Is Mercy considered a throw pick now?

Mercy was my first hero back in July, 2016. I have over 175 hours on her so I do know what her life is all about. Golden gun, complete collection.

The difference between ‘me and them’ is that I have many hours in other heroes as well and I love them as much. I do see with the eyes of a flex player, not with a Mercy main’s. I do not love one hero only, I also possess the frustrations of every other hero as well. This is what ‘paints me bad’ to your eyes and anyone else’s.

I assure you I read it all, but I want to react to just this one thing. I apologize if the point of the thread is not clear, but I had tried to enclose it in the title itself: “Is Mercy a throw pick now?”. It’s a question. It has a question mark and it is formed as a question. I’d never think that a question can be a suggestion at the same time.
Thanks for sharing your opinion tho!

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I just said at least right now because the meta hasn’t settled yet hahaha no worries

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And I do hope that my point was not as venomous as I intended it to be, although I do understand if it was to your eyes.

It is just that, merely stating that we are all slowly coming to the same levels of balance and toxicity shows what is meta and what is most, sometimes. It was about time for Mercy mains to ‘taste’ what everyone else had been all ‘tasting’ along the past many many months. It is not necessarily good, toxicity is not good. My point is, getting it as Mercy player signals a promising change to the support roster in general, which is the only good part out of this whole situation. What appears ‘off’, is that a lot of Mercy players suddenly portray negative stance towards toxicity while it has been torturing the game itself since – I don’t know, the day competitive was introduced ? I hope you understand what I mean. It feels a bit weird to watch such threads popping after so long, even if you in person do not mean harm or want bad things to other heroes. You are expressing your thoughts but in the sea of Mercy complain threads it can get misunderstood.

Throw pick is a very heavy term to use when it comes to Mercy, but I now understand where you come from. She is not, no worries. Toxicity is finally spreading everywhere, that is all. Getting toxic comments while playing Mercy means the game is changing and that is what the game desperately needs. For the part of justice, you can always report them for the system to deliver it.

On the other hand, people might change their stance and start demanding her again. Who knows.

That’s not what makes her a throw pick. What makes her a throw pick is her ridiculously low win rates at most ranks (last among all healers plat - gm, last among all characters diamond and masters) and the fact that she struggles to keep people alive when push comes to shove.

I would like to stress that even though I was not playing the game when the whole rework happened, I still know of what was happening to other supports. I am not coming to here as an entitled Mercy main that want their hero so good others won’t be played so that I can still play her. All I want is to play the hero I like without the consequence of being hated for it. I was genuinely shocked this happened when I picked Mercy, the must-pick hero for well over a year. And I want others to be able to do the same. That is why I found your post contradictory.

It was not. What surprised me is what I understood from it, and that is you want Mercy players to experience the same toxicity as other support mains experienced. Noone should experience toxicity for their hero picks unless they are delibately picking them for throwing.

I’m pretty sure Mercy mains were not happy with how the rework turned out, forcing Mercy into every game. At least from what I’ve seen around on these forums, and in one of the most popular posts of all time, Titanium’s. Again, I blame this rework for most of the toxicity Mercy and all the other supports have received. Anyway, hero preference aside, toxicity is not acceptable in any form.

I understand what you mean in all, but it seems disgusting and wrong to me that how the game shifts should be defined by what kind of toxicity exists in the game. Yes, I do want other supports to be as viable as her, but do I really need some 12 yo kid yell at me that I should kill myself because I picked her? In order for the game to “shift to a good spot”?. That seems awful to me.
I know, toxicity will exist, always, and I can filter that out. I just disagree that it should be a measurement to what the game’s about.

I don’t want that. I don’t want anyone to demand anything from anyone. The game’s balance should promote that, and we prolly agree that hasn’t been the case. You can ask others, but this game is about cooperation, not dictation. Right? :slight_smile:

Thanks again.

I literally just had a game in plat where people switched off a good comp to play a throw comp because I picked Mercy. Is Mercy really seen that badly now?

