Is Sombra Bad (For Overwatch)?

Yeah, I agree. It was just such a weird change that didn’t address her shortcomings, really… :confused:

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And knowing Blizzard, its going to be one of those “you asked for change, so you got it” kind of situations where they go back to ignoring us for a while.


Sombra is at the very least tricky to play properly, you need to actually practice a good amount of time with the character before you see significant results.

There are currently characters in the game that I would personally deem bad for overwatch due to their lack of needing to properly practice to gain significant result but they are rarely addressed.

I mean I wouldn’t say she’s broken. I think she could use some help. I think she should have her base speed increased to tracer’s and genji’s. Her stealth would still be slower than old stealth anyway.

My big thing is visual indicator for hacked enemies. In what world is giving enemies a slightly redder aura a good indicator?

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But get this right… It’s also swirly, so they can definitely see it.

How is this any worse than stun. You can still shoot and move. You’re losing your abilities (which Sombra needs the advantage to have a chance), not being castrated. Sombra’s not a big problem for me as I know how to play around her. I suggest you learn the same.

And for some reason Blizzard acknowledged these bugs’ existence… but sure. ‘No evidence’.

In a PvP game anything can spoil the game for others though.
To me oneshots and stuns are way worse than hack.