Is it weird I miss all the mercy drama

I’m so sure. We can agree to disagree (or not) but I strongly feel like reality is on my side here.

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Then your comment was utterly worthless because it provided no new evidence and then immediately returned us both back to believing what we already believed.

Yeah. Hi. Welcome to the forums. :roll_eyes:

Congrats on being part of the problem, then.

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Weird. I don’t see much of a problem these days. Most of those people gave up and left. :wink:

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I was talking about problem with the forums, not Mercy.

Also, congrats on outing yourself on simply wanting to troll against those people.

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look how salty and hurt they are just because someone disagrees with them. this is probably one of the biggest factors for why the revertmercy movement was an utter failure.

Ahh, and you must be the kind of forum-goer who thinks anyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Well, I’m done here. By all means, stay mad. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me simply voicing my disagreement. Didn’t mean to leave you distraught.


So fun fact, depending on your skill you can force most healers into teams where they may not be optimal picks. I’ve done it a ton. This may cease to be the case in incredibly high ranks… but in gold and plat it works. You just need to be willing to change up your playstyle some.

Moira isn’t great on spread out teams. However with good use of heal orbs and fade for mobility… players can work around it.

Ana isn’t great in Dive because hitting Genji and Tracer with healing is hard. However, if you’re good enough it can work anyway.

Baptiste isn’t amazing outside of bunker. Again though, be good with your heal nades, be willing to use Regen Burst for your teammates you’re having trouble hitting and frisbee your Lamp onto Hanamura point 2 from the door because your Reinhardt just charged in, you can make it work.

Mercy though… if your team pick Rein + DVa… you simply do not have as much healing as those two want. You just don’t. There’s no skill based way of kinda making it work.

Because of that I can easily see you interpreting Mercy players not wanting to be basically forced off their hero by their teammates as “they wanted her to maintain a must-pick, one size fits all status”… even though that isn’t at all what they wanted.

There is a vast gulf between, “This isn’t optimal but I can make it work” and “Yeah… if I don’t switch I’m basically throwing”. Mercy gets to #2 way faster and way more often than any other healer. It honestly isn’t surprising that Mercy players wanted that fixed. I mean… the Symm and Torb reworks were done specifically to reduce how often they found themselves in situation #2.


I’m not the one throwing around names, insults or presumptions about the moods of a collective of people. I think you have your argument backwards.


just a clarification: the megathread happened prior to the spams of thread. the spam only happened because the megathread was so chaotic and good ideas were either drowned or felt like being ignored. honestly, they should’ve just added an entirely new feedback “section” in the forums for an entire year’s fiasco from the rework


Actually, what made Ana bad in Dive wasn’t just that. She is completely useless against barriers and Defense Matrix. Which was why at the time, the more meta D.Va became the less Ana became.

That arguably changes depending on what skill bracket you’re in. If you are in gold or plat, its the aim thing. At those ranks enemy Winstons and DVas don’t generally go out of their way to eat your stuff when you are on Ana. However… I personally find that Genji in full on dodge mode is really really hard to hit. If you are at GM or Top 500… then yeah I can imagine that the enemy Winston and DVa are more likely to try to eat your stuff.

Again throwing stones in a glass house. Well since you are asking 4.3k+ Hitscan specialist, multiple t500 seasons and played on a plethora of teams with and against some of the best the game has to offer pre con/contenders.

Ohh and your hours played too, i see, i didn´t know you had to have hours on the character to talk about people leaving because of balance changes ?


I don’t often agree with you on, well, anything, but I do agree with most of what you said in this post. That being said, I think this last paragraph I copied into my post is largely on a player by player basis. Only speaking from personal experience and what I’ve discussed with others in various Mercy Discord communities, I feel like the opposite is true.

Sure, certain comps like D.Va/Rein combo can be a nightmare for Mercy. Or at least, they were, when Mercy or any support player found themselves solo-healing, but I feel like this isn’t the case nearly as much as it used to be, most especially since the role queue changes hit live.

See, you say that, yet as you should know those quarter reports don´t show you player numbers, neither does it show the very important part, about how much of the leaving was actually because of mercy rework.

Oh and also, the meta where she was picked the most out of any character, in any rank and pro play, happened after that drop.

He did, got a source ?

Funny you see it that way, he has still to post any source that showcases any loss in player numbers due to the Mercy rework, if you think that RobotWizard “Won” this debate, i dare say you have a lot to learn, RobotWizard hasn´t even presented evidence to support his claim yet.

Funny how the rest of the community is absolutely happy and we have devs and pros saying she is in a rather okay spot, but for the OTP, it still isn´t enough, Nevermind the current data that suggest all supports are in a rather good spot right now.


“He has lost a bunch of the mercy players on his friends list”

Alright buddy, have you actually finished high school yet ?

How can you make such an arrogant comment, that straight up just makes you look like a fool, no, small cases of incidents aren´t factual evidence of something.

Nice one buddy, “They can´t balance”, “They balanced, but i dont like it so, who cares”. Your randomly swinging personal opinions matters why exactly ?

Care to prove that, i know for one that Mercy players specifically was both targeted and whined at the harassment they got for being Mercy OTP. So to suggest that they didn´t use it a lot is just an understatement. Besides, besides it was in relevancy to his comment about, why Private profiles didn´t matter.

some people just have a real hard time admitting they are wrong and facing the music

Robot isn´t necessarily wrong, he just can´t prove the bold statements he made, which i was fully aware of, since Blizzard doesn´t wanna show that kind of data and no big organization or individuals wanted or cared to track that data specifically.