Is anyone still playing ow2?


You are using a poll from an Overwatch youtuber as a metric. Cus that isnt biased or skewed data at all?!

Not like the only people voting in that poll are the people who watch his channel. Ie people who already play Overwatch

Flawed argument. Next

I mean everyone else (on this forum) is using this forum as a metric which is skewed bia negative. Everyone is operating off their biasā€™s rn

What do you base this on?

At least someone else understands. Smh. The people on here man. Another breed or stupidity i tell ya

Overwatch one has like 600 viewers :skull:

I would be if they put comp in

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I stopped playing a couple of days ago. It just doesnā€™t hook due to how simplified it is. Every match feels the same.

Basically I see twitch numbers being thrown around to judge if people care about OW2 at allā€¦ that isnā€™t accurate at all. I NEVER watch streamers becauseā€¦ why would I watch someone play a game I could play? The only reason why OW2 had that many numbers is Iā€™d bet that a lot of people are like me. Just went on twitch, and then muted it for 4 hours to get the beta key.

Because viewers indicate interest?

Its literally that simple. The whole
ā€˜I play it myself so why would i watch itā€™
Argument is straight dumb

That applies to EVERY GAME EVER. So why is Overwatch still way lower than every other game lol.

You think people dont play fornite? You think people dont play valorant??? They just watch it and thats why they have 100,000ā€™s of viewers??? Just a bunch of people sitting around watching stuff they dont play :clown_face:

Literal strawman argument at its finest

Hows that a strawman lol. Everybody I know actually plays the game. They donā€™t watch or even login to twitch. People had to make their account for the first time to get a beta key.

Because you think that you are the only one that does that??

For every one of you and your mates that do that for Overwatch there are those that do it for valorant. Those that do it for fortnite. Those that do it for apex

You act like you actually matter and are unique but youā€™re not. You ignore that there are people like you for every game out there so why are they not counted for.

You seem to think there is this hidden community of Overwatch players that never watches it on twitch. But for EVERY OTHER GAME their viewing figures account for every player. Therefore Overwatch is actually significantly higher in terms of players than views would let on because all of Overwatchs players are playing the game instead of watching. Yet apparently to you that ideology doesnt translate to any other game?

ā€˜Everyone is playing overwatch, thats why we have much lower viewers. compared to valorant, where obviously all their players are watching not playingā€™

Because that makes sense :roll_eyes: Whereas in actuality, every game has a portion of its community who never engage with social media/twitch etc.

The whole point of using viewing figures is to show interest in a product. If there are more people watching a certain game there are therefore more people playing that game? No? It may only be a % of the whole playerbase that watches twitch but that is a ratio of the entire playerbase that should scale relatively equally across different games.

Ie. if 20% of Overwatchā€™s players watch Overwatch on twitch and the other 80% of players just play, why is it impossible for only 20% of valorants players to watch valorant and the other 80% to just play likewise?

This is the kinda guy who will hire a team to construct a Skyscraper, call for an update 3 days later and fire everyone for not completing the project in the desired time. Then call everyone involved incompetent and sue them for sabotage.

You just want OW2 to be a failure, and so youā€™re just looking for any reason to validate what you want.

Iā€™m not buying OW2 and I am going to stop playing OW1 finally cause both are getting 5v5 and I just donā€™t like it. not mad or anything just not my style of play.
I had gotten bored of OW1 anyways

Keep believing that bud.

Not like i have played Ow since launch, 5000+ hours played, lived through every up and down of the game and actually want the game to succeed into the future.

Call me a hater if you want. Not sure how, considering Ow1 is my favourite game of all time, the best game I have ever played and i want it to get back to that level of praise and popularity.

Its because of my passion for the game that im not just gonna sit here and lie through my teeth about very clear issues ow2 is facing. You can sugar coat it all you want and bury your head in the sand, end of the day one of us will be right. I do hope its you with your positive outlook but all current signs are pointing the other wayā€¦

Youā€™re just a dreamer (wake up)

I donā€™t have to believe anything on no facts, all I have to do is look at your posting history.

well yes
I played 3 matches today, with completely different people and queues lasted likeā€¦40 seconds before getting into a match?
Or am I justā€¦wrong with what literally happened to me

Yes, I am still playing it along with some OW1 quickplay classic (since we donā€™t get that in BETA and miss some features like endorsements).

OW2 Beta is really fun.

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I mean tbh, I couldnā€™t care less about you, or these forums lol. Blizzard forums have been a cesspool since starcraft 1, and thereā€™s a reason why Iā€™ve made 0 posts until I got the beta. Thereā€™s always been people like you. You arenā€™t a snowflake.