Is Mei meta now?

If you’re including last year, then I think Mei took a few more hits than that. But yeah, Mei didn’t get a bunch of buffs this year.

That’s all sorts of subjective. I think high teir/pro players would play what wins more than what is ‘fun’. If you remember GOATS being played for a year+ straight because it was meta, even if not ‘fun’

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And higher tier players get forced onto Mei all the time.

Not what the pick rates say.

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Watch OWL or any top 500 lobby.

I legit just went against a Mei rush comp 2 mins ago, luckily somebody on my team quit and the game got canceled.

Got any hard numbers on this? I don’t exactly feel like “Go find it” as compelling.

“pick rates” are complete nonsense.

Gold games everyone plays Ana Mercy… that that is garbage as a duo.

Masters and GM over the last month don’t suggest Mei is meta either.

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The pro teams play either Mei Cree or Echo Tracer/Sombra

And where are you getting this data from?

If you say Overbuff, please leave. lol.

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Does youtube have statistics or numbers to check? Or is this “sit through a bunch of videos and find it yourself”

Overbuff is confirmed to have numbers largely in line with Blizzard’s internal. It’s the best data source available.

What’s the timestamp for statistics? 2 hours isn’t exactly a very good sample size.

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I feel like most people want her to be a tank BECAUSE she is meta at the highest level and kind of meh on ladder.

2 hours of the Shock v Outlaws last night… just skip to any point,.

last map. Mei Cree Rein Dva Lucio Bap both teams.

Second map. Blizzard World… same comps. (even though double bubble is arguably better there).

She is kinda good in Rein/Zarya metas. She always has been but we have not had one of those in quite awhile so we did not have a Mei meta.

She isn’t “meh” on ladder.

Sadly most ladder people are in gold/plat… they just don’t utilise her well enough.

So your sample size is about 4-5 games? I’m still not seeing any statistics. Seeing them played in a handful of games. When I skipped through, I found Widow, Hanzo, Widow, tracer. But I’m looking for actual numbers, not a 2 hour window that demands me sit down and watch through hours of play and talk.

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Well, yeah, that is part of why she is meh on ladder. Meh players, lack of coordination, lack of willingness to use her. All sorts of stuff that would likely be alleviated if she was a tank.

No. It is the length of this patch on the pro scene.

Contenders EU, NA, Korea, China, Australia, OWL.

T500 streams.

Hundreds of games.

True. This is why gold support players cry about who is healing more… Forgetting they are playing SUPPORT not HEAL. There is a reason Bap Lucio is so powerful. Is the the lamp and the speed.

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and… what’s the timestamp for statistics? The video you sent was about 2 hours long, and you haven’t told me where the numbers are. The overbuff over the last month for GM and Masters play have mine, readily available and confirmed to be reasonably accurate. Where are your stats?