Invulnerabilities, get out of jail free cards, hardcounters

Is Blizzard lowering the IQ of this game to their level? Making it less about skill/strategy and more about these things?


yes. because the avg IQ is dropping.

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Where have you been? That’s been the entire theme of OW2. Strategy doesn’t matter. Just turn your brain off, pick a hitscan and shoot things.


I’m sick of these buzz words I’m ngl ! Maybe people’s IQs should be high enough to PLAY AROUND THEM!!!


The irony…
The less broken abilities there is, the less strategy.
A game that is all about mechanics requires little strategy.

OW was never a purely mechanical game. Since the beginning, it was a mix of mechanical skill and MOBA abilities.

Also Juno just got revealed and she has no invulnerabilty.
Weird timing.


Um… Are you new to overwatch? Invulns and get out abilites have been apart of overwatch since its launch date.

Like that was always a apects of the game, and you had to strategize to use them and get around them. They wernt something you could just use without thought.

If anything, by removing them the game would become more simple.


It’s like you’ve never played OW1.

I’ve said it before and since you people can’t learn anything I’ll continue saying it, but if you want ults to be impactful you need meaningful ways of countering them. Ults can’t be free kill buttons because that’s just not fun, but they still need to be impactful to actually feel like ults. Which means cc and invulns need to exist, and I prefer invulns.


It’s been the theme of Overwatch since the very beginning.

Invulnerability on Mercy’s when using Revive ultimate.

Invulnerability when using Wraith form.

Invulnerability when using Transcendence.

Invulnerability when using Particle or Projected Barrier.

Invulnerability when using Defense Matrix, or hopping out of MEKA.

It’s not really MOBA abilities, as MOBAs tend to avoid strong abilities that cause invulnerability.

Neither does Mercy (anymore), or Lucio. Juno isn’t really special here.



um… have you played mobas?

Like smite has many heroes who have invulns built into their kit, and they also have the relic that everyone can get called agis that grants immo.

League I dont know most heroes, but I do know that some have invulns, and there is also the hourglass that grants immo.

Dota2 a few heroes have immo type abilites, and there are items that also grant immo like aeon disk that people can build.

HoTS also has immos abilites, though they probably have the least number of them. Been while since I last played so its a bit fuzzy.

Saying Mobas avoid stong abilites that cause invulrability is just false.

Just look at dazzle from Dota, he has a ability where he places a buff on a target and while the buff is active they can not die (excluding a few exceptions), and tanks to his ult and other CD reduction items he can have almost if not 100% uptime on that ability, making someone basically unkillable.

They generally do.

League’s invulnerability comes from an item which - while often used - also comes with a severe drawback.

Most of the invulnerabilities you’re also mentioning tend to be abilities that prevent crowd control, rather than strict damage negation; like many Heroes of the Storm abilities.

Additionally, I didn’t they didn’t have invulnerabilities, that they just tend to avoid making overly strong ones. Many of the ones that they do make, do come with some fairly severe drawbacks.

So I cant speak much for league, its my least played moba.

But for smite/dota, this is just false, they throw invulns out left right and center, especially smite.

Smite even has abilites that give enmeys immo as well.

And many of them have little to no draw back.

HotS has a few, hard and soft. Some are full invulns, some are cc immunity, some are damage immunity but CC vulnerability. Some you can’t act during (stasis, much like [and including, since she’s in hots] mei ice block).
Protected status (vulnerable to cc but damage immune)
Unkillable status (can take damage and cc but cannot die)
Invulnerable status (can’t take damage or cc)
Unstoppable status (can take damage but not CC)
Stasis status (can’t take damage or CC but also can’t act or move)

I think it’s actually quite common in the current state of the game. Deathwing is literally permanently unstoppable lol

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Its been a while since I played hots, I just remember that there were some. I play alduin alot so I new there was at least 1.

Yup! One of Anduin’s heroics grants protected (and can be upgraded to Invulnerable at 20)

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He and probius are my mains in Hots, probably why I like lifeweaver in OW

Skill police are on the job! Sure, there are FPS games entirely based around mechanical skills, but why play one of those when you can try to ruin the only casual friendly alternative?

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so that it makes it okay to add more even broken invulnerabilities that can totally negate ults like baps lamp and suzu and lifeweavers pull? It makes the game cheap and throws stuff like being able to punish bad positioning obsolete.

OW is one of the highest IQ FPS out there. Go play CoD or Fortnite and then tell me OW isnt about strategy. What a joke :rofl:

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in comparison to what it was before…

What skill does Hammond has? Roll in, get a 400HP shield, roll out.