Is anyone still playing ow2?

FWIW: The longer the queue, the more people are playing in that role.

I still play OW2 - that being said, the honeymoon phase is over. I’m gradually getting more and more toxicity in my games. Today I had this Torb/Brig duo rag on me for having the lowest damage in the team.

It was really fascinating that I was trying to just goof around and have fun in a beta, but two people were taking it serious enough to bring up stats and call people out for it.

I’ve had people get salty about their team, people who complained that their hero was ‘trash’ and leave after feeding and dying, etc. Communities never change.

I’m sorry, but you are, for some reason, unfathomably naive as to the concept of software development and marketing.

Beta tests are stress tests undergone to test a software platform “in situ”, outside of the development platform to ensure that things like connectivity, uniformity of experience, etc work in a large scale, less controlled environment, to uncover undiscovered bugs and to tune things and get user feedback well prior to release.

It is NOT always a full product preview or marketing tool at all. It is usually far from a finished product and without polish.

The fact that you actually expect it to be a preview of a complete product means you seriously need to rethink your expectations.

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Then why would they call it “OW2”? I don’t blame the players, I blame Blizzard.

It’s cleary just a patch to the existing game.

But, it is a joke.

This is what I have mentioned in the comment. Blizzard failed to explain the Community what OW2 exactly is. They tried to describe it in weird ways back in 2019 that OW2 PvP will be an update but Jeff failed with the wording of it. The real sequel component of OW2 is the PvE part of the game.

This is also the reason why they have started to replace all OW2 logos with the updated OW1 Logo. I really don’t know why they didn’t used them for the Beta build + Just called the Beta: “Overwatch Version 2.0 PvP Beta”.

Players fault is it that they didn’t read properly on the Beta page that it’s the first Beta of multipile ones + that Beta 1 will have limited content & features.

played for 3 hours and I quit the game. Back to ow1 :slight_smile:

Yes and does anyone really take Dunkey seriously? He’s like the textbook casual player with only surface level thoughts about the game.

I did eventually watch his video and it made me laugh. Apparently widow sucks and junk is op.

That’s kind of my point. He is your average casual player. Ie the ones that make up the vast majority of a playerbase.

Whether he is right or wrong about certain aspects like balance is irrelevant. If this is the consensus from an average player, and he is by far not the only one to have this opinion, how long do you think the game will last past launch?

You can call him a casual all you like. Fact is, people like him make up the bulk of players in any game. And to say their opinion is irrelevant is stupid. Their opinion is vastly more important than yours. You need to remember you are part of a very small group of players that still are interested in this game. Ow2 doesnt need to appeal to you. You are already invested. It needs to appeal to all the people who dont play this game. Ie all the casuals who left ow1 like dunkey.

At this rate ow2 will be back to current ow1 levels of players in mere weeks of launch. If the average player is not satisfied, the game has failed as a relaunch lol. In order for ow2 to be a success it has to attract and keep the average player. Which currently it is failing to do on all metrics.

Its not about the specifics. Its about the general point and direction of his, and many other casual players, opinions and views that matter. To him widow is useless and junk is op. Which is likely correct from a casual perspective. Casual players see widow as too hard to play so is useless and junk gets easy value especially with tire so is op. That opinion is not incorrect, its is purely based on his player experience.

If anyone thinks he is in a minority, you need to take a step outside the Overwatch bubble you live in, and actually look at the wider scope. It’s all well and good if say 70% of the Overwatch 1 community like ow2. But its all for nothing if you don’t appeal to the casual demographic which make up the bulk of any playerbase. If they aren’t happy with the state of the game, its all for nothing.

Because if ow2 is going to succeed it needs the average player like him to be satisfied with the game. If not, then we are going to get nowhere and Ow2 will be back where ow1 currently is. The worse thing to happen to ow2 would be if it launched and people were like ‘meh, its the same game’. A good or bad game is memorable, a meh game is not.

I would be if I wasn’t working!

You are absolutely correct. There are nine of us playing Overwatch in our little friends & family team. Obviously, in 6v6 or 5v5 we can’t all play together each night. But we are ALL casual Overwatch players. We don’t come here to sweat. Although I’ll play an MMO or single-player RPG otherwise, we do have a few who will go and sweat in Apex, but Overwatch is just a casual, de-stresser for us. It’s also why we only play QP, and not ranked.

That said, we’re not fond of OW2 and if this Phase 1 Beta is indicative of what OW2 PvP will be like at launch, we already plan to give it a hard pass. And we have enough co-op PvE games already, so don’t need to buy OW2 PvE if we aren’t also playing the PvP. It means we just walk away from the franchise and spend money elsewhere.

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Well there’s nothing more to see and test after having tried every hero, ever role and new map on a Beta of a game we’ve known for 6 years. It’s not like we’re learning a game from scratch so it’s quick to explore the whole thing :sweat_smile:.

I play less and less on the Beta, already given my feedback on 5 V 5 on the forums so my job here is done, I’m not gonna force myself to play indefinitely, plus the beta experience is getting worse and worse ever since the toxic part of the community got access to it.

Only the first 3 days or so were pleasant. The OW team said there would be a new patch on the Beta by the end of the week so we’ll see how it goes by then. I’m not expecting much though since they’re sticking to 5 V 5 no matter the feedback, according to what they implicitely stated in their Week 1 developer Blog.

The beta shows 70-80 % of what the future of PVP holds. If people don’t have fun on the Beta right now, they most likely won’t either once PVP 2.0 gets released on the live servers.

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