Is it time we get a new ranking system?

They are still using that bad one from before role queue, i don’t think there is even the need to elaborate why is it bad.
I know a lot of people who have several accounts and are NOT SMURFING AND ACTUALLY TRYING AND PLAYING AT THE SAME EXACT LEVEL but have one account in masters and other in plat (needless to say it’s the same person playing so must have same “skill rating” right? well WRONG…) you can’t call such rng a “skill rating”


Yeah the mmr is messed up there are smurfs and anchor stats everywhere


Need team qa and a new sr system

i was thinking of a personal rating that does not depend of whether you win or lose but purely of how good you perform


I would like a solo ranking system so its down to the individual not the team. As this system is to easily manipulated by idiots doing idiotic things like throw, smurf, troll whatever.
Its clearly obvious by now after all these years the system is abused, with people deranking etc.
I Love the game, I would just like it to not be ruined by all of the above and be given a fair crack of the whip.


Its how they handle the rankins system that makes it trash in the first place.
Keplan & Co fail to grasp the general concept of competitive. Maybe they should find more suited staff for OW2.

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Me too, i just wanna try what having a decent team everytime you play looks like :sob:

How would they determine your performance if win/loss wasn’t factored in? What metrics would be used to say that a player is good/bad? Hell, stats typically get worse as you climb because the players you’re playing against get better. How would that be accounted for?

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I’m sooooo f’ing mad that from the VERY beginning I’ve been playing this game… and being stuck in Silver/Bronze most of this time… I know when I’m on a team of smurfs/throwers… sometimes one… sometimes a whole team. They wander around half the time, conveniently aren’t around during big fights… I WILL NEVER make it out of bronze given that 75% of the time, I have at least 1-2 throwers on my team. You know… the person with the badge that freakin glows yet he’s SR 700?? And he/she doesn’t do crap the entire game but just “keep pace”… I’ve paid for a new account once already… and I’m almost always gold/gold in most games, either as tank or healz… yet here I am… stuck in bronze because of this jacked up SR system that relies on team wins only and no punishment/filtering of smurfing… ruins the game for the guy who actually wants to play competitively and cant because I get a real team like 25% of the time. Thanks Blizzard… I’ve owned every game you’ve ever made… but this has truly turned me off to you guys. At least allow us to reset our account and start over if you can’t get the balls to deal with the REAL issue. Or maybe change the SR to reflect ACTUAL PERSONAL SKILL?? not base it on a team that I didn’t choose and half of which may be throwing???

I have 3 accounts and they’re sitting at 3021, 3050 and 3143.

If I tried I reckon I could comfortably put all 3 accounts within a 25sr range. Give me a 1k SR account and a couple of weeks and I would put that account within the same 25sr range.

I wonder how that is even possibly given this system where some people claim that sr gains and losses are dictated by the 11 other people in the game…

They already do Performance Based SR, though it does get dictated off if you won or lost. And frankly it’s been pointed out time and time again that PBSR as a system sucks and is not fair in general, which is why they eventually got rid of it in diamond+ ranks.

Yes. The current system doesn’t reward skill unless you are surfing.
But even without that, they should have done sr reset for the start of 222.
Most ppl are only good with 1 hero/role so giving them the same rank across all 3 roles is just runs the experience for everyone.

After a 100 matches to where your team luck averages out? sure, but that’s no way to play “competitive”
In competitive, if you are good you climb and if you are bad you go down.
whether your team is throwing or not this shouldn’t determine YOUR “skill” rating, if you win at some ranks it doesn’t mean you are good and if you lose sometimes you might have had the best performance among the 12 people in the match but you are going down anyway.
If it suits you to play rng on every match until your team luck averages out then that’s your point of view, this just seems bad to me.

I could probably gain a lot of sr if i played hundreds of matches without changing anything at all in my gameplay but then what is “skill rating” reflecting if it could change for a same person playing the exact same way just because they didn’t play a lot.

Also i hate playing ranked at those ranks a lot because every match has 1 to 4 throwers/bad teammates and you just cross your fingers they don’t land on your team or at least they are evenly parted between the 2 teams, you can’t tell me this is not rng based for tens and tens of matches.

Actually it is as i do not see why it is bad at all and neither which one might be better.

It’s bad because pre role queue you weren’t bound to a specific role to determine your rank, role queue made ranking role specific but how you gain or lose sr didn’t change from when you could pic all roles

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Sounds great but impossible to do so. Doing good or bad is not reliable detectable by a system. Even in team sports this does not exist. Teams go up and down depending on the team performance.

You might though do something similar as in real sports: lookign to join a team and rank up and when you think you reached a point your team is holding you back, switch team.

And it is good now that it is. People do not fullfill each role at the same quality. I am very happy that i do not have to carry a role x player playing his bad role y.
Of course it will still need one or two seasons until people get to their appropriate rank with each role, especially with their less played roles.

Except in “team sports” you have an actual team…
And i don’t feel like (and i am 100% sure no one does that in ow) waiting for 6 of my good friends to be on just to play a ranked game.

i agree to that but that’s not what i meant.
My point is, what the game determines as quality should change since it’s now role specific

The systems feels broken because it was designed for 6 stacks vs 6 stacks, then ppl wanted it to be solo Q, i wasnt around when all this happened, true. But you have to consider the past changes and why.

what do you mean by that?
I would rather say you have to consider changes for the furute, or maybe i just misunderstood