Is Mei meta now?

I was making Tank Mei posts, so that she WOULDN’T get played in OWL.

Because her usage in OWL is what’s keeping her from being decent for the bottom 95% of players.

Or more importantly, her “TripleTank” usage in OWL would prevent Tanks from getting buffs, to fix their usage popularity issues.

The problem with Mei isn’t a “Bastion” type issue, it’s a “Sombra” type issue.

She’s too good in OWL, and crap almost everywhere else.

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If you are a tank player who queued for DPS, Mei is a good pick. If you are a DPS player first and foremost, Mei is a bad pick. Only when you think like a tank, can Mei truly be mastered, although, that’s why people hate her, because now you essentially have triple tank…

Quoted for emphasis.

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She’s been meta for a while. But the meta right now is quite loose, and will probably push towards double bubble iwth the patch.

I mean, you see Mei in OWL because Mei can zone like a tank.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes full “Wannabe GOATs”.

Doom, Mei, Bap, Lucio, Rein,

Meta in what rank? All the stats I’m seeing shows Mei at less than a 2% pick rate. While McCree is up to 7% and Hanzo/Tracer taking the second DPS slot most of the time. Being meta generally suggests they’d be picked more. But that doesn’t seem to be the case.

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Look at her win rate though, it’s so high. Such a crutch pick.

As a seasoned Mei one-trick, yes and no

Mei didn’t get buffed. In fact, most of the changes she’s received in recent times have been nerfs. The meta is rush, a form of deathball, and Mei thrives in deathball comps. However, there are other DPS heroes that also benefit from the rush meta that simply do a better job at DPSing than Mei, the obvious example being McCree. Echo can be extremely annoying to play against as Mei too.

But when the map is a small enclosed space such as King’s Row, Busan Meka Base, Lijiang Control Centre etc, Mei can and should be played. Those maps are her playground, and you’re more than likely putting yourself at a disadvantage by not playing her there. The ice wall is an indispensable asset on those maps that simply can’t be made up for with other DPS heroes. They simply can’t punish tanks as hard in those situations.

In other words, Mei is simply fulfilling her niche extremely well at the moment. Small enclosed spaces are the ideal places to play her, and there isn’t much to stop her in those situations currently.

Just wait for the OWL meta to solidify, then for GM players to copy it.

Might take a month, but they will do it.

Mei is good if you can coordinate and communicate. AKA good in OWL.
Ladder? Has her uses but they are extremely limited.

“Wall can go off when she is dead” what a buff! If all buffs were so useless like this one… at least cryofreeze is less of a suicide button since she recharges half of the ammo after being a sitting duck for 4 seconds

Nah. WIth the new patch it’ll just push people towards Monkey, Zarya, Echo, Tracer/Sombra, Ana, Brig. (by people I mean good players/pros)

1% PR is far from being meta.

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She’s meta, projectile dps players have to lock her to win.

Examples of this are Agilities and Stratus.

Meta being Most Effective Tactic Available. Two players does not a meta make. Players pick the things that win.
If Mei is meta, why is she not a top picked character?

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There was that plus Wall cooldown by 1s and ammo refresh in Cryo.

When was this? Could you link to the patchnotes from the above? I don’t think that was this year.

Indeed it wasn’t, you are correct. Those buffs were from October 2020.

She’s boring, very few people enjoy playing her.