Is ECHO designed by symmetra?

I think it could be possible, symmetra is a architect but I think it doesn’t stop her from designing a robot. If you think about it echo looks really like symmetra s “style” you just have to look at her gun, turrets, should or tp to find a lot of similar things. Not only her colours but the shape really reminds me about symmetra. Also symbol on echos forehead reminds us about symmetra. What do you think about it? Could it be possible?

nah, not really. the way she greeted mccree and him back it seems they have known each other for a long time.
i personally think she was part of Overwatch long before sym was able to make light constructs.


I think Symmetra is too young to have designed Echo. The VIshkar company may be involved though. I made a hero concept for Echo that I’ll link below:

She does look very Vishkar. Maybe the first hard light omnic or something along those lines. Might be possible that Symmetra built her.

I know, I even think that echo was human who died and was made into omnic. But symmwtra could design her before that or maybe mcree knew the “human” echo and now he meets the robot version

Anyone put echo on the train and can be symmetra xD

Maybe symmetra dies? and they put her brain into an AI maybe that’s what they meant that they might kill heroes?

Someone on my thread said that it was possible that Vishkar made Echo because they have the same gold trimmings and etc. very possible theory.

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They said it was too early to kill heroes because there isn’t enough lore. It wouldn’t have impact us as much because we don’t know them.

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Plot Twist!

Echo does have a VERY Vishkar design and her design is quite similar to Syms first anniversary skin. Flowing white design with gold and blue accents also the symbol on her forehead is similar to Vishkars i think maybe there are other branches of the Vishkar corporation that focus on different things like overwatch had blackwatch

maybe a branch that focuses on highly intelegent and complex artificial life forms because we can see quite clearly Echo has WAY more care and complexity to her design than a regular omnic someone put alot of effort into giving her a face that can portray human exspression though that could just be to help her with her patients if she is a medical omnic having a human face to look at would put me at ease over a robotic metal face plate like what Zenyatta has.

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Well it’s confirmed she’s not Athena (via interview).
The logo to me isn’t quite correct for Vishkar however it doesn’t make sense to have the logo so close to Vishkar yet not 100% accurate unless it’s just to throw players off. I also think she is a transformer as there is a quad tank that looks exactly like her on display (I think from the trailer in the museum). :thinking:

Sure, Echo does look like a Vishkar creation, but it doesn’t mean she was created by Symmetra, beside, as someone already said, she and McCree seems to know each other for a long time, Symmetra would have been to young to design her. However, it could be wrong since we know that Symmetra has been notice by Vishkar when she was young.
And this is the point where I want to say : we don’t really need to care about who created her body, but who created the A.I, who created Echo’s mind could be important. And even that’s not really important, we need to know what was her function in the early days of overwatch, what’s her link to overwatch and to McCree.

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From what I remember, symmetras technology was in fact based off Lucio’s fathers work. Echo has been shown before though in a different state of design - if you look at recall there’s a flash of an image that is strikingly similar to Echo.

So i’d like to imagine that Lucio’s father had something to do with her design - to aide Overwatch.

Echo does have a very “Vishkar” look, but i don’t think they’re related at all

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No dear. Lucios father created the sonic technology that Lucio then stole from Vishkar. He had no part in creating hard light technology that Symmetra uses.

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She does have a Vishkar aesthetic to her but she was a part of Overwatch and Sym had no previous affiliation with them and she is too young to have made Echo.

Is Echo a sound based character?

Echo has nothing to do with either Athena or Vishkar. You can hear him talk about it on Fran’s stream here:Twitch


A bit condescending to say ‘no dear’ don’t you think? Also, it’s not completely confirmed who had it first.

Mercy: “Lucio, I never realized your father was the one who invented Vishkar’s sonic technology!”
Lucio: “The core-tech was his life’s work… own and patented by Vishkar …But it’s mine now.”

Symmetra: “You should return what you stole from Vishkar.”
Lucio: “Stole? Psh. You need to go ask your bosses where it all came from; then we can talk.”

So it’s still up in the air who created what and who it actually belongs to. Echo to me doesn’t seem like hard light technology, at least not in the same way as Symemtra and her weapons. I don’t think it’s too much of a push to imagine that Lucios father continued working after Vishkar.