The kiriko bans are unsurprising

Besides kirko, I’m assuming bap would be banned a lot to if they could.

Goes to show how broken and insufferable these hero designs are. Immortality is actually the worst thing to have been added to this game


What’s the context? Pro play or something new in game? Haven’t been following OW that closely lately.


Ok time to rework these heroes


And that doesnt include abilites that provide sudo immortality like genji deflect, orissa spin, sigma suck, defence matrix.

Yall really need to get over immo abilites as they exsist in many forms and keep alot of heroes and abilites in check because of them.


I guess this is my life now.

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People overrate Kiriko like hell. Look at her stats and you will see that Kiriko is only OP in the top 1% of games.

Ana is the real nightmare no one wants to play against.


I’d also like to know. There are no bans in-game, so not sure what they’re referencing.


The only ones I find super annoying are kiriko and bap. It’s not so much the abilities themselves but the heroes that have them and how it goes with the rest of their kit. If they only had suzu and lamp that’s one thing. But it’s that Kiri has suzu, a tp through walls, a wall climb and one of the smallest hitboxes. Bap not only has lamp but his shift and jump. Add on that they have some strong dmg too and you can see the frustration. There are times I try to duel a bap and I have him almost dead before he presses shift. Then uses lamp. And after that maybe jumps somewhere else lol. Sometimes I’m left thinking how tf do I kill this guy lol.

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Just gonna but this here. sorta

If you look at the actuall surface area of hitboxes she is larger then some other.

Its all thanks to her legs. and how she stands. Since the hitbox is a massive marshmellow around the model, since her legs are at thoes weird angels, it makes her a “larger” target.

If you ever struggle to hit a kirko aim for the legs.

Symettra has the same issue, her legs make her easier to hit.

Heroes that stand strait, like moria, soilder, mecree, are harder to hit as their hitbox is more “compact”

Like actually room temp IQ, if you’re claiming even 90% of the heroes you mentioned in that listing of heroes have “immortality fields” in the same context as the usual heroes that are complained about.


I think shooting a junkrat tire or dodging a genji or tracer pb or hiding from dva bomb is skillfull,

even hooking and killing them or shooting them too.

pressing E and going panananananana nanananana is not really good, its ok if its like a ult like trans or beat or even mass rez, having suzu kunaichi, hypie gripper, mooga’s ex lamper is just killing the vibe.

Thats the problem though, if we didnt have abilities like suzu or immo you would be almost forced to go those defensive ult heroes otherwise your team would get hit by an ult and all die. The game has almost forced designs like suzu and immo to exist

They dont make defensive support ults like beat or trans anymore. Its either offensive ults like kitsune, captive sun or tempo ults like tree or oribital ray. None of the support ults since ow1 launched have really been defensive ults at all

• Game launched with rez, beat & trans
• Nano has always been heavily offensive
• valkyrie is a tempo ult
• Coal is a tempo ult, cant save allies
• rally is always used for tempo
• amp matrix is exclusively used offensively
• kitsune pure aggro/offensive
• tree is tempo, wont save anyone
• captive sun is pure dps
• oribital ray is tempo/offense

They dont make those ults that save your team from a grav anymore. Those are now having to be put on abilities to keep up with the pace of the game. If we were to remove immo and suzu, the only way to stop your team being wiped from an ult would be play zen or lucio and counter ult. How much worse would the game be if every game 1 support always had to go zen or lucio just to keep your team alive from the enemy ults


This is why I’m glad that there will never be a hero ban pick in OW2 outside of pro league. As a Kiri main it would suck so much to not be able to play her due to something that is out of my control.

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Most of the time you don’t need to save with ults.

Eat a grav don’t get caught in it, shield a grav there is so many ways to do it.

Ult is like a last option.

Again the E needs to be something with effort.

Hog can whole hog the zaraya away when graved of he gets nanoed.

Using cheap abilities makes for less interesting options.

So odd thing I just thought off.

Why do people get mad at immos with midigation tools can cause the same result?

Like a immo prevents people from taking damage, but something like defence matrix also does that, she prevents people from taking damage by deleting the damage, or a rein shielding is preventing damage from happening, effectivley having the same result of a immo.

Take this for example, lets say ana sleeps someone, and a widow is about to shoot them.

In scenario A, bap throws lamp down preventing sleeping target from dying

In scenario B, Rein holds shield protecting sleeping target

Both lamp and shield did the same, save sleeping person life.

And this isnt just a 1 off sitation, any time anyone uses a ability to save a life, a mei walling off something , a dva defence matrix, a genji deflect, ect. They all do the same thing, prevent someone from dying.

So why do immo abilites get called out when so many thing effectively do the same thing


The more balanced ults are more affected by invulns anyway though so…

Maybe if they didn’t have multiple survival tools. if it was just the one, sure. Bap has two. Kiriko has two.

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cause there is no real skill with the ones you that are present.

catch a grav with dm or deflecting it is a lot harder.

even a rein holding shield means its a tank that has to be there and hold it in the proper way and it prevents him from doing stuff.

all this dlc supports just press a E and hakuna mattata and continue doing their stuff .

its cheap

I like how no one knows what this guy is referencing but still just use it as a way to trot out all their arguments again.


I caught 2 solo shatters from a Rein that really really hates grandmas for some reason in a King’s Row game last night. :laughing:

Who’s that salty in getting Kiriko players banned

Now do you understand why tanks despise 5v5? This is literally what playing tank is like. You play a tank you enjoy and are good with, 1 minute later you have 5 hard counters on you and are forced to switch. If the support role was countered this easily, blizzard HQ would be up in flames by now.