Is Mercy considered a throw pick now?

If Mercy was truly so overpowered, why was she not seen much in the Contenders league games after the end of the OWL season? Contenders was running on 60 hp/sec Mercy while we normal people already had the latest Mercy nerf. I’m not sure if they’ve finally updated the Contenders to the latest patch yet or not at this point, but they were generally not using her.

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Iirc Contenders used a lot of weird stuff. Sombra and Hammond were used plenty and I wouldn’t call them exceptionally good. They’re not exactly a snapshot of who’s good and who’s not

I see, so when the hero usage data from some of the best players in the world doesn’t fit your narrative, it’s suddenly invalid?

Sombra has the second highest win rate of all non-Symmetra damage heroes in GM. Wrecking ball has the second highest win rate of the tanks in GM, and both have a healthy pick rate in GM play. In Masters, Wrecking Ball is the highest win rate tank. Both heroes are clearly viable in high level play.

Contenders aren’t using just random weird stuff. They’re using strategies that they have tried and tested at the highest levels of play. Some of it is still somewhat experimental, but they’re not just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. They already put a lot of thought into these strategies and already know what they are doing is good.

That they were rarely using Mercy when she still had 60 hp/sec is very noteworthy.

no but whenever i play mercy, i most often find getting silver heals because i mostly damage boost now than heal. our main healer being moira.

You can’t look at winrate in a vacuum. Symmetra has had a ridiculously high winrate for the lifespan of the game, and there’s no denying that she’s still weak and situational. Hammond depends on the environment.

Also, can you give me the dates for contenders that you’re referring to? Winston’s lab is trying to tell me that mercy was still the most-picked support for season 2

From the end of OWL season 1 to whenever they received the 50 hp/sec Mercy patch, if they even have yet. Sorry I can’t quickly quote exact dates for you. I have to step away. That probably catches more days than just the ones I am actually referring to.

Hmm, I ran contenders season 2 from the last day of OWL to today just in case and I’m getting mercy as the most picked hero overall. It could be unupdated (mercy’s play time is only like 3.5 hrs), but :woman_shrugging:

I mean she shouldnt be, if someone says mercy is a troll pick, they are just dumb.

Mercy must pick for an entire year and a nerf finally made her situational
"omg shes a throw pick now "
No, she’s still a good healer she just isn’t mandatory anymore which was a 100% NEEDED change for the game.

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In my opinion, yes.

I don’t play Mercy, but i looked at stats and i remember that long time ago healing had to be buffed to 60 hps because 50 just didn’t simply cut it back then.

Considering that she now has the absolute worst winrate in GM, far worse than any other hero, and this trend of awful winrates continues all the way down to Bronze, i think it’s safe to say she’s at least very close to F-tier in most ranks, and outright unviable in higher ranks outside of PharMercy combo.

Answer: yes. She is a troll pick now. She was a troll pick before the rework, but nowhere near as bad state wise as she is now.

It’s hard to even consider her as a main support. She’s now a off-support with Ana and Lucio now being the main healers.

Not really.
She has roughly an equal pickrate to ana.

She’s definitely not a troll pick, but she’s most certainly sub-optimal in most situations now. She can’t be the healing workhorse she used to be. She does still outheal the other supports by a bit at the moment, but that’s only because she’s mostly only healing. The others all bring in some more damage and utility that make up for any healing they lack.

I’ve taken to mostly using her when we have two snipers and/or Pharah. She’s still effective when the team is spread out on different elevations and for reversing one-shots. I can’t use her as a reliable tank healer anymore, though. Too many tanks are dying with my beam attached to them since the 50 HPS nerf.

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I personally don’t think she is. I’m actually playing her more since I’m not asked to play her 60% of the time I pick Ana or Moira. I love playing Mercy, she’s my most played overall, but it was annoying getting asled to play her constantly. So, I’m actually glad that she isn’t as strong as before.

It’s still early days, but since my placements, when I’m on Zen this has been the W/L of the other 5 Supports

Lucio = Played 5, W4, L1, 80% WR
Moira = Played 4, W3, L1, 75% WR
Ana = Played 3, W2, L1, 66% WR
Brig = Played 5, W3, L2, 60% WR
Mercy = Played 1, W0, L1, 0% WR

There’s been nowhere near enough games to truly make a judgement yet, but if Mercy’s lack of play and lack of success becomes a trend, that will be very worrying

They’re even Ana solo-healing at times in the OWWC, let alone just Lucio

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Most people just go with the nerf hype saying she is useless, but I can say for sure she isn’t, I can’t really talk about fun, since I don’t really play her, but I have a friend that does a support duo with me, him on Moira, Ana or Mercy and myself on Lúcio.

And let me tell you something, she is still effective af, the only thing is: your team now has to pay attention to what is happening to the supports and help them, wich most people were used to not do during the Mercy must pick era.

When playing with this friend I mentioned our average combined healing as Mercy + Lúcio is 20k+, going to 30k+ and sometimes 40k on long matches, and most of it is due to teamplay between us, peeling back to help him if someone tries to kill him, booping people far away from him, all that good stuff.

And that is (for me) what most people don’t seem to understand, if you want Mercy to be effective 1)You NEED to play around with another support to back you up, gone were the days she could solo heal, and that’s not bad at all. And 2)Your team has to, well, play as a team, protecting those in danger of death and all that.

If those things happen I’m sure you will find way more success with her :smiley:.

All I saw was “Is Mercy considered a throw pi-“

And I thought it was going to say “throw pillow” so I had to click to find out.

But no, Mercy is entirely still viable.