I’ve played her and she seems fun to play and just as viable as the other tanks…
Edit: I just had a simple question… this post kinda went further than it needed to
I’ve played her and she seems fun to play and just as viable as the other tanks…
Edit: I just had a simple question… this post kinda went further than it needed to
She’s bad if you still play her like a bunker tank.
Other than that… she’s ok… but she still needs buffs.
Just like D.Va.
She’s not a strong pick.
Orisa needs 900 HP shield, 20% Fortify, and a partial revert to Halt!
That’s what I think at least…
Orisa has better success with damage boost of some kind and near constant healing support after her shield…wait where is it?
My Orisa’s performace is good with stellar healing support.
The opposing team is nearly forced to deal with her support first.
i’m no tank expert but i could never understand why people play her on payload attack maps. she seems better suited as a defensive oriented tank where she has to hold her ground?
on the rare occasions i have played her on attack i always jump on the payload and place my shield on it so it would be a moving shield… havnt played her in so long tho so maybe this isnt a good idea anymore
I think she’s underrated. Definitely not the best tank in the game tho
My Orisa generally comes out on the field against ranged DPS like Widow, Hanzo, Ashe, and Mcree.
My Orisa lays down good suppressing fire not allowing “comfortable” shots from range.
Instead of them doing this
Orisa has them doing this …IEEE
She has a niche.
Constant shield and pressure fire with support ability in Halt! is really her strong suit. Shield and Fortify is literally just there to peel for herself.
Like most tanks these days, hug walls, time your cooldowns, time your engagements. Simple.
Granted she doesn’t do amazing, but in a meta with Zarya ball as the main stays? She’s not gonna be allowed to have much fun.
shes an offtank with maintank design due to weak shields.
even winston has more hp on his shield then she does.
used to be 900hp on orisa shield and 600 on winston shield
now its 650 (or 600?)on orisa and 750 (or 700?) on winston. thats ridicolous
I find she almost plays like an Offtank now due to a low barrier health and extremely large hitbox. I’m an Orisa main and I find myself having to sit at medium range and people complain about me not making space without realising I can’t run out into open space like a Rein. She can still be strong if the other Tank player sticks close to her and absorbs fire. Too often I find the other Tank player not really synergising with her.
I ended trying out Sigma half a year ago and find he’s better at taking space and bursting enemies down that I usually swap to him if Orisa isn’t doing well or vice versa depending on the team compositions of both sides.
I do think Orisa needs something else that will really help her. Right now her main job is acting as a distraction so your DPS can flank rather than providing a barrier to take fire since it falls too easily. Maybe her fusion driver attacks should slow the enemy down?
She’s alright in truth but she isn’t what she used to be. Still a pretty poor hero
Orisa is really, drastically bad. Probably the single worst hero in the game.
I would never pick her for any reason and sometimes I leave in QP if a teammate picks her. I’d rather just go back to queue than experience that game.
When I play Baptiste, I pocket good Orisa players with constant healing. I still think she could a buff or two.
no, orisa is actually pretty good, but she needs a few buffs. some people on OW forums just take a “this character is either dead, or ruining everything their so strong” approach, but there is a middle ground…
with orisa in it
proof of what im saying lol
I mean, she performs horribly in every game I see her in, plus statistically. I don’t know what else you want.
i don’t really want anything from you lol, i was just using what you said to prove my point
She’s okay as a support tank, but is absolute garbage as a main defensive tank, which is how most of the community is conditioned to play her.
I really don’t think she’s in a middle ground, though. She’s like loss insurance unless played with Reinhardt or Sigma and is definitely not a good pick with either.
like every character, that is up to personal skill and preference so for you thats true, but for me its not
it would be nice if she got buffed the only thing im worried about tho is if they do buff her shield then DOUBLE SHIELD will be a thing again