Is orisa that bad rn?

Heroes have objective power levels and can be bad for everyone if they suck enough. And she does.

I’ve played her a bit in mystery heroes. Really the only thing about her kit that feels useless to me is the grab ball. It feels like it hardly ever connects unless the target is standing still and less than 2 feet away when it goes off. It’s pretty much only useful as a followup to a team mates stun to help keep a target in place just a little longer.

Nerf fortify, buff shield.

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ok… i don’t think your gonna listen to me so im just gonna go. talking to you was… weirdchamp

Oh oh.
Lemme try.
Lemme try one.

“Orisa so poor ducks throw bread at her”

“Orisa is so poor robers break into her house and leave money”

Orisa is so poor she eats cereal witha fork to conserve milk.




I think Orisa does better in less spam heavy compositions. Trying to fight into a S76 + McCree is a pain in the butt on top of a Rein/Zarya. However, into something like Roadhog/Zarya or Dva/Hammond/Winston aided by like a widowmaker, Ashe, and a Mercy/Lucio support. A team with some range, but overall far less shield bulk and damage from supports/dps her shield strength feels pretty meaningful while bringing to the table a halt for some hard CC in a way and ranged pressure.

This is why I like 2000-3000 SR range for QP. People play so much variety that even deemed non-meta stuff can tend to have a counterpick type role given the right conditions.

orisa is good in brawl comps with rein and coupled with lucio and someone who pumps out huge heals. If you com your halt combos and abuse supercharger she becomes really good. Her m1 with headshots is actually disgusting its just hard to use.

She’s probably the weakest tank right now but not by much at all, she’s still viable. Good luck not getting death threats if you pick her on ladder tho

is orisa bad right now? i like to pick her at the start of rounds just to stress out my teammates and hear their reactions, before swapping off

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Not sure how anyone could describe current Orisa as middle ground. She has a 1.84% pick rate and 47.86% win rate. Compared with Reinhardt she is 17x less popular, and around 10% less likely to win a game on average.

She is now super niche and sigma and rein are just way better choices if you want to play with shields.

Just take a look at que times and how often she is even picked after that.

She isn’t just “Bad” she is downright unplayable.

YESSSS PLEASE. she’d have identity/strength as a ranged tank and have a weakness at close range

You just have to play her more and get used to it. It’s a very versatile move but there’s definitely a learning curve.

And the green lines breaking when it should’ve pulled someone has always been kind of buggy, but I don’t find that it happens enough to render the entire ability useless.

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That’s how i use her if i do play her on attack. I usually go Sig on attack and Orisa on defence but people are so convinced that Sig is trash now that i get bullied to go Orisa both ways. I can do rein but find him boring and he is always blamed for a loss no matter what you do.

Oh, come off it. The ability has zero range anymore and it’s an ability that depends on having range. It’s a non-ability that should be deleted and another ability created and assigned to the button.

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Sounds like a you problem.

It’s still quite capable of performing the same functions as before it was nerfed except for environmental kills, which was only a small part of its uses.


Halt has become pretty tough to get value out of. The shorter range makes the buggy tethers more annoying than ever to deal with. Add to that the speed of the ball moving makes it worse as not only is it harder to stop at the right time but with the ball moving and your targeting moving your nearly 100% sure to miss.

The pull length is also so short it’s fairly hard to get a useful tug out of it in terms of pulling people from cover or off a cliff.

I think the over all problem with Orisa is she does nothing really well and in general almsot any other tank does the job better. Orisa isn’t bad per say, just so horribly average at every thing she lacks a defining use.

Not to mention her kit is over all built to be a mid range tank but Overwatch play style and maps generally force closer ranged fights over objectives.


I mean, she can’t even be a mid range tank because she’s got zero dodge or evasion, a giant head, and no barrier. She’s just trivial to mow down with mid to long range characters like Ashe or Soldier 76.

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Fairly slow and low dmg as well with absolute zero ability to do any other than her primary fire. Halt had a slight chance to kill people with the environment or lead to pulling people out of cover.

After the nerf it’s such a NIche ability you might as well replace it with nearly anything else and it be better option for her. Sort of how I feel about Rez on Mercy tbh…

It’s been nerfed so much almsot any other ability be better than a niche ability that needs an ally to die in a good spot and only once ever 30 seconds or more. Basically your lucky if you get two off per round.

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I’ve recently started playing her. I wait for the other tank to pick Rein/Sig and leave spawn before I pick her.

Maaan, halt sucks!

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