Instead of making a new UI for owl

How about u make us a new UI for our matches so we can see everyone’s health and who’s alive and what team mates have ults without freaking spamming Tab periodically throughout a match.:clap::triumph:


You mean work on features for the game itself? LUL I have a smarter idea, let’s create 20 MORE OWL teams. That’s smart spending, right? Who cares about making this game fun to play, let’s just make it fun to watch.


I like your idea OP, but how does that get more people to watch owl? Isn’t that the whole point of video games?


I think he’s saying to give the OWL Spectator thingy to us in the main game. It’s also the same UI thing that shows up during PvE events such as Junkenstein’s Revenge and Archives.

Seriously, this game will be 3 years old in May, and we still don’t have a useful UI.


OWL is love.
OWL is life.
OWL… was a really bad decision.


That info is deliberately hidden from the players. As the first PVE event had team info on screen and the player base loved it. People thought it would be the new default in all game mode but then that did not happen.

Dev have said in the past they wanted to cut down on screen clutter but I suspect it’s really about looking to curb certain toxic like action if the info was on screen all the time. People might not notice certain players being dead in kill feed over and over, but they would notice a player being grey’ed out all the time.

Same for how long an ULT was taking to be built. “It’s been 3min and you’re only 35%?!” etc.


Still it’s important. I also would like a scoreboard. I dont care if some people are butthurt by this but we need more information in our games. The medal system is bad and is more toxic as a good scoreboard or as a good UI.


But why would they do that?

Wouldn’t you prefer that they spend all of their time making the game better for some “Pro’s” than actually enhance them game for those who support it?

You’re insane.


pls let this be happen

it’s not even fun to watch tho :joy:


I want that owl UI to be a toggle option in the base game.

“Toggle Team Status Bar on/off”

It would save me so much frustration if all of my tunnel-visioned teammates could get a sitrep by glancing at a corner of the screen.

“I need healing!”

Yeah, well I’m dead. If we had that owl UI, they’d know that before jumping into a brawl thinking that I was right behind them.


You know that blizz doesn’t directly own or fund any of the OWL teams. They’re all owned by private organizations.

Someone has to make all the skins for all the teams. OWL is nothing but a waste of resources.

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And develop stuff for the game itself? That’s crazy.

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Yup, because the art team changing a few palettes are definitely hogging resources and screwing with game balance

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The devs admitted in an interview that they purposely diverted resources from the main game to try and make OWL a “success”, when they could have been working on features for the game itself. So yes, OWL deserves to be hated and it deserves to fail. Overwatch might not have degraded so much in quality if it weren’t for OWL.

Hint to any devs out there: forcing an eSport out of a poorly balanced game with an even poorer map selection will only permanently harm your game.


Yes and its run by a different team. Team 4 (The Overwatch Dev. Team) doesn’t handle OWL stuff. They helped out at its initial launch when the OWL Team was still short staffed. But that was only during the Fall season of the OWL launch.

Players however have been perpetuating the myth that the Dev. team is slaving away for OWL.

Also art team != UI team. The people who make skins are not the same people who make gameplay changes, UI changes, balance changes, new heroes mechanics, etc.


Not even relevant.

The money spent on OWL isn’t coming from the developer’s funds. It’s MLG’s budget, Twitch’s revenue, ad revenue, and buy-ins from various orgs including Comcast and other major players with deep pockets.

OWL is only taking time away from the devs. Not money.


Got you fam. [Confirmed] Dev team actively diverted resources to OWL


If you think they have separate teams of artists working on OW skins and OWL skins. Separate UI artists working on OW UI and OWL UI…

I don’t know what to say honestly.

Blizzard moves their non-essential devs around between teams ALL the time. The designers and team leads stay put, but everyone else is going to be moved around to do whatever is most needed at the moment.

I agree that this is untrue.

Jeff and Geoff and Arnold and Michael and the other folks we know from Team 4 probably don’t spend a lot of time on OWL-related stuff (especially Arnold and Michael, as they’re lead concept art/writing respectively – things not needed in OWL). Even Jeff and Geoff probably only go into a meeting with OWL team once a week at most.

But resources are finite.

The UI designers can only work on one thing at a time. Is it going to be OWL viewer client? Or is it going to be UI for the actual OW game? With all the cost-cutting going around, obviously they can’t just hire more people and work on both.

The coders, the QA testers, and base-level artists, etc. – they are the ones being shuffled around from one priority to another.