Is anyone still playing ow2?

Looks like the vast majority of people have already quit and moved on to other things lol

Sure glad we wasted 3 years for this travesty :slightly_smiling_face: cant even retain a playerbase for a week.

They were uploaded after my initial post but talk about the issues with the game.


A lot do but not a lot supports. I personally dont have a reason to go back to OW1 unless I have to or the new event comes around. I would say a lot of people feel the same.

Where the hell did you get THAT information :rofl:


Which part?

Assuming you think people have quit because of the queue times; lot of people aren’t queuing but just searching for “quick play” in customs. Don’t have to wait 10+ mins that way if you wanna DPS.

I’m still playing OW2 though. I can play 3 - 4 hours everyday and still have fun.


Oh man… these threads are always a joke…

  • It’s the first technical beta with a handful of acutal OW2 PvP content.
  • more features, content and heroes getting added with future beta releases
  • Competitive & Arcade modes are missing and people don’t want to play Quick Play the entire time
  • Limited Maps are available

You need to understand that the first Beta wasn’t desired to be the BIG coming back to OW plan.

The current beta is there to get feedback on 5v5, Push, Hero Reworks, maps, etc. before the OWL starts. Also it’s important to see for the devs, how the game is running on different systems with the upgraded Engine.

There will be patches for active betas and other major betas in the near future. Once the game is more polished, etc. we can expect a big marketing campaign for OW2.


I am, and I’m having a blast as Support! :partying_face:


Ok, and you need to understand that for a ‘first impression’ this has failed at every aspect

If the first beta plays like this what incentive do people have to come back and play the following ones. Majority of people have already stopped playing because ‘its the same game’. Why would they come back for 1 new hero/map in the next beta??? They wont.

Overwatch 2 has already failed at every step of releasing a game.

  1. Get people interested in and actually playing your game.

Despite terrible marketing and communication, a substantial amount of people still tuned in to twitch to get beta access. Probably would have been significantly more if the devs could get their act together.

Is it still Overwatch, Overwatch 2.0 or Overwatch 2? The devs dont know, twitch doesnt know, the players dont know. Its an Overwatch 2 beta but you had to watch streams playing ‘Overwatch’ to get the beta, not ones playing ‘Overwatch 2’, which arent even of people playing Overwatch but actually Overwatch 2. Even then, the streams of Overwatch 2 look exactly the same as Overwatch 1 because the game looks exactly the same. If even they dont know, how do you expect general players to know wtf is going on with this game.

It is a total mess of marketing. Is it a free update to Overwatch 1? If so why is it called Overwatch 2. Thats confusing. ‘2’
Implies a sequel. An update isnt a sequel: If its a new game and not free why would I pay for essentially the same game again, because thats what Ow2 looks like to the average consumer. And for a first look ‘Oh only 1 new hero! Is that it’ terrible.

Its called Overwatch 2 so people are expecting a new game. But the beta isnt a new game, its more of the same from 6 years ago. Just polished. That doesnt justify the ‘2’ in most peoples eyes. Which results in the failure of step 2.

  1. Keep people interested and playing your game.

People are already moving on to other games again. The whole beta can be summarised as
‘Cool. Is that it? Its the same game’

There is nothing here to attract new players or bring back old ones. They paid a load of ex-players and new players to play the Overwatch 2 beta, and they have all for the most part immediately gone back to their normal streams again. Couldnt even keep them or their viewers interested for a week. Which has also led to negative publicity for the game, because now everyone and their mum is saying ‘its the same game’. Every non-Overwatch streamer and general media outlets/press have said the same thing. ‘If you played Overwatch 1, you have already played Overwatch 2’

For what the beta is, It is virtually the same game with 1 less person per team and only 1 new hero. And that is a terrible representation of what the game may well be in the future. But that doesnt matter. Because first impressions matter. And for a first impression …. Just look at the twitch viewership. Back to what it was before the beta. The game had a load of interest and immediately lost it all because the content in the beta was nowhere near the amount needed to get people back into talking about Overwatch. In fact it has only left a sour taste in many peoples mouths. The fact they waited years and this is all we get.


Everyone I know in the beta is still on every night

Good try though


Just out of my group of friends, the few that got beta keys tried it for a few days… but so few of them got a key that the ones who did finally said “eh I don’t want to play OW2 by myself, so I’ll just go back to the original game so I can group with you guys”.

I go back to ow1 to play support but I comeback to ow2 to have fun with DPS & Orisa !

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My queue times have remained at 10m/10m/2m consistently - if there was a shallow pool of players then there would be swings, the same you see at weird hours on live. I’m not running into the same players, either. So as far as I can tell, beta’s not a ghost town. :man_shrugging:t5:


Speak for yourself. I have played every day since the beta started.

Quit trying to make an empty take with no data.


It was interesting. Today my team in OW2 lost the first koth match and dps with mediore damage numbers was blaming me, the support for a negative kdr despite having the most heals of anyone on either team. I wonder why no one wants to play support.


Its not an empty take lol. Look at the metrics bruh

The game went from 1.4m to 30-40k in a couple days. Thats a drop of 97% of consumer interest lol.

You may well be playing it still but you played Overwatch 1 for 3 years with no content and are an outlier lol

You would have played if they literally copied and pasted Overwatch 1 and changed the logo with no new heroes or maps. You arent a good measurement of if the game is good or not, you are biased.

Look at the general interest in the game. It has already faded in a week. I mean lets wait for the next beta i guess, where i bet

  • There will immediately be Less interest at the launch of the next beta. I am betting a large sum of people who played this first beta will not return for the second. This will have likely have been the time where the most attention was on this game. Now everyone knows what it is. How it plays etc. Diminishing returns will come with each beta and less and less people will come back each time.

You can pretend Overwatch 2 is some beacon of hope and will save Overwatch. But from ALL metrics currently that is not happening.


I have covid so I’ve felt too weak. But in a few days I can play more hopefully.

The ones in your head?

Keep ignoring facts and statistics man :clown_face:

Im sure everything will turn out well and the game will be a success :clown_face:

Sorry to be a hater, but its time for some actual truth on here. Not just dancing with the faeries with our fingers in our ears thinking everything is fine

If i was the devs i would seriously be having a crisis right now.

You finally release a first look at Overwatch 2 after 3 years of development whilst killing your successful old game in the process. And… you managed to get people back for < a week. And they are already off again.

Must be pretty devastating tbh if i was them. 3 years of dev time and it so far amounted to less than a week of interest. If we want to keep on track i guess we will need a new hero and 4 new maps every week to keep engagement up :clown_face:

New heroes, new maps, more reworks/tweaks. Simple.

Why watch streamers play the beta when you have access yourself and can try everything they’re streaming if you got in? I have overwatch 1 but never watch streamers cos I would rather play it. I prefer playing overwatch over watching the game being played. Unless it’s something like rocket league, GTA racing, archives PvE videos in groups of popular YouTubers etc.

Ok. And there was a new hero, 4 new maps, 4 reworks in this beta and …. everyone still left

Your point…

It is immediately evident from this past week that is not enough to get people back to Overwatch.

Your question was what incentive people have to play the following BETAS

And I gave you the exact answer to that. People who have beta access but get bored after a while will easily return to play when new maps and heroes are added. Get bored again. Wait for the next beta with more maps and heroes, repeat. OW2 releases… Boom.