Mercy is not a throw pick by any means.
Guys, get a grip. She just got a 10 HPS nerf.
She’s still very good in tiers <= Diamond and is not “bad” in Masters and GM.
It’s just that her kit is not that fitting for the current style of fights. Mainly in higher tiers.
Teams want mid-fight potential these days and not reactive ressurrects.
But I would take a good Mercy anytime instead of a mediocre Ana or a sudo-DPS Zen…

Some stats for you:

Mercy has the lowest win rates of any healer.

Mercy has one of the lowest winrates of ANY character. Only a few are lower.

And she’s lower than many characters traditionally considered niche or troll picks.

When you’re a healer and your win rate is lower than both Sombra and Bastion…yes, I think at point you could make a strong case for a “throw pick”.

It’s not about Mercy players not adjusting, it’s about Mercy players not being given enough power to begin with. Mercy can’t increase her healing output rate through player skill. Ana can just aim better to do more healing. There is a hard cap on how much Mercy can do, and that maximum ceiling is really, really low right now after all the nerfs.

You shouldn’t be able to solo heal an entire team without another support by holding M1 and nothing else, that was the point of reducing her heal to 50hp because Mercy is the only healer who can heal tru barriers/dm etc, constantly, no need to aim,reload or manage resources.

Ana and Moira who have burst heals those can be completely useless on mid teamfights because a single barrier/ in face can negate their kit 100% unlike Mercy.

If Ana gets picked by anything she immediately have stop stop healing, while having 0 mobility this is why having a Ana doesn’t mean she will better than Mercy, you have to play around Ana and always check where she is unlike Mercy who can follow you whenever you are.

As I said many times before, the only problem I see with Mercy right now is that her ultimate should heal a little more and charge faster, the rest of her kit even resurrect is perfectly balanced.

People who wants to remove Valk and give resurrect as her ult again but now that requires LOS and needs to be casted are completely clueless and have no idea about what they are asking for, if right now they complain about

I cannot resurrect anybody , is basically suicide and always die, completely useless!

Imagine the same case but now with their resurrect on Q, the same problem on a different key, specially on the current version of the game who consists on who can CC you more in order to win. I can just imagine a Mercy with their new ressurect on Q trying to do anything while getting hacked-stunned-uppercuted-shield bashed etc etc, old resurrect was a gamble (an horrible one) but we didn’t have Sombra-Doomfist or Brigitte.

No, she’s just not a god-tier pick anymore.
Like all the other support heroes she has become situationally useful and has a very clear weakness outside of trying to shoot her tiny, extremely mobile hitbox.

You should absolutely be able to solo heal an entire team without another support so long as healing is all you do. All of the other supports bring something else to the table in addition to battlefield presence. Mercy’s only job is keeping the team alive, and she can’t do anything else at the same time.

Mercy should be hands down the best healer in the game, because she has no other value in a team. There is a difference between being the best healer and the best support. Mercy can be the best healer without being the best support. Right now, however, she is neither of those things.

Mercy’s underpowered healing output is a completely separate problem from the state of Resurrect. By trying to address the suicidal nature of resurrect, you’re just changing the subject. Resurrect has been seen as an instant cast ability on Mercy’s ultimate along with 60 hp/sec and she wasn’t overpowered back then. In fact, she was still underpowered.

60 hp/sec is necessary for Mercy. Nothing less justifies 100% of a hero’s attention and output.

Mercy should absolutely not be solohealing in the highest echelons of the game. She shouldn’t be solohealing in GM, let alone OWL. why? Because blizzard doesn’t want that viable. Which is fine, because seeing it done felt nauseating. Moira is the healer that provides no utility outside of healing. Mercy does. It’s irrelevant if she can’t do it at the same time or whatever.

But it’s okay for Lucio to do it? Double standards.

For Lucio to do what? Soloheal? Is he doing that in OWWC now?

Lucio has been used as a solo healer on numerous occasions in the OWL.

Oh boy, I gotta see this.

I don’t have a clip handy, but I recall seeing it several times on 2CP defense with a Sombra for some additional health pack healing.

Sombra acts as an off-healer in these situations. I don’t recall that working very often, either.

We’re talking mercy solohealing both teams, no off-support, no Sombra. I think they even ran triple tank at one point.