Is Mercy considered a throw pick now?

No. Mercy can be the go to healer in lower ranks, but in GM that should be Ana. Ana should be the highest skill cap support and therefore the default pick in GM. Mercy has her niche atm in pocket comps, but she shouldn’t be the default support.

Mercy isn’t trash. She just shouldn’t be played 100% of the time anymore. Even Ana (who is the dominant support right now) shouldn’t be picked all of the time.

I think if she still had that 2 insta resses in valk she would still be ok. But all the nerfs combined made her decent pick, not OP but decent. However boring.

The 10 hps nerf + the buffs to other supports was the last nail to the coffin. She is outperformed by every support in everything (even mobility, lucio gives mobility to the entire team).

By numbers her Valk does potentially 3500-ish healing over the course of 1:15 minutes (as valk requires 50 sec nonstop heal to charge and it has 15 sec duration). Lucio has amp available 4 times a minute and potentially does 100 less healing than valkyrie for even less time (lucio amp - over 1 min time; valk mercy - over 1:15 min.) And we are not including that lucio can still dmg/boop/wallride and still AoE heal between and during amps.

Her resurrect brings a lot of value, yes, but most of the times its a death wish. People moestly guard corpses, trying to res someone without zarya bubble/ana pocketing u is suicide.

As I said her healing is outperformed by other healers and her ult as well. Her mobility is self-impacting (meaning only mercy can use it) while lucio can provide the entire team with far Better mobility. It’s just sad at what state of mercy are now.

She is picked around as much as season 2-3 AND has around the same winrate, the only difference being now she is boring and and hell’a stupid to play

Everyone gets harassed. Toxic people are going to remain toxic. Imagine having played pre-rework Hanzo, or Torb now. Just report them. Having them removed from the game would make life better.

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guys i know this is super off topic but how can u convince ppl (especially dps mains, since atleast some tanks are willing to switch) that solo heal is a horrible strategy and it needs to perma die

lmao no. I’m still asked to switch to Mercy over any other support.

You ask the team, “What healers do we want?” And “Mercy” is the first thing out of everyone’s mouths.

I don’t think skill cap is what should define what heroes should have higher pickrates in certain ELOs, simply because pickrates are absolutely unreliable as a measurement to hero’s balance. Mercy is pretty popular hero, that’s why she’s gonna be played pretty much no matter what until they take her staff away I guess
I see where you are getting at and I partially agree, however, if I ever get to GM, I certainly don’t wanna get bullied into playing Ana just because “she should be picked because she’s high skill”, you know what I mean?

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The game isn’t balanced around heroes being popular. Mercy doesn’t get to be the #1 Support in GM even though Ana is obviously a much more challenging hero fit for that role. Why should Mercy one-tricks be catered to while Symmetra one-tricks get treated like trash? One-tricking should be discouraged behavior, not something Blizzard makes mandatory.

That isn’t why GM players want Ana. It’s because GM Ana players are able to get more value than GM Mercy players atm, just like Gold Mercy players get more value than Gold Ana players.

If you want to one-trick Mercy, you’ll have the same experience as one-tricking any other hero, you’ll be forced to be better at Mercy than anyone else is at their hero because you play your hero in suboptimal situations.

I have received some hate for playing her but nowhere near the magnitude that you are describing. I am in gold and people have told me “why are you playing Mercy she’s garbage.” I just swapped to Ana so they could leave me alone. She is still an OK healer but I’m finding way more situations in which Moira and Ana is a better pick.

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She is 100%, absolutely not a throw pick no matter the tier. Rez will always be super strong, a 50hps lock on beam that works through shields (that can also swap to unlimited damage boost) is very useful, and her mobility is still the best in the game arguably.

So what if the hero with the lowest skill ceiling isn’t OP in masters/GM? Doesn’t that make sense?

She’s not a throw pick, yet for the time being but inb4 another nerf.
Mainly because your average Ana can’t hit the broad side of the payload and it’s pretty comical to watch them try.

While I don’t want to bloat this discussion, I must reply to this seperately.
So, if I understand it correctly, you want Mercy players to get the same treatment you got? Being harassed and bullied into playing other supports?
While putting the note that this is extremely petty on a side, I strongly disagree that toxicity should justify for more toxicity. Eye for eye is not a good way to solve problems.

I want supports to be viable for certain situations and having Mercy as the one hero that is reliable in most cases, but not to the degree she outshines everyone else, which was obviously happening the whole time. Why? Because Rez is on E. Should we, Mercy players, now eat the dog’s breakfast that they made out of this rework for you to feel avenged? I hope not. This rework has been a strain on all of us.

Was in a game with XQC and Moxy and me as a mercy on trick I kept getting yelled at by them which was so funny well it feels nice actually I’m getting throw backs to season 2-4 so nothing can stop me from playing mercy


I think we are derailing from the OP’s topic and I want to avoid participating in balance discussions as much as I can (although I love to read those), let’s just end it with a friendly handshake! :handshake:

My point was and is simple.

