Is it against the Forum Code of Conduct to link to other peoples posts?

I have a hopefully simple question.

Is it against the forum rules to link to a particular person’s post in another post to quote them and provide evidence to support or refute an argument or highlight something they said?

Or does that fall under naming and shaming? Even though they publically posted it to this VERY forum.

Eg: (I made this post. But I mean if I was showing SOMEONE ELSE’S comment/post.)

“Sovereign #1641 said THIS post and “derailed” the roadhog thread.”

Eg 2: (I made this post. But I mean if I was showing SOMEONE ELSE’S comment/post.)

“Sovereign #1641 said this about Mercy”

…I mean, I’d assume if they posted it of their own free will, you can use it. Hopefully the forums haven’t gotten that overly sensitive.


there’s literally an option to link another users comment/thread, so that would be dumb :man_shrugging:


If you’re posting specifically to name and shame, that falls under harassment and is against the COC. If you’re just doing it to reference another topic, it’s entirely fine.


I just want to know if it’s actually against the CoC to link their post directly in a thread about an argument.

No what I would literally be doing is linking the probably 150+ derailing posts in my threads the past week and showing exactly what derailing is.

I couldn’t care less about the individual posts. But I want to use them as an example of what I see in my threads every day.

I’m with the camp that says quoting someone in that manner for the purpose of shaming them (unless it’s quoting them in the same thread) would be seen as toxic.

However, if you’re quoting something relevant to a discussion on a particular topic, for the benefit of everyone in the thread, it’s perfectly fine.


That sounds like you’re trying to name and shame these people for derailing posts. There’s no reason you can’t just paraphrase what these people are saying without pointing fingers.

Pretty much this. The context is what matters most here.

For instance OP, it would be fine to link this thread if you feel that it might be relevant to another discussion at hand or possibly conveys something that you want to further elaborate on.

It would not be fine if say I were to start linking your posts with the intention solely to humiliate you.

Blizz gives the tool to link other posts / threads, though the tool can still be misused and could be punished by the mods.

I would use your judgement, if you think it is meant to harrass anyone or not and keep focused in your discussions when linking, it should be fine.

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Well the problem is that people say I fabricate stuff so I try desperately to get actual source material.

Especially when I say I can pull up over 150 instnaces. People will call me a liar for sure.

Yeah, well people suck. I’m not a shining beacon of perfection, and I doubt your record’s clean either. Being vindictive doesn’t do anything but harm everyone involved.

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No I’m not trying to be vindictive. I’m just trying to debunk the argument that apparently Mercy mains are antagonizing and “derailing” threads. Meanwhile any thread posted about Mercy has easily 20+ troll responses actually derailing it.

I’ve had spiderman brought into my threads, evil random fuzzy monsters, random troll posts meant to upset and cause reactions (like actual authentic 100% you can tell theya re meant to make someone MAD posts).

I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve by doing this aside from vindication. You’re not going to change any minds by doing this.

Quoting stuff is fine across the board (the forum board that is :)).

No. But at least I will completely prove that I am correct, which is the entire goal of it.

People have literally put me on blast saying I’m some evil Mercy main derailing threads for a single post. I’d like to show everyone just what I face on a daily basis as a Mercy main.

I think people aren’t seeing even 1/10th of what I see on a daily basis of the abuse, actual derailment of my threads and the rest.

I think it’s time to show the abuse I receive. Because apparently I’m evil for making a single post in a thread about balance that got an official response about balance.

Then yeah, that would go against the CoC for multiple reasons, but most directly for calling out other forum users in a negative manner.

We all know all you wanted to do was plug your other threads.


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Should the workaround just be quoting them then with removal of their names? While linking my thread?

This is the literal definition of vindication.

Really, nobody cares. If you want some sort of action, take it through a Blizzard support channel. If anything, posting about it in some big thread crying wolf about all these people slandering your name is only going to make your case weaker.

Why would it make my case weaker at all? Literally it’d be a compilation exposing all of the things I endure on a daily basis.

That doesn’t change they actually were there.

Also I already said I ran out of reports to give on a daily basis and need more. I can literally NOT report enough.

It would lessen the problem, but not fix it.

It sounds like you still intend to end up with a nonconstructive and possibly inflammatory thread that’s insulting forum users with generalizations, but namelessly quoting things at least removes the issue of calling out specific people by name. The chance of your thread being locked/deleted would be less than 100%.

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