Is it time we get a new ranking system?

If you reset things now, you will just tear down a whole building and have to erect a new one. This will mess things up majorly, low lvl players will have horrible games while the already upper ranks will have a field day and this will go on for months until the new statistics settle in.

So what ever suggestion you propose must be in accord with building on top of the current system.

Btw they already did a hidden mmr reset and things went horribly wrong and they reverted it, afaik.

it’s not like this is exactly what new people are facing on the daily because of “alt accounts”, this would literally change nothing, just reward people for effort.

it’s 100% possible, they just don’t wanna do it

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New people and alt accounts are a whole different story. No need to mix apples and oranges, IMO.

So what is your suggestion, a reset? another layer of rating system? another approach to the rating system?

literally anything but not this.
anything can be better gameplaywise than this.

I’ve always liked the idea of comparing personal skill in 2 ways, a way to measure your performance / play time against your average and a rating that shows like stats compared to those in the same rank or tier. So it would have to be a hybrid system of personal ranking + tier ranks and overall player ranking vs all players.

And I would also like a tournament style bracket system, could be a separate mode, that puts you against people with the same win/loss rate. Just for fun and climbing?

As great as that sounds, new players might translate that wrong and think getting kills is all that matters.

I like Bui’s idea of a bracket system, but knowing the stuff going on with smurfs its gonna get absolutely abused.

Players rating each other is the same deal, just look at the report system, you destroy a 6 stack, they can easily get you banned by report spamming (happened to me once). And thats weird because Blizz knows not to trust the credibility of the players, and that goes in everything but reporting.

This shows Blizz is lazy and crazy, and wont give a damn about the complaints. So WE players need to come up with a system that all of us agree is fair and unabusible (is that a word?), and then push our agenda towards Blizz as a community.

so a guy who played 2 games might be matched against a guy who played 10000?
also win and loss rate are hard to change, you will need to buy a new account every now and then.

not saying i have anything better tho

Yes, its a tournament bracket, like in a fighting game or whatever. You’ll also have to implement pools, which could be done in tier or rank categories.

well making pools might discourage smurfing but people who want “alt accounts” will be hard advantaged for a long long time, although new players could definitely benefit from the game play experience from people with alt accounts, this will make new peoples’ pool a mess.

That’s always a possibility, especially if everyone is just thrown into pools based on levels rather than a mix (maybe mixing it up might make it healthier?). I’m not sure what would be the right solution but I’ve always been interested in having tournament style ladders.

If the new OW (if it exists) has something like guilds or whatever, it would be cool to assemble teams and host small leagues with various types of tournament structures (single and double elimination, division, round robin, etc.). I think this would encourage players to be more competitive with teams rather than solo and get more involved with stuff like esports, even hosting their own grassroots tournaments. I’m an FGC fan so I like the idea of local tournaments, although large teams would be harder, so maybe region stuff? Anyway, that’s my fantasy for rank stuff.

Sure but that doesn’t makes my argument wrong.

Even if the team is randomly created still the team gains rank as a team. No one on earth was able to create a competitive system for a team game that successfully and fair evaluates individual performances, at least not for something complicated as most team sports are.

Blizzard is trying to add individual performance to a small degree by taking into acount several indicators of players to calculate the final sr. Though, for good reason, only below diamond.

Here we are again. No one has a fair and reliable formula to judge individual performances. A healer can be the MVP even with far less healing than the others.

A DPS can be the one carrying even if he has only half the kills or damage than the other one. Most of the damage or even kills are not deciding the match. There usually only a few situations in which the actions are match deciding.

And even people trying to judge the players performance would often not agree.

That’s why you have in all team sports only ranking based on teams. And the coaches do the individual rating and substitute their members.

So if you want individual ratings cause you think the game isn’t fair to you find or create a team and let a coach judge you. If someone things you are better you will get to a team with higher ranks access.

But do not expect from blizzard to solve this impossible problem.

The thing is, it’s developers job to come up with solutions for problems. They are getting paid for it and players are the ones paying. Obviously most of the playerbase is not happy with ranking system and still no changes, not even a comment on it. So they clearly think it’s not a biggie.

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I have one account, my aged account, that is now 1780. I have never been that low. But that account ONLY, is full of games with throwers, idiots, smurfs on the other team, everything. But hey to make “even matches” that account seems to have Hard Mode activated.

I have two other accounts, one has tank in Plat and dps around 2400. Perfectly fine games. I’ve been holding that rank, just like i have for most of my 17 seasons played.

(this account here, i dont really play much)

My Hard Mode account is 1780. Can’t win a game, it’s absolute trash. That’s the result of trying to meddle with the matches by handicapping them instead of just letting truly random matches just happen. The system has failed, and needs to be completely scrapped and replaced.

Or you know what, i believe Blizz has shown they can’t even HAVE a proper comp mode so just remove it entirely. Absolutely hate it, what a failure.

here’s my idea, maybe one day :slight_smile:

I guess nobody here ever played destiny 2 then.

They literally reworked entire comp engine, now has team que and solo que. Both use your same SR. They implimented a new pbsr system where “your” performance determines ur rank. Ive lost a match and actually ranked up while my team mates deranked because i popped off all match. Or vice versa you could win and potentially derank if u sucked balls.

And the other thing they did was started every player at 0. And you know what… its fing amazing. The bad players stay low and the good players rise. At the same time its removing smurfs from lower elo faster and creating alot more fair even matches naturally.

So yea, yes its extremely possible to fix this system. But this system is ment to be addicting and a grind.


and that’s how competition works, team effort is not always available when all you need is for 1/6 player to not cooperate to lose (which is far from rare on some ranks hence this community)

Just for your knowledge, they do this already - PBSR is based off performance figures. Also there is that patent talking about “historical stats” or have you not seen that? Anyway, point is they quite easily could do exactly that within the current data and PBSR systems they have.

You can, and I’ve done it myself. That being said, being able to do something (climbing) is different to good quality games, or removing the effect of leavers from the lower ranks especially, which I completely side with OP on.

I agree with you, but unfortunately the devs do not. Have you seen the patent that talks about matchmaking adjustments to give you a “win” if you vary severely from your historical stats?

There are solutions to this problem, and a sliding scale is the easiest. I’ve posted this before but it tends to be drowned out quickly. It is fairly simple:

  1. All stats get frozen as soon as there is a leaver. All measured stats after a leaver have no effect on your PBSR adjustment at the end of the game.

Leavers are currently still messing with PBSR and needs to be taken into consideration. Freezing the affect means that if you played well for 2 minutes, then had a leaver, you are awarded your PBSR adjustment from when the game was actually 6v6.

  1. PBSR is now weighted differently in each tier for your total SR adjustment at the end of a match:
  • Bronze - 80% PBSR
  • Silver - 60% PBSR
  • Gold - 40% PBSR
  • Plat - 20% PBSR
  • Diamond+ - 0% PBSR

This way lower ranks can focus on improving themselves, working out what they should be doing for their role to climb, and not be affected by leavers and smurfs as much. Smurfs who curbstomp will climb super fast from the lowest ranks, making it harder to grief. If smurfs decide to play at the skill level of the tier they are in they will not grief anyone (not even teammates who can still go up on a loss if in Silver or Bronze). As a player climbs, the focus shifts more to doing what you need to win, rather than stat padding.

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thats why game should provide full information why player got/lost each SR point

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All we are provided is :

  • win = climb
  • lose = go down

One trick rich environment