Is Mass Rezz coming back or not?

Not to seem rude but why would they;

It’s just an avalanche of Mercy mains saying how unfun she is now, whilst begging for Mass Res to come back.

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She had a pretty long build up on MR so it was common that fight started when you didn’t have ult yet. And also, no good Mercy was hiding in a fight. Why risk everything on pulling off a mass rez when you can just try to win the fight without it and Tempo rez it if you seem to be losing the fight. Being in the middle of everything was bread an butter for Mercy. Unless of course, you call ducking for cover when bomb/RIP tire/Highnoon/Tacvizor etc hit the ground - hiding. EVERYONE runs for cover then.

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I meant her base game-play is more fun than Mercy’s to most people. Also, there are Ana mains who have been asking for nano to affect her in some way.

That’s a bad philosophy to live by, for OBVIOUS reasons. When someone says ‘no’ you accept that no.

This is a false stereotype! Mercy mains aren’t the only people pushing for mass resurrect to return. Furthermore, Mercy mains are definitely not the only people complaining about how boring she is to play.


People whined on the forum until they reworked roadhog. Community feeling is something they take into consideration… and she IS the most popular character in the game, ironically more widely known than Tracer who is literally a poster girl for the game. And frankly, they reworked her Rez because DPS players were whining about her being unfun - which the rework didn’t change. So they might as well make at least some people happy.

Why risk dying when you can potentially save your team with res? Hiding for res will always be the safest option unless you are confident that your team will win the fight without resurrect.

It’s kind of context dependent. Sometimes asking repeatedly is a non issue. Sometimes it’s very clear that it’s a hard stance and asking again is just going to make them angry or upset.

Okay, but what does this have to do with Mercy’s ultimate if you’re talking about base gameplay? I’m just saying that Mercy’s gameplay does in fact change when she uses her mass resurrect ultimate.

Because you are much more vulnerable without your team. Your team playing for a big rez can be entirely countered by a leaving them a gift of self-destruct and many other things. The only place where it started to make some sense was in Master and above by a boosted Mercies who couldn’t operate in an environment so far above their natural rank.
And the only reason it worked was because Mercy was considered garbage at those ranks for so long that they had no idea how to play against her.

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I’m saying her ult barely changed her gameplay since it was a button press then back to normal.

Not really. I’m not saying that her ult wasn’t fun at all. I’m saying some people make it sound much more fun than it really was.

I disproved this and exemplified my argument and you responded with, ”it doesn’t spice her up”. Just because it doesn’t change Mercy’s overall kit doesn’t mean her game style doesn’t change. Game style depends on Ultimates and the situation your team is in e, g: your team might be contesting the objective on overtime. Naturally, you are going to play more offensive in this scenario. Same for Mercy’s mass resurrect. You wouldn’t just go really defensive after getting a 5 man res. You’d play really aggressively.

How would you know this unless you’ve played mercy for a considerable amount of time.

Edit: the opinion of a Mercy main since season 3 VS a player with only 7 hours on mercy. I think she’s fun and I’m going to stick with that.

Depends on point of view. For the Mercy it was a lot of uncertainty, ton of decision making, prediction etc. It was a pretty emotionally wild thing to play with. A lot of expectations into a bet. And afterward… you had no backup plan. So you HAD to perform and survive even after the rez.

I mean unless we march to Blizz HQ with a bunch of “revert mercy signs” or spam the forums and subreddit with revert mercy then I highly doubt it will ever come back.

There have been some subtle hints suggesting the return of mass resurrect so right now it’s just a game of waiting.

Well if you’re hiding, you’re pretty much throwing the fight and giving it to your enemies because your team is 5v6.
The oponent team will most likely win the fight without the need of using many ultimates.
Then you fly in and let’s assume you manage to resurrect the entire team (sometimes Mercy got killed mid-air), the real fight (6v6) begins but you have more or less wasted your rez and your oponents can use the 2.25s of invulnerability at their advantage.
You will most likely get teamwiped again, or some of your teammates will be picked off instantly, which puts you at a disadvantage at the very begining of the fight.


They never said no tho. They said they had no plans to revert at this time


Where? I have seen no such hints at all.

We have been doing the second thing since the rework. We are currently at the n°9 megathread nearing closing and they cap at 20.000 reactions.

What we haven’t done is visit their headquarters. :wink:

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I’m not talking about hiding well before a team fight starts. I’m talking about hiding when the fight starts to look unpredictable and your not sure who will win. Also, 5v6’s can be won by mass resurrect because it is very likely that in the 5v6 (without the Mercy) your team would’ve killed someone. With this you can just resurrect your team and fight a 6v5.

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