Is anyone still playing ow2?

Watch the dunkey vid that is circling the community, super and stylosa so far have both commented about it and effectively agree with what is being said

Dunkey vid - Overwatch 2 a Pathetic Preview - YouTube

Stylosa - Stylosa Reacts to "Overwatch 2 is a Pathetic Preview" - by Dunkey - YouTube

This is what the general playerbase feel. You can live in your entitled bubbles and say everything is amazing but to the average player ow2 is a massive failure of a game in multiple ways. And regardless what you think or agree this WILL effect how well the game performs.

I dont even know who either of them are lol, why would I care about what they have to say?

I wasnt talking specifically to you. It was a general post on this thread. Not everything is about you

Maybe if you did a quick ego check and watched the videos you would understand the issues facing the game. Or just continue to

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I am. I really dig playing Mercy in it. If I had my druthers the beta would just stay open as they tweak and shift things. The maps are interesting and the gameplay is somewhere between Mayhem and QP. I dig it.

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Iā€™m still playing it

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Alright, Iā€™m just going to block you lmao. Not worth my time /shrug.

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Cool. You are ignorant anyway so no skin off my back

You wont, cus you are ignorant but to anyone else Please watch the linked vids at least or just watch any video or stream of Overwatch 2 that isnt someone paid by blizzard to say positive things aka flats, emongg etc.

Can post links to a handful of different people all saying the same thing if it helps.


That is the general casual/average player consensus. How do you expect ow2 to succeed when that is the immediate take away. For the sake of the future of this game, something needs to change now.

I dropped overwatch 2 to play ow1. I prefer 2 tanks and having the synergy. Solo tanking feels so 1 dimensional to me, and isnā€™t fun at all.


Okay by your logic no stats work. Lol. Ask people who follow a you tuber. Nope. Ask people on overwatch reddit nope.

Just what you consider accurate. Got it. Thanks for proving my point.

Honestly, the only reason Iā€™m not playing only OW2 is the ungodly ping XD

Ping system is godsend as a supp player , not in line of sight , ping them and sheā€™ll say to come in her line of sight , enemy behind but ur too shy to join vc? Ping em . So less carry potential in ow1 , where my flankyatta legit decimates people in ow2 due to 1 less tank , ow1 should die asap so ow2 can come alive

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Did they add a new flamethrower hero to Overwatch? Because you TORCHED them, fam. Absolute :fire:. #LitOnes

no, this ā€œbetaā€ is a joke


Itā€™s not. The only issue Blizard has is to communicate what OW2 exactly is.

Players go into the beta with very high expectations and the mindset that this is OW2, the sequel of OW1, a brand new game.

OW2 PvP is indeed more a glorified update to the exsisting game rather than a new game.

For me personally OW2 is the sequel of OW1 which brings both components of PvE and PvP together in one game. Is it right to call it a sequel? Absoloutly not. Blizzard failed to explain the community what OW2 really is.

I can understand that many players are upset that the first beta after so many years have very less content, but itā€™s Beta 1 of ?. Blizzard really should release a Beta Roadmap to manage expectations for future betas.


BUT WHY they think PvE in this game is a good idea?? This PvE, for what we see, is not a Loot Shooter like Destiny or Borderlandsā€¦ so, why? And i donā€™t want to lose my OW1 for this fake sequel that i donā€™t like. If they replace OW1 with this game itā€™s like they stole a game from my library!

PvE is a highly requested component by the community since 2016. I think PvE in OW can be good, but it was not the best decision to call it a ā€œsequelā€.

Since Blizzard decoupled the PvE and PvP components from OW2, I think there new direction is to update Overwatch to Version 2.0 while the Overwatch 2 DLC is getting released at a later time.

This is normal. Blizzard has the right to change the game how they want. Me personally like the changes, but I can understand that some donā€™t like them.

The only way is the players who donā€™t lke the new should and need share their opinions and feedback in constructive way. If you post things like: ā€œOW2 badā€, ā€œOW2 dead on arrivalā€, etc., your voices canā€™t be considered properly in the feedback. Keep in mind at the end of the day, the devs doing this what the majority of the player base want.

I think the beta is a lot better than ow1, and my experience playing support on the beta is more or less the same as playing on live servers. One of the push maps can be pretty rough as a healer (lots of flanking angles), but, other than that, playing support has been fine.

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OW born as an Action MMO if u rememberā€¦ but doing a PvE without deep lore or loot is just a feature that donā€™t appeal much to mostā€¦ for me community asked for it superficially and because people always have something to complain about, something like: ā€œWhy we have only PvP??ā€. If i were Blizzard i never lose time for this ā€œPvEā€.

I play hanzo somtimes, tried support today in OW2, zen was okay but ana felt like I had no way to position great on new maps. Every chance to get flanked and killed before I could respond or ask for peels.
Now my friend and I are on OW 1 competative.
OW2 HAS MADE people, atleast myself, better at the game when playing DPS, due to the lack of stuns.
However, this can still be achieved with 6v6 and no dps stuns.

Played all 3 roles over the weekend and already got bored. Game lost all of its depth and is now a one dimensional clownfiesta of who has more hypermobility.

And no, I donā€™t like double shield on live either, but live at least was fixable if they reworked Orisa/Sigma to not have shields and leave Rein as the only shield MT.