Is it weird I miss all the mercy drama

it was said many times in numerous Dev Updates, but if you’re looking for a specific example, he says it in the Dev Update where he actually announces her rework.


I mean… sure, after 2-2-2, Mercy is less likely to be in a situation where her healing simply is not enough… but that’s because she’s going to have a healer buddy and people much more frequently pick a real main healer to go with her.

To me, that reeks of treating the symptoms without treating the underlying problem.

Im not really. Mercy mains and those who enjoyed 1.0 more than 2.0 have got harassed because of Aria Rose.

I am aware he frequently says that “she is one of our most popular heroes”, i just want that clip where he says, she is our most popular hero.

Her pickrates remained completely unchanged after private profiles went live.

It’s also very strange that you both acknowledge that Mercy players received harrassment and then call it “whining” as if said complaints were not justified.

Also, it’s bad form to ask for OTHER people to prove their arguments before YOU prove yours. If I hadn’t happened to have these screenshots laying around, you could have gotten away with saying anything you liked and that’s not how a fair debate is supposed to work.


Found it… well forum post instead of a clip, but still.

Here we have posts from Jeff Kaplan on the old forums dated August 10th 2017. Where he flat out says that Mercy is the most picked hero in comp by “a HUGE long shot”.

Here’s a post a few earlier in the exact same thread showing Mercy was #6 most picked in Quickplay which is famous for being a DPS clown fiesta… so for a non DPS to be in the top 6 is pretty insane.


If you miss it because you got off on laughing at it, then yeah it’ weird - seek help.

But if you’re just saying you’re tired of the current batch of complaints - then I get it.
Widow threads will never stop, they’ve been a constant throughout the years because people hate being one-shot in any game. Hero’s not op and requires a high amount of skill to consistently land headshots, she’s not going anywhere nor is her one shot potential being removed, but the “it’s not fair I got one shot and we don’t want to switch to counter her!” threads will always remain.

As to Doom and 2/2/2, well that’s the current issue so you’re going to see a ton of threads about it. 2/2/2 is new and Doom is broken, of course there are going to be threads about it.

I personally prefer seeing threads about LEGITIMATE issues vs. threads bashing Mercy players and laughing at their frustration and what not.

It was before Aria and before rework too. Moth-meta just raised pettiness and toxicity to the highest level.


No it actually started before that. It started when Seagull made the “I hate Mercy” video during Season 4/5.

Mercy mains went from being one of the most beloved player groups to THE most hated almost overnight.


@main topic: I miss the heated disscussion and passion evident on both sides we saw during Mercy doom time. Every iteration of opinion was genuinely interesting and I definitely miss the investment I could feel in fellow forum goers posts. Everything just feels hollowed out now, like no one really cares and is just saying “no” so something is being discussed.

@Sub topic of Mercy Exodus/current playstyle: I’m really only here because I can’t be bothered to grind or replay long story games. I don’t like current Mercy, or the logic of her being niche being good when she has the best enabler of all trades design allowing for the most diverse metas. Her needing proper competitors for that sub-role I agree with 100% but forcing a JoaT into a false niche by kneecapping their ability to deliver on being a JoaT is bad balancing imo.

Rez is too variable in value to really get a beat on, and stapling the health value of the Rezzed ally onto it makes it really awful. 31.75sec minimum to heal 150-900hp is, well, bad. Considering it is also weighed down by more restrictions than her ult I’d consider the implementation of Rez in her base kit an utter failure. Value is mostly out of the player’s hands, too inconsistent and restrictive to be used as a basic burst heal.

Her healing at 60hps paired perfectly with GAs 1.5sec cooldown as 1.5sec was +90hp for her ally and Mercy could be constantly on the move while providing a good amount of health to keep allies up. At 50hps she gets 75 healing done with the 1.5sec break between GAs. The +.5sec needed to reach 100 healing slows her down in a noticable way. Where before the second I landed and latched on I began looking for my next target, now I know I have to wait half a second longer in beam range of target #1 to get +10 healing from what I used to. It breaks her inherent flow state of team wide healing, and feels far worse than it numerically is.

Valk is… More JoaT that doesn’t function as a JoaT. It was so obviously cobbled together with very little thought that people were calling that out on Valk’s launch day. Ofc, it was far far beyond broken then but the underlying flaws of its design and why it makes 0 sense on Mercy (equipped with great mobility so her single target beam doesn’t feel like a restriction) with ever increased mobility and chain beams that only offer defensive usage if you can’t use GA and beam juggling to keep a team alive and need AoE assistance to accomplish that.

Overall I really understand why so many Mercy players bailed, on the hero or the game, and I really should go to GameStop buy some pre-owned games and move on as well but GameStop’s a two hour drive so maybe that’ll wait til Christmas.


That is what I tried to say.
Alas, language barriers are everywhere, everywhere!

Im so sorry for my bad english XD


That is showed where you simply linked a long graph for multiple seasons and no zoom in on the relevant time period, also private profiles were on for everyone by default, so a drop a couple of weeks after (since people weren´t aware of it) is a good suggestion that they kept it on.

You can be the target of harassment and actually make good notes of that and post, but that doesnt change the fact, that the same Mercy players said she was dead with 2.0 and with every single nerf that came her way, when she was so massively overtuned for so long. That was whining, so you got more questions about how two things aren´t always related ?

I didn´t have to prove anything there though did i, it was in the patch notes that it was across all players and accounts that private profiles was turned on, this means that many players (Also mercy players, that are the specific ones we are talking about had it on/ has it on. They aren´t accounted for since you cannot track them. So well there you go i proved everything i said with the patch notes and the logic of, what that means, i didn´t specifically say, that they 100% did have it on after they were aware, but i was inclined to believe so and made the notion, when Robot called them fragile etc.

So again, it was a really valiant effort from you i must say.

Cool, let’s see your main account then.
Yes, gatekeeping is real, valid and I enforce it.

You literally can’t “zoom in” on relevant time periods on Overbuff. What are you talking about?

Even if you could, it wouldn’t matter, because there’s no downtick in Mercy’s pickrates, which there would be if they all went private. Remember YOU are the person arguing that private profiles affected Mercy’s numbers, so where’s your evidence.

No, because your constant whining about Mercy OTPs in this topic has made it pretty clear what your true agenda is.

Prove that Mercy mains went private more than other players did. That was your entire argument.


For others who wanna see


When its a popular opinion that Blizzard really doesn’t know how to balance a game, is it really personal opinion at that point? Even in regards that doesnt involve Mercy, Blizzard is laughably terrible at balancing.


Yeah I really miss when I was constantly harassed for being a Genji main :slight_smile:
When I was a flex player having
2 tanks
2 healers with similar time on it

And the fact that you got denied even if you were right because “LOL GENJU MAENS”

So you weren´t gonna fetch that interview where he said “She is the most popular hero”, nevermind that or even find it on print, you could however find me one where he says who is played most to least in a list posted on the forums, which wasn´t, what you said though remember

“Also, Jeff said that she was the most popular hero, not just support hero, of the entire game.”

Doesn´t quite look like he did say that.

But what are you gatekeeping exactly ? And i am supposed to throw my main out, but not you ?

Well again, with the throwing of stones. I have 3 accounts all named DarkWaver, so is my main too.

No you yourself can do that.

Here is a little secret you seem to still miss, EVERY PLAYER IN THE GAMES PROFILE WENT PRIVATE ON THAT DAY. So tell me, is there any change in her pickrate over the course of the following week+ ? I don´t even know where to look on the graph in relation to it.

Wait wut, where did i do that specifically ? I said that it is hard to prove anything about Mercy players leaving, when a lot of them also was private at the time for instance, same with others. Still made as a suggestion towards his comment, that they were fragile and useless at switching.

Here i said i wouldn´t doubt it then and i thought it would indeed be very relevant to know and account for, which he hasn´t. You keep saying yours and your evidence, you are aware, that i haven´t gotten the evidence i asked for and haven´t raised a disposition about as if it was 100% fact outside of me and his little debate about hypotheticals.

ohh really, so you are just gonna ignore the clear cut logic, that your accusation was completely void ? I would have never expected that, lol.

Where was it that ?

My argument was, that he hasn´t shown anything related to players quitting and that it was a cause related to Mercy, nothing, he has shown pickrate fluctuating and said it was proof of, i quote at one point “50% of the people leaving at that time” or something close to that.

So no i don´t need to prove anything i am not making claims, i said in relation to his own statement, that they were “special snowflakes”, that it would make sense for them to also utilize the private profiles. my argument about profiles wasn´t grounded on the fact of how many players used it, or specifically if Mercy players did more than others (i believe they and some others were personally though, since they did complain about the harassment prior, that the private profiles was obviously meant to combat), i just said that not even private profiles were accounted for, making it nearly impossible to make any claims on reasons for players leaving in the regard he did.

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It is a popular opinion where ? On a forum, where majority of players come to say bad things and be mad ?

You think players go to a forum to thank the developers and say everything is good ? Quite the opposite my friend, this is a very lopsided place, neither does it matter, since some stats showcase that in regards certain aspects of the game, the game has never been in a much more healthy balance state.

But if you missed the actual point of my comment, it was that you said they couldn´t balance for shizz, yet just accepted and (thank god understand), that Mercy is balanced and then go for the completely irrelevant “but she isn´t fun for me”

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We still had healer powercreep because of those “boosted support main”