depends on her teammates.

I usually don’t mind fighting her. It’s just when she hard counters you in the middle of a big fight and then suddenly you just, die.
Feels like a cheap death that you couldn’t have prevented.

Bugs confirmed by blizzard too. I mean…

You seem to be going about this in a respectful manner, and I do sympathize and somewhat understand.

I think sombra disables enemies to enable her allies. I have never heard anyone happier with the game than my allies working well after a hack. Coordination is required for her to be effective, but coordination also can help you survive the hack.
You aren’t without your abilities for the entire game, you’re without them for a fight. And you’d still beat the sombra 1 on 1 with most characters.
I think she’s good for the game.

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The same could be said of Hanzo too, and unlike Sombra, Hanzo doesn’t need coordinated teammates to make you suddenly die, he can melt you himself. Same with Doomfist and Widow.


Less than 1% of 40,000,000 accounts pick Sombra on a regular basis. If you’re really encountering that many Sombras something is wrong. Hanzo is much more powerful, has less counter play and is played much more often.

Doomfist has much stronger cc, ohk and combos, has more health and has better viability in a team fight. But you’re right, Sombra is the problem here.


Lol, right?

What do I know, though. I’m a Sombra main who doesn’t think Sombra is broken. Clearly my opinion doesn’t count :joy:

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I don’t think she’s broken. Its just when she clearly needed help they changed her playstyle and it doesn’t seem like they have anything else in store for her. She’s in this weird spot of not quite being bad, but she’s not exactly good either. Like McCree, you can make her work really well or you could get the same impact playing another dps with half the effort.