Is Microsoft's takeover a good thing?

It is?!? Thanks for pointing that out

Also, I’m pretty sure it did NOT make their sales worse, rofl.

Idk, at least the Halo Infinite BP is a lot better and fair than most of the other BPs in other games, you get the BP, you can grind it anytime you want, and also can get past BPs, other games should copy at least that aspect.

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I was supporting this game until season 6, in season 7 I stopped spending money and this season I uninstalled it after the announcement of the second battle pass.

I’m not going to support Overwatch 2 again until they change the way they do things. I don’t care if they now work for Microsoft, EA, Nintendo, Riot, Sony, SEGA or Ubisoft.

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You think the Balance changes to deal with GOATs and DoubleBarrier has no impact on Ladder/Quickplay playerbase sizes?

They would have done that with or without OWL friend. Unless you think FPS games like this do not balance based off of their top players, in which case, I’m not sure what to say to you.

I think I could go on for a few hours explaining how much you don’t know about gameplay design.

Oh do you work for blizzard? Or you have you ever worked on a successful video game? Because I have.

But feel free to give me your expertise, from mcdonalds or wherever I’m assuming you work

Well I’ve “guessed” a large fraction of the changes in Overwatch.

Hanzo and Widow need a few changes - #56 by GreyFalcon-11737

I worked on a Tournament grade TRIBES 1 mod

I got about 40 changes into PlanetSide, including the exact layout of the interconnections on the world map.

I basically suggested one of the better features for Darktide.

And I can cite plenty of talks by Tom Cadwell, Sid Meier, Robin Walker, and Mark Rosewater, that disagree with the idea that every multiplayer game must be eSports-first.

But please, by all means, let me know about your extensive background in class based shooter design.

Because it sure sounds like you’ve never worked on a shooter, much less a PVP game.

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So you took shifter mod and changed the numbers? grats lol

I have worked for companies that MAKE games like tribes. I don’t take mods and play around with kiddie stuff. It sounds like that’s all you’ve done, and that’s fine, but that means nothing.

Well, you got me! err…

Have you ever worked in a gameplay design capacity for a PVP class based shooter? Or any PVP game?

Because I’m getting the feeling you worked as either an artist or programmer. But NOT anybody on the gameplay design teams.

As if being adjacent to those teams absorbs that info by osmosis.

“Gameplay design teams,” whatever that is, do not just sit around and say, “let’s give this character +1!” We are programmers first, balance second.

I get the feeling that you’ve never worked on anything like that in any way shape or form. Or do you think there are people just sitting around discussing balance all day?

So it sounds like I was correct.

You’re a programmer, but you probably can’t define what “Balance” even means in a formal context, with concrete phrasing.

There is no such thing as a “game balancer decision guy,” rofl. That is not someone’s job. There are game testers and feedback from multiple sources that ultimately go into the decision of what balance changes to make. I’m sorry that you don’t understand this, and yes, I am part of a team of people that program games, and also decide balance changes.

–Turned Office, a software that used to be a single license purchase, a subscription service.
–Lied about Windows 10 being their last and definitive OS.
–Locked Windows 11 behing arbitrary hardware requirement (very high requirements).

And those are just the things that I know because they affected me personally.

Microsoft is not consumer friendly, they are only pretending to be in the Xbox division because they are in third place in the console generation (again).


Well, that’s unfortunate, since it really seems to me that you don’t understand these concepts.

What is Balance


What is Counterplay


Do not let high ELO players optimize the Fun out of your game.

Overly Frustrating Game Design, will lose you customers.


And that generally the goal is to keep the player in the zone of “Not too easy, Not too difficult” for as long as possible. Which means “Balance” is important at every ELO.

But essentially, what that boils down to is that you can’t do that if you’re only focused on 0.01% of the playerbase.

And the way you’re acting either means you work on CounterStrike, Valorant, Dota2 or League of Legends. Which are “esports-first” games.

Or, you don’t have a damned clue about the “WHY” part of gameplay design, and just merely the “HOW”. And that moving some physics objects around means you understand the “Game” part of game design.

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Wow you posted a lot of links that I’m not going to watch. I actually went to college, so I don’t have to look at YouTube videos to learn about things like game design, but I’m glad you are educating yourself, even if it IS misguided.

What would be bad about working on some of the most successful games of all time?

Do you even hear what you say?

It’s not bad, but using a one-size-fits-all mentality to the entirety of multiplayer gameplay design, is bad.

Not every game is esports-first.

Why is that even controversial?

And never once have I said that.

But you did say something pretty close to it.

High ELO players are useful, for the purposes of “marketing value” because they act as Influencers.

But that’s all it is, “Marketing”.

And if “Marketing” cuts into your “Sales” then it’s not useful.

So if we’re talking games like Fortnite, Apex, Team Fortress 2, or Call of Duty.
You absolutely do not optimize for an extreme minority of players.

You maximize the playerbase size, increase that “Servicable Obtainable Market”, and lower the friction in your Sales Funnel, and find ways to increase conversion rates. Because that’s how you get you better ACV revenue.



The reason people look at top level players is because, for instance, characters like pharah are not overpowered because low levels players cannot aim well.