Is it against the Forum Code of Conduct to link to other peoples posts?

Sovereign. Forgive me for being a bit blunt but… People aren’t seeing even 1/10th of what you see because most of us do not create as many threads as you do.

Especially about the bulk of what you make your threads about. Increased output in content is bound to have an increase in input of all kinds.Especially if most of it is focused on only 1 to 3 topics.

Anyone making as many threads as you do about any specific hero would experience the same lash back. Heck, I have finally talked enough in Sym threads that I got told by someone to stop talking in Sym threads just the other day.

Increased visibility makes for increased targeting. it comes with the territory.


You should stop talking in Sovereign threads… :rofl:

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Like if I quoted this post is it against the code of conduct?

I am just wondering, not implying anything by doing so. I am trying to figure out what is going on with this and follow and adhere to the rules as closely as I can.

Hoping that I can get clarification.

Lol. Love ya Blasphemy. You are always good for both laughs and some good discussion.

I don’t think so.

So long as it’s not inflammatory, I wouldn’t think there would be an issue, but based on your description of your plans, I believe it might be taken out of context.

If I were you, I’d err on the side of caution.


Wait… What?!! I’m good for something?! Shhhh… Don’t tell my wife!

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That’s… a bit rude?


It’s a joke Aria. Blasphemy and I are cool with each other. Talk all the time in Sym threads.

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If I link it as a post for purely forum purposes, sure.
If I linked one of Aria’s posts and went, “lol, look at that dumb post”, that is against it.
Very extreme example though.

I think at this point you would run a substantial risk of getting flagged for spamming, because 150+ posts is a lot of posts, and chain-quoting them will end up producing a huge page of material that has already been published on the forums once before.

If you really are set on doing a full, exhaustive list, maybe stick permalinks to the relevant posts in a Google Doc spreadsheet or something, and then use a link to that spreadsheet in your post. Report your findings (e.g. “100 people said things in X category; 38 people said Y; 50 instances of Z”), and then point to the exhaustive list that people can click through to read if they want.

I think the whole Mercy fracas on the forums could stand to tone the heck down, but nobody wants to read through a whole page of cut-and-paste venom.

Additionally, this could easily read as a name-and-shame kind of thing (e.g. “Look at all these mean people saying bad things”). I think the more you can go, “Here’s the conclusion: [insert aggregate numbers here], and I can provide a document to link to all the specific posts”, the less likely it’s going to read as ganging up on anyone in particular, PLUS you won’t post a mini-novel full of unoriginal material.

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Hey now Aria… You left out the :rofl:

Without it, it seems rude. With it, it’s a jibe, meant to incite laughter and or poking fun.


Ooh I didn’t think of this.

Run a statistical analysis and then report on the processed aggregate of the data. I really do like this idea actually.

Simple to digest and read and people can enjoy it.

I love it!

Here is the rules for crosslinking threads from the Forum Code of Conduct:

Cross Linking Threads

This category includes:

  • Linking to threads from other forums
  • Creating threads with the sole purpose of linking another post

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums

Basically, don’t just post a link to promote your own cause in another person’s thread. It is okay to post a link if it helps it helps contribute to that thread’s discussion, such as providing the link to a forum thread where there was a developer response.

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Hello Mercy person main.