Is it weird I miss all the mercy drama


I mean, you are not wrong, but, what a way to kick a studio while they are down.

I’m not an apologist, but I will say some of the criticism was unfair. The faces and bugs and all that? Sure, that war bad. But the gameplay was fun and the idea for the game was interesting. I’m going to repay it later with all the fixes and see how I feel about it now.


It’s quiet now because they probably lost half the mercy players over that.


I’d hazard a guess it was over 1/2.

I knew a LOT of Mercy players, none still play.

A heap of them went back to WOW. I would guess ESO picked up a lot as well.


I never played it, I saw the storm and though better of it. But, given that Anthem and FO76 are not as bad as people made them out to be, I’m guessing this wasn’t either.

This right here.
People are either tired of this game or moved on. Like I have a friend list of players who haven’t played this game at an average of 3 months to 1-2 years.
Players are getting bored of the gameplay, tired of any community drama with hero balance or toxicity, lack of content for lore and gamemode, and any present flaws found in Overwatch (I.e map design, metas, etc).


Did you say Symmetra??? Takes out a pitch fork and a torch from under the desk.

Personally, I’m on a break, I do intend to come back and play more, once we have another support or 2.

I’ll HAVE to try Echo out, and if she is a pure support, I may have a reason to play again.

roleQ started getting designed just after the infamous “players are just taking a break” interview the devs gave about the game.

We KNOW that falling number of players is something they have started worrying about.

They talked at LOT about MAUs etc. You don’t do that if the game is doing really well.


It was expected I guess, only the real fans will remain :sunglasses:

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Yeah this seems to be my experience too.
I actually recently found out that I’m better at dps than support and really want to play it . But I haven’t because supports and tanks are almost always short.
And my friends who used to play support, mostly being mercy just aren’t on anymore. In general, the only ones standing are my dps main friends. :woman_shrugging:t5:


That is exactly what I found. None of my old Mercy friends still play, and I generally don’t play Mercy which I do.

I became a Mei / Sombra main as part of the fallout from the Mercy changes, but mostly, people I knew who played her just left.

Blizzard has been putting out DPS / Support Hybrids ever since, and I wonder if they will ever put out a second pure support?

Who knows at this stage?

Damn, this is an interesting thread, but I gotta go - night all.


Yeah. I mean I really like playing certain heroes in this game and enjoy deathmatch. I mean I have fun playing Brigitte in deathmatch just to mess around and win games.
I really like Sigma since he’s fun to play. Which is why I always log back if a new hero, or even a new event that isn’t a reuse, gets added in.

The only ones who stayed for me, are the ones who switches to Moira prior to 222 . But with 222 it seems like so many dps moira’s have made them uninterested even in quick play.

It’s … Sad imo but w/e I mean… It’s just a game :sweat_smile:

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We just got sick and tired of it all. The devs ignored us. The player base despised us. A lot of us had enough and moved on. The only reason I’m still here is because I enjoy playing Moira and Sigma. If they get dumpstered, I no longer have a reason to stay.


If you can get it at a discount I would say it’s worth it. Behind all the drama and real issues you can see potential, and I had a lot of fun with the gameplay.

Casual players don’t care, if you make my hero or whatever I find fun playing, not fun anymore, I’ll move on to another game and good bye, it is not about balancing, it’s about taking something that someone finds fun, and giving another thing that they don’t


I’m so glad this thread is supportive of the idea that most mercy players left after the nerfs kept coming in.

I have definitely played less and less these days, and I hardly touch the angel anymore. Holding M1 on a tank and never filling their health bar is a main reason.

Mercy doesnt feel impactful anymore, no matter what you do.

Rez doesnt feel good
Healing doesnt feel good
Valkyrie doesnt feel good
Everything in her kit is done better by someone else.

Consistency is good, but only when you aren’t consistently bad at everything you do


Except now its all the dva players saying this except dva gets baby fed nerfs instead of getting the ones she needs in one go. The January mercy nerf bat was what needed to happen a while ago but dva gets it spread out.

No reason to not support the truth.


Again, lack of evidence. Here you are simply theorising based on the mass of the players doing stupid stuff, we have these kinds of outbreaks all the time (not as big, true). currently, you think they all quit too ?

Yeah you kow what also happened since then ? About 1-2 years of time spinning by, once tracer was picked a lot and had one tricks everywhere in high reanks, where are those now, i sure as hell never find them anymore ? Or any other op to wack or no other choice heroes.

It was changed for everyone by default, everyone had it on, only the ones that wanted it off took it off.

Now how many of those OTP players, do you think to it off private again, be realistic ?

Not really, i mean sure it is a high change rate. But Mercy is an incredibly low skill hero, that many constantly whine about isn´t fun to have to play. When changes hit and you had many things to consider, many were prob happy to try other things or simply go with other heroes they knew didn´t change. Again we have similar changes before, without you claiming, that everyone must have quit then. Trust me i don´t doubt that some quit or was mad, but not in the way you are describing, that needs evidence.

Ohh and you think they weren´t before ? Where was all the rein OTP gonna go if they were forced on a healer, Ana ? No way, same story for other heroes or roles, Mercy was so simple and easy, that you could actually swap off your role for Mercy in higher ranks and not lose because you were doing badly.

yeah, but your stats are refuted as soon as the pickrate then spikes to becoming higher than before (even when they aren´t meant for the argument you are pulling). In this case, we can just argue that they took away from playing her in comp cause they didn´t want to or had to train her (This is a joke obv, but still, that is now a legit argument against yours, when you lacked the evidence to show the actual stat of player change (Leaving).

Exactly, a long stretch of time, where many people were forced to always pick her and nothing else, you think this has no effect on people, even OTP or just Casual Mercy players ? I think it had a massive effect, that people longed for change and loved it, when it came.

Yeah no i dont think or believe anything, i do however want people to back up their insane claims like the Mercy change accounted for 50% of the players leaving the game being Mercy players, okay nice opinion.

Feel free to prove the correlation between that and Mercy changes.