Is anyone still playing ow2?

Next beta def needs QPC available, either supplementing or, instead of role queue.

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Boom. They play for a week because they already played all the new heroes and maps in the betas leading up to launch. Therefore have already played all the new content and within a week are gone again


You dont seem to understand the scale of the issue here so i am just going to ignore your replies because you are wasting my time.

Your amazing ability to somehow speak for others you have yet to speak to or know is impressive.

Case in point I haven’t played much this weekend but that is because there is no comp. I like comp so even though the game is fun I feel less motivated. Somehow you have extrapolated my motivation as something else entirely though.

You’re clearly the true genius. Overwatch 2 releases means PvE is permanently available for casuals that want to buy it and play it. Even if you don’t care about the new heroes that have already been showcased they can still play the story and PvE if they are interested in it.


You do realize this a beta and it’s not even complete (I mean besides the PvE, since that likely won’t even be there at launch) and there’s no progress or unlock that could carry, so not much reason for people to grind.

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Can you link to the stats, I would like to see them.

Also in general. I think it is very unlikely to expect a beta with much more content than this one

I would not expect a beta with more new stuff than this current one.

Doubt we will be getting 4 new maps in every beta. Most likely will drop down to 2 either next beta or the one after.

Very unlikely we will get many more hero reworks coming in the future also. Seems like they are pretty content with most of the heroes in the game rn.

So really its just new heroes that can increase from here on out.

So… not only are less people going to come back there will be less content with each passing beta to come back for

Be great if anyone else used logic on here but i guess you all live in some dreamland where every beta will have 4 maps, 2 heroes, new reworks etc

Better than nothing just because of waiting for PvE.

its a beta, you couldnt be THAT daft

E: try some “logic” yourself sometime, lmao

Ok and Overwatch is primarily a pvp game??? Its what we all bought it for. Not to shoot ai. Although most of the players are bots anyway so…

thinking pve will save it is more delusions lol. You realise the more successful the pve the less successful the pvp becomes?

Sweet summer child. You clearly have never played a game in your life

Did you play the bf 2042 beta? Which was exactly the same at launch.

Did you play the back for blood beta? Which was exactly the same at launch.

Did you play the cod vanguard beta? Which…. You get the point.

Beta is just a title used as an excuse for devs to brush away concern with stuff before launch. The amount of time players have been told
‘Oh dont worry its just a beta. It will be fixed by launch’

Dont know how many betas people gotta play before they catch on lol. No wonder companies keep trying to scam you with broken games at launch. You bend over backwards for them and froth at the mouth for them to stuff the next broken game down your throats

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Also like i said. A beta is a first impression. And sets the game up for its future. Bad beta, the game performs poorly. Good beta. The game performs well.

I get tired of ow2 pretty fast. The game is faster and even more disorganized feeling. It’s like ow1 on crack, unfortunately the bad stuff is amplified as well.

I think speeding the game up wasn’t something I was looking for. I won’t play ow2 for the PvP if it stays the same.
But at the same time I have never been interested in repeating PvE games more than a few times.


based octo24 per usual

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I will use stylosas pole for my example. On his Twitter percent preferred overwatch 2 and 4 percent didn’t like it. Of course 62 percent hadn’t played the beta. 12 percent just didn’t care about ow anymore.

23 percent to 4 percent. That’s pretty big differ3nce of people who like ow2 more. Where’s your data? Oh wait it doesn’t exist so you just insult people with no information to back up anything.

This is your opinion. Not statistical.

You are using twitch. Why would people watch it when they can just play it? People have limited time to play it they aren’t going to waste that time watching it.

Maybe two or three matches a day, but it’s hella boring just like Overwatch 1 :woman_shrugging:

source and evidence?

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viewership went down more than 90% in less than a week, it speaks for how people view ow2. people were checking out the reworks and then its basically overwatch 1 with a small update


and viewership for OW2 is still higher than OW1 so :thinking:

i made MH in custom and i have been playing quite a bit

I played it happily for most of the weekend, but I don’t stick to one game myself and I spent the other half playing The Isle. Being a dinosaur is fun, rawr

Smells like a metal player complaining in here