Is Mass Rezz coming back or not?

Certainly hope not! Valk is way more fun.

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Is it doe? Flying in the air, healing and damaging boosting as usual with infinite ammo and increased heals/dmg boost rate is more fun than resurrecting your team and potentially winning a team fight all by yourself? I personally am going to stick with my opinion.

I don’t really see the difference…
Do you mean leaving your team after the fight has already began ?

So your team can do nothing and still win?

Yes… [20 Characters]

As in your resurrected your team by yourself and won the fight. Obviously, your teammates will be doing something. Thought people would infer that. Guess not…

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It just makes it sound like a case of rose colored glasses.

All the Mercy related threads I’ve been a part of in the past 24 hours are now in the megathread.

So maybe leanient isn’t the right word, but more like “We don’t see it so we can’t move it because they’re likely not being commented on”

There’s a reason you can still get a post removed after months of it being posted and dead. Because someone commented on it and it’s now on the front page.

I don’t understand that reference :joy:

the light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole… :eyes:

Still don’t get it… Can you explain it for me please :slight_smile:

Alright, so leaving your team after the fight has began can be an option, but as a healer, your job is to keep your team alive as long as possible so that they can kill your oponents and win the match.

By leaving your team you’re denying them your 60hps (or 30% dmgb), which means your enemies need to do less to kill people: less health lost for them, less cooldowns used, less ults involved…

All of this grants them a better state for the 2nd engagement, and so a better chance to win it.

You can check this if you want further details :slightly_smiling_face:

"Hide and rez" VS playing properly

I just hope that while mass rez may not come back in its original form, rez is tied back into her ult directly. Until that happens, she can and will never be in a good spot, no matter what they try. Rez as a standard ability is not able to be balanced, ever.

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All that time not healing is compensated for when you resurrect your team though (resurrected teammates have full HP).

Also, according to your logic that a healers job is to keep your team alive as long as possible, Moira shouldn’t exist as her heals are on a resource bar meaning her main function is to damage therefore she can’t always keep her team alive.

Regarding your third paragraph, generally, if you are the team that is attacking, the enemy team would be in a better state as it is easier to defend than it is to attack (from my time in GM. May be different depending on ranks). So if Mercy’s mass resurrect flops and you still lose the team fight, blaming only the Mercy for not healing is really just inconsiderate.

I guess you have to ask 997,937 more times, to find out! :smiley:

Not entirely, yes your team will be back at full health, but the team facing you will not be as harmed as if you were healing.
By healing you’re prolonging the fight and giving your team more time do kill people.

Moira has an AOE spray which heals for 80hps, and her ball which can heal up to 200hp (correct me if I’m wrong).
She’s a healer. Her primary job is to heal people. Her secondary role would be disturbing people with her long beam & damage ball.
Comparing her to Mercy, she doesn’t have to heal her team for as long as Mercy because of her high AOE healing.
1s of Moira juice can heal up to 400hp, in theory, while Mercy is always stuck at 60hp, and would need about 6.5s to heal 400hp.
Her higher healing rate means she’s losing less team healing, and she must use this time for recharging her batteries.

The ignorance of some people is honestly baffling.

In 394 hours of Mercy 1.x, can you guess my grand total of five-man Resurrections? I’ll give you a hint: the number can be counted on two hands.

Eight. Eight five-mans in nearly 400 hours. That equates to almost 50 hours for every five-man.


I cannot even begin to articulate how out of touch with reality this is.

Taking this further, out of those eight five-mans, three of them ended with another pentakill+ for the enemy team. How does that compare to the the rarity of your pentakills, and their success rate?


The same can be said about Graviton Surge, Sound Barrier, Pulse Bomb, Earthshatter, Dragonstrike, Supercharger, Blizzard, EMP, and Nano-Boost.

And yet, all of those are still thrilling to use.

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But it sure as hell resulted in a change in gameplay before using it, even if not visibly for a spectator.

This is when I got the Huge Rez achievement. I had maybe 20 hours on her, most of it in vs AI, so it’s pretty crappy Mercy play (okay it’s VERY crappy play) but this is what it looked like. In no way an example of what it felt like, especially when done smart.
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