Threads about her feeling ‘bad to play after nerfs’ and ‘getting toxicity because of nerfs’ can hardly be taken into serious consideration or can draw sympathy simply because the majority of the player base has felt exactly like this for the past two years, no matter the hero. This is what I am saying. Like, what do you expect ?

Not that any player deserves toxicity, but pointing the fact that Mercy players have received the least of it and getting it shouldn’t be something ‘unique’ in the game, you know what I mean ? It is not like everyone else is holding hands with each other except Mercy’s players.

It is awfully bizarre that such threads are being made while so many other mains have received the exact treatment and yet, you don’t see them making threads about it as if they are victims and no one else is.

All in all, it is about time to get out of this bubble and face whatever everyone else has to see how it truly feels like playing heroes who are held behind and being called troll picks.

Perhaps like that, you might as well understand what it feels like wanting to play your favorite hero and having a meta-obsessed community and their overpowered heroes telling you to switch Mercy. None of Mercy players have felt like that to huge degree so acting as victims is almost hilarious, no offense.

I don’t think she’s a throw pick, but I have been asked to switch off Mercy in one or two games. Before the nerf, that never happened. :frowning:

Nah she won’t be a throw pick because even though she’s not good right now, she’s the most reliable healer. I don’t have to worry about dying because my Ana missing her shots or because my Moira couldn’t reach me

I for one am not asking for sympathy. I am asking for this toxicity towards other players to stop. Is that not good for consideration in your opinion? Well, I hope I will find others that will take it.

That is very debatable. Even more so, we should not measure this in a way that “they didn’t receive just as much toxicity as we did, now it’s their turn!”. This toxicity should not exist in the first place. And I blame the rework for it, but that’s another story.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen hundreds of posts/comments of other support mains reporting they were harassed into playing Mercy. It is one of the most common complaints about Mercy and a reason they want her nerfed. Plus, I certainly am no trying to play the victim here. My post is about being harassed because of a pick that just a while ago was basically a must-pick. That’s what is bizarre to me.

And again, I think that this mind set is wrong and should have never been promoted by her rework, which unfortunately happened. If you think it’s good Mercy players will taste the same because other healers are becoming meta, it is contradicting a bit to what you’re seemingly against.

Such a toxic outlook. I wonder when you started playing? Mercy wasnt always a must pick insta win character. The fact you think Mercy mains have been “sheltered” from the toxicity is whats truly hilarious. Another bitter support main with this us vs them mentality. Just because we main Mercy doesnt mean we one trick her lol.

By your logic weve seen the least of the hate and are delicate little babies in a ball of bubble wrap that dont have the right to complain about balance changes or toxicity towards us. Your post honestly just sounds so hateful and bitter. The Op complaining about toxicity directed towards them isnt belittling or detracting from other people experiencing toxicity.

I have over 170 hours on Mercy alone under my belt and even in tank meta, no one asked me to switch, not even once. Not a single negative comment such as ‘dying too much’ or ‘we need this instead’. I know the life of a Mercy player since 2016.

Dps have received tons of more toxicity before me, tanks even.

Like honestly, the moment I switched to anything else, the Hell came out. I climbed even higher as non-Mercy player, it is not about skill, it is just that every other hero never had the position Mercy has/had. Choosing anything else came with a ‘ugggh we need a Mercy’ or ‘we don’t have Mercy so I throw’.

So after all this time, now you all come outside in arms to say ‘Toxicity shouldn’t exist’ ? This is what stranges me out the most while it should not be, simply because right now for once, you taste what everyone else did for really long time.

Like yes, I am against toxicity because I met it, but I am also content with the idea that everyone begins to get equal treatment, no matter if it is negative or positive. And to be honest ? Mercy getting toxicity signals that balance is slowly coming in the support roster, simply because one hero should not be accessible in all situations and acceptable to be picked everywhere for two years straight.

Receiving toxicity, means your hero is becoming like everyone else, which it should be the desirable outcome. If you are a true suporter of balance and want every support equally useful in the game, then you will have to endure the fact that yes, Mercy cannot be picked all the time and to extend, embrace it. She is not a throw pick ( like the thread tries to suggest among so many others ), she is becoming situational. Difference.

As I mentioned in my previous posts, toxicity is everywhere, in every role and every hero. People will flame the charging Reinhardt, the diving Genji, the Ana who either misses shots or can’t heal because of shields.

Toxicity is part of every competitive game, disliking it or not. Acting sensitive about it all of sudden while historically ( in the forums ) none of you showed such stance or support to any other hero after nerfs, is just purely ironic to my eyes and perhaps, to other players’ as well.

You do not like toxicity, I understand. It is just too late to acknowledge it. Even a 4k SR dps gets called names in streams and ranked games upon a single mistake or a bad day. No one is a special case.