Is it weird I miss all the mercy drama

It’s now a mercy thread

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Mercy threads never die!

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I mean Andromeda is kind of fun.



imagine trying (and failing :wink:) to argue with RobotWizard

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Have you tried Warframe? Anthem had better graphics, but that was about it. There are some major updates coming this year, and a ton already in the game.

Yeah, I personally didn’t have a bunch of friends leave because of the Mercy rework (two out of around 13 or so that played Overwatch, so actually a decent proportion), but I know a lot of people who I was acquainted with through the game who did leave because of it. It was an absolutely terrible change and was horrible for the game, even if you like how she is now. There were much better options for dealing with her, including both ones that kept and ones that eliminated Mass Rez


I have considered it, but free to play games tend to be very grindy. Anthem had that fault too to some degree, but in general Bioware’s storytelling is among the best for me. So Warframe is on my “maybe if I feel like it one day”-list.

But thank you for the suggestion! :smile:

Nah. We still know that Mercy is in a horrible spot, it’s just we realized that we might as well been talking to a brick wall by taking our grievances to this forum.

The balance team was lying though their teeth when they claimed to care about player feedback. The Mercy Debacle showed how far they’re willing to go, how deep they’re willing to bury their heads in the sand to pretend that everything is fine as long as the OWL pros are happy.

The devs don’t listen. So what’s the use of trying to talk to them?


Warframe has some grind yeah, but you have a lot more control over what you get now than ever. This is true of any RPG, and from what I hear Anthem was actually far worse than Warframe. In Warframe you can very easily find where you need to go, and what you need to do in order to get what you need/want.

The story, to me anyway, is really good. You do have to piece a lot of it together, because only in certain major quests do they really give you a lot of information. Reminds me of how you are thrown in the deep end in Bioshock, and have to piece a lot of it together from the logs you find. A quest called The Second Dream is the big turning point in the story, and arguably the best quest in the game.

It’s really not any more grindy than any major RPG game out there. Overwatch itself often feels worse to me personally.

Oh, and the community is for the most part really helpful. Every place has jerks, but I run into them far less often there.

Nice job confirming RobotWizard’s theory.

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Factual evidence that…he anecdotally has lost a bunch of the mercy players on his friends list and they don’t play anymore?

You feeling alright, buddy?

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Oh no…

What is that phenomenon when people miss bad stuffs that affected them?

I think it’s more that people want SOMETHING.

It’s a telling sign that the end is nigh for this game that nothing really happens anymore. Nobody gets excited about anything except maybe a new hero, which also seems to be met with “yeah, they’re alright. cool I guess”. Devs abandoned the forums, community in ruins.

The spark is gone.


Most of them left when they realized Blizz doesn’t know how to balance a game.

Current Mercy is “balanced” but so unbearably boring


Yeah, I think it’s kind of weird. But not the weirdest thing to be found on these threads, for sure. Personally I think the forum is a much better place without that kind of repetitive garbo.


Oh no, not this myth again.

If this were true, Mercy would have seen a massive drop in pickrate on Overbuff after private profiles went live. And they didn’t. I know because I checked.


That is literally the OPPOSITE of what anyone who advocated a rework wanted.

Mercy was a niche pick before her rework and only became viable in every situation after.

Way to throw them under the bus like that, Niandra.


I disagree with you here; I read up and followed a lot of the hashtag movements arguments, essays, feelings, and opinions, and ultimately it definitely did seem like they wanted her to maintain a must-pick, one size fits all status, even if everyone had different ideas on how that should be managed.

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Mmm I think mass Rez was the bigger hankering. Some people wanted a always picked mercy. But if you wanted mass Rez, which a lot did, you inherently wanted a more niche mercy. Even 60 hps but mass Rez was niche over valk mercy.

Uh-huh. You must have “read up” and “followed” all of the different parts of it than I did, then. Because that definitely was not the case.