Invulnerabilities, get out of jail free cards, hardcounters

I don’t know. I don’t play him.

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If that’s all you do on Ball, you’re no more effective than those 500 damage per minute Sombras.


:point_up: :hushed:
:door: :walking_woman:

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Before what? OW has had immortality abilities from the very beginning, since it launched. :man_shrugging:


there was transcendence and beat drop - there was NO immortality before bap joined the roster

i dont read petroglyphs, can you please use words written in common english

Incorrect. Reaper has had wraith since the beginning, that is a self immortality ability. Try again.

does not heal, is trackable and does not negate the dmg previously taken

try again bro.

You hit the ability, you become immortal. I dunno what else youre talking about, move the goal posts at your leisure if it suits your “argument.”


I don’t play that rat. Thats what the enemy does

What do you mean. Get out jail free is basically anything that made it so I didn’t get the kill. Which has existed all of Overwatch. Immortalities have gone up but also started in Overwatch 1. And hard counters existed too.

This isn’t new to the game in the last year or month or two years or even three. This has always existed.


I’d argue the playerbase has actually grown in IQ but have lost in honor. Counter picking is a sign of more players playing to win the. Playing to have fun. The requirement to be good is no longer be good at one or two heroes now you need to be good with a handful of heroes. Because counter play is so prevalent. More people pick the correct strategy than stubbornly ramming their head into a wall over and over one their one trick. I’d say IQ has gone up which is why all the mechanical people are struggling more and more.

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not as funny tho

where have you been? lol. this game has been continuously lowering it’s skill floor more and more overtime to the point where the game actively plays for you nowadays. you get free value for just existing

I agree, remove deflect from Genji and remove recall from Tracer

not really but most of the posts are made by players who play these two heroes and they don’t acknowledge their own get out of jail free cards


If you want a straight skill game then go play CoD or Valorant. OW isn’t a tactical shooter or whatever the sweats play, it’s supposed to be an ability-based shooter / moba hybrid. I’m tired of explaining this to people.

For the hard-counters, they playtested the passive swaps which do help ameliorate the issue, so hopefully it comes back. As for invulns and escape tools, those are to be expected in a game with moba-like qualities. I know for sure that LoL has them so yeah.

Thank you. I honestly don’t know what characters OP plays, but if its any flanker or any high-mobility dps / tank then I really just don’t want to hear it.

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There is a HUGE difference, that people like to downplay to hell, and that is a trade off.
Aka “If I want to be immortal, I can’t do X

That is something that Reaper has, that Bap, Kiriko and LW don’t.

And yes, Im really glad Juno doesn’t have one. Its getting weird to play vs teams that have multiple immortalities. Its a cheap shortcut in hero design to give power to an otherwise dull hero (see Venture for more info).

PS: Just in case the usual suspects start to drop : Having a longer CD is NOT a trade off. CDs being longer is to balance the value obtained by the ability, not to make it “fair”.

Yes they do.

Bap cannot leave the range of his IF. He is only invulnerable only while he is in his field. He gets booped away, he dies.

Weaver’s grip has plenty of trade offs. His target cannot take any action while being gripped. His grip also leads to huge spacing issues (ie, all the space between weaver and his grip target vanishes. Rut roh).

Kiri admittedly has no trade offs, but her immort lasts for literally less than a second. Now that I say it out loud, kinda seems like a tradeoff to me. Sorta.

I could do this all day :sunglasses:


They don’t
You just listed how to use the ability properly or not fail miserably while doing so, any hero “has that”.

Well you are going to need the Cpt America’s serum sunshine because none of the things you listed are a trade off.

PS: LW gets covered by the immortality bubble while gripping someone.

zarya and reaper, dva demeching, mercy